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  1. Treemoss

    Hearing (Merged) Including Hearing Tests and Hearing Categories

    I was simply offering my opinion on the situation? I wasn't going over anyones head here at all. But fine, I'll just stop posting all together.
  2. Treemoss

    Hearing (Merged) Including Hearing Tests and Hearing Categories

    Yes, if you feel strongly about wanting to appeal the decision go for it. But it's a long process, and if you've already been determined "deaf" medically by a doctor then I don't think it'll bold well but stranger things have happened. It's unfortunate. Not wanting vs being told no sucks.
  3. Treemoss

    Hearing (Merged) Including Hearing Tests and Hearing Categories

    Since I know SPM in real life, I am prevvy to everything he did to be successful in the application process. Basically he went to a hearing specialist that did a sound test, showed the doctor the hearing standards for the CAF, and then the doctor wrote a lil something up saying he was within...
  4. Treemoss

    Joining The Infantry

    Going to add a bit onto this. Don't just upgrade your marks, consider a post-secondary education as well. The military loves educated people.
  5. Treemoss

    About University's Honor Degree & General Degree

    What career or job are you looking to DEO into ?
  6. Treemoss

    Any fellow Med-Tech Wanna-bes?

    . _. anyone else going for med tech? All the others I knew on here got in.
  7. Treemoss

    Moore's Story

    Reminds me of one of the guys I did my CFAT test back in April. He was there with his mom and grandparents(it's a typical thing in newfoundland that your family accompany you everywhere), clad in cut up jeans, flimsy shoes and a size too big hoody.  I don't he was all there to begin with...
  8. Treemoss

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Interesting how calls are still going out : O
  9. Treemoss

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    Hmm.. ok. That's really good to know, bright side is i got time to continue putting money aside.
  10. Treemoss

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    I thought I would pose a question regarding money entering the CAF. I'm wondering how much money I should safely have prior to acceptance or BMQ as a safety net. I'm not 100% of the financials, fees, or costs going in.
  11. Treemoss

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Grats to all of you . _.!
  12. Treemoss

    BMQ and Headphones

    Noted and thanks, but I've well dropped this topic already. Wasn't stated prior that he had done so until after the fact, so I had no clue prior. Point is I'm not about to re-ignite this.
  13. Treemoss

    BMQ and Headphones

    Whatever. I'm not going to argue this, your opinion is your opinion. I will say this is a recruits section of the forum and that no matter how constructive you thought you were being you only sparked an argument.
  14. Treemoss

    Wedding during training

    Yea... probably the best thing to do is just wait for now. Besides, what's the rush on tying the knot : s
  15. Treemoss

    BMQ and Headphones

    No. You definitely are, and borderlining disrespectful. There's no real reason at all for you to be telling me that I, or whoever else you have told for that matter, cant suggest pieces things to members that want information. So yea... get off your high horse please. He asked for some insight...
  16. Treemoss

    BMQ and Headphones

    I didn't say I was a definitive expert on the topic, but that's the wisdom i was told and now im passing it on to others. Soo... yea, get off it.
  17. Treemoss

    BMQ and Headphones

    Youtube basic-up. Thatll give you a good idea.
  18. Treemoss

    Wedding during training

    If dates are being picked why not wait till you get in and finish bmq, then decide afterwards? That way you get a sense of a timeline to plan it and not complicate/delay your training  :-X
  19. Treemoss

    URINE Questions

    .. I've never heard of them taking blood or asking for a urine sample at the medical, unless they tell you to go get one done by a doctor.
  20. Treemoss

    Interview Is Tomorrow--- Prep Form QUESTIONS

    Was that V4 uncorrected?