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  1. Tibbson

    Detachment Organization

    Since their initial rank is granted based upon their entry requirements (college diploma at least) and the successful completion of their QL3 its not possible to go lower.  It would be like trying to demote a Private.
  2. Tibbson

    Yogi Berra dead at 90

    I guess it can now be said that it really is over. He was a great sports figure with a whit that is unmatched.  A legend in so many ways.
  3. Tibbson

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    Sadly I think you are right.  Efficiency be darned...PR is more important because that is what hurts us the most.
  4. Tibbson

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    Nope.  It's a whole new entity being essentially built from the ground up.  Sure they are looking at models used by the militaries of other nations but no, they are not buying into any other system.  I don't know why not though.  Each province has their own mandated and established victim...
  5. Tibbson

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    Actually, for many years now our Victim Services personnel have been working hand in glove with these civilian sexual assault and victim services agencies.  I guess what already exists isn't good enough.  ::)
  6. Tibbson

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    Budget Location Infrastructure Coord with other agencies Staff and training I somehow think 2017 is an ambitious target. The big issues I see are that they run the risk of injecting themselves into the policing process, whether it's civpol or MP.  They also duplicate much of the same services...
  7. Tibbson

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    We were briefed today that these are just the hours for the interim center.  Once the full centers are up and running (2017 or so apparently) the hours will be extended. I've got a number of other concerns with the set up as well but I'll comment on those once I get a few more questions answered...
  8. Tibbson

    CF MP Academy Updates

    I hope not.  I'm supposed to go down to teach on it for a week.  I'll check tomorrow unless we get an answer here in the mean time.
  9. Tibbson

    How does the army issue weapons?

    You have to remember too that as you go through your career and collect more points you will find better weapons along the way.  And there are often med kits prepositioned around the training area if you need a quick boost.
  10. Tibbson

    Canada’s Navy and the $40 Billion Question by YVES ENGLER

    I say why stop at $40 billion?  Pension us all off and use the money to fund free national day care, free medical marijuana for everyone even if they are not sick, free student loans, wide open borders immigration and alternative fuels from Goose poop.  And just think of the numbers of sleeping...
  11. Tibbson

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    If there are no other issues with the applicant's file they (the PSOs) normally know by the end of the MPAC who will be getting offers.  Its just a matter of ranking them with the remnants of earlier MPACs and making the offers to the top applicants.
  12. Tibbson

    Temporary Military ID in Las Vegas

    I know they were not accepted in Canada.  A number of years ago I went to Casino Niagara with my parents.  I was 40 or so at the time and they were late 60s.  Everyone was being carded at the time.  I guess they did random periods of 100% checks.  I showed my NDI 20 and they required "official...
  13. Tibbson

    Work Life in the CF

    I've spent 36 years in the CAF, am an Afghanistan and Bosnia vet with PTSD as well and my experiences have been the total opposite. So far I've had both a college diploma and a bachelors degree paid for using the various benefits so I dispute the individual's claim there are no education...
  14. Tibbson

    >170 CAF and DND addresses in Ashley Madison

    I wouldn't say that.  I'm sure there were some dumb enough to use it but at the same time we often get warnings about people spaming DND email addresses or using them for other nefarious purposes without the actual CAF member knowing.
  15. Tibbson

    Veteran groups seek to influence the 2015 vote

    Who I vote for is really relevant only to me and it's not something I normally discuss openly however which ever way I may choose to vote I certainly object to those who try to speak for me one way or the other.
  16. Tibbson

    "Toronto police exploring ‘clown guns’ for officers"

    First off, I never said there was a policy to shoot any time other than when it was needed.  And as far as the national use of force framework is concerned, I have a copy of it as well as the new Use of Force manual that is currently undergoing proofreading and translation.  With regards to my...
  17. Tibbson

    PMO control of the Military

    You can't say that all DND news releases are vetted by someone in the PMO's office.  I know for a fact that most are not unless they involve some info/opinion on government policy.  Another example is the PAFFO for the MP Group which do not consult outside the CFPMs office unless it involves...
  18. Tibbson

    "Toronto police exploring ‘clown guns’ for officers"

    IMHO it sounds like another plan from the "good idea fairy".  Considering that it will only work on the first shot...and cops are taught to double tap, I can see lots of potential for problems.  Heck, even with directed energy weapons we still occasionally have cops shooting people because they...
  19. Tibbson

    City of Richmond, BC, considers booting out RCMP, raising own police force

    Given the costs per RCMP member under the various contracts as well as the other associated costs I'm sure the Mayor is looking at it as a way to get more bang for his buck by having a department they had more fiscal and administrative control over.  I know that many smaller departments that...
  20. Tibbson

    Supreme Court on constitutionality of NDA 130

    I guess, if the SCC does something too drastic with Sec 130 the govt could always amend the CC in much the same way they did to allow it to apply to Canadian astronauts on the International Space Station.