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Search results

  1. Tibbson

    Home Equity Assistance & "Military Families Pushed to Financial Ruin" (Merge)

    Others can speak with more passion on this issue then I can but it really has nothing at all to do with profits.  It has to do with not losing your shirt owing to a career in the military.  I purchased my home for $255,000 and after three years at my last posting I was told I was moving again. ...
  2. Tibbson

    Time to Arm Cenotaph Guard? (split from Domestic Terrorism)

    Yes but not for this reason.  A task such as this is totally inappropriate for their training and purpose.
  3. Tibbson

    91 Year Old Vet Finally Gets His Medals

    http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?playlistId=1.2280938 I'm glad to see he finally got what he deserves but it's a little distressing it took 70+ years.  I also find it appalling that he just received them in the mail and had to get them presented by his "lunch buddies".  Surely they could have been...
  4. Tibbson

    Trailer for "Weekend Warriors" a new TV sitcom about Canada's part-time soliders

    Really?  I just heard 4.11 minutes of gratuitous foul language.  Not that I have anything against foul language but I didn't see it interspersed with much humour.  Oh well, to each their own.
  5. Tibbson

    Stuart Langridge, R.I.P. (suicide, MP probe - merged)

    The Commission report itself clearly stated that while the investigations may have been flawed there is no doubt that the outcome of the investigations would have been any different and no criminal charges are warranted.  Bottom line is, the rest of the issues are within the scope of a BOI, not...
  6. Tibbson

    Trailer for "Weekend Warriors" a new TV sitcom about Canada's part-time soliders

    Not only do they need at least a C list celebrity I'd venture to say they need to find something funny too.  Just didn't see the humour in what is online.  But...if they are having fun what the heck.  At least they are not hanging around street corners.
  7. Tibbson

    New RCAF Mess Kit Support wear

    I'd check with your CoC however I did find this reference online (dated 2013):  http://rcaf.museum/files/new_rcaf_mess_dress%20%282%29.pdf The copy of dress instructions I have available right now is a bit dated (from 2011) but it does make reference to branch cummerbund's being allowed however...
  8. Tibbson

    Civilians complaining about Police/Emergency Services' Pay

    I look at it as more of an officer safety issue actually and not TPS telling them they must have paid duty officers at all.  Obviously the school requested a paid duty presence and if TPS requires their officers to work in pairs then so be it.  Would someone be able to tell mariomike that he was...
  9. Tibbson

    US Army looking to store tanks, equipment in Eastern Europe

    Jeez, too bad we couldn't rent them space on one of our bases.  Oh yeah, thats right, we don't have them any more.  Darn. 
  10. Tibbson

    Future USAF long-range strike bomber (LRS-B)

    I can't help but think back on how much all of that technology helped when it came to tracking MH370. 
  11. Tibbson

    Civilians complaining about Police/Emergency Services' Pay

    Your point is perfectly valid as well but that won't stop people from saying "Look how many are on the list (or how much they make) and they still want a raise or budget increase."  Many won't look beyond the numbers as to the root causes.
  12. Tibbson

    Civilians complaining about Police/Emergency Services' Pay

    Sadly most will only look at the number and not the total hours it took to earn that amount.  I know plenty of civilian officers who earn huge amounts each year but they have to forgo vacation time and work plenty of overtime to make that amount. 
  13. Tibbson

    Legalized Prostitution

    I've had a number of investigations I've done over the years where once someone was convicted the tax man swooped in and assessed them based on their illegal drug sales, embezzled money or fraudulent payments.  Revenue Canada always makes sure they get theirs.  lol
  14. Tibbson

    "RCMP set aside criminal investigations to increase counter-terrorism"

    We all know what it means to do more with less.  Something has to give. 
  15. Tibbson

    Help with Identifing Collar Dog

    No crown like on this one:  http://www.britishbadgeforum.com/thumbs/canada_badge.jpg or more recently this one http://www.canadiansoldiers.com/insignia/caprcd.jpg  or this one http://www.rcmpveteransvancouver.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/48_Gordon_Highlanders_web.jpg or this one too...
  16. Tibbson

    Merged Child Custody in CF thread (joint custody, etc.)

    Call the court and ask them.  They will tell you the process.
  17. Tibbson

    Merged Child Custody in CF thread (joint custody, etc.)

    Yes you can certainly ask the court for a change in the date and I'd try that first before I went the RTU route. 
  18. Tibbson

    Court Martial discussion (merged)

    I'm sure FJAG will have a more concise answer but I believe there is no formal time frame set down in any legislation.  The accused can make application to have the matter thrown out if they feel it has gone on too long but then then the prosecution gets to explain why the matter has taken the...
  19. Tibbson

    Leonard Nimoy, 1931-2015, R.I.P.

    Hmmm, I guess all of the private jets must have been booked.
  20. Tibbson

    Military judge appointed to the Superior Court

    I agree with you totally and you've essentially stated what I intended...only better.  It most certainly is a different standard and the reasons for it are certain clear enough. 