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  1. 762gunner

    Unit Training Scenarios

    Some good suggestions there. In the context of previous posts, training should start at the lowest level and escalate. In other words: Each soldier should know their job well and be familiar with the job of their next-up (in the chain). Then go to some of the previous scenarios on a...
  2. 762gunner

    Trade retention

    Hooboy, I think you‘re really opening a can of worms. Where to start? Well, at one Edm svc bn, they‘ve gone from a platoon of maintainers and a coy FULL of truckers to less than half a dozen veh techs, and about three truckers. Why? EME has had a LOT of superbly qualified people...
  3. 762gunner

    Don‘t know Jack about army life...help!

    Hi Mom! Are you talking Reserve or Regular Force? Perhaps in both cases, one route you can go is for you and him (assuming no embarrassment for him to be seen with you :-) ) to visit your nearest Recruiter. They can answer most if not all your questions personally. Perhaps you can also make...
  4. 762gunner

    Business cards and the CF

    As one having worked as MSE Safety, Chief Dispatcher and Maint Coordinator full-time for a Reserve unit, I was entitled to biz cards. However they took FOREVER to come in. I created a couple of different (but similar) formats I used, and were approved as ‘unofficial‘ business cards (I had...
  5. 762gunner

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Howdy, all. Over time, I‘ve heard all kinds of opinions, one of which is the instinctive reaction of men to want to protect women. Yeah, I‘ve felt that too, but my professionalism (I like to think) stopped me from acting on that (and/or inappropriately). However, there is an excellent...
  6. 762gunner

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Howdy, all. Over time, I‘ve heard all kinds of opinions, one of which is the instinctive reaction of men to want to protect women. Yeah, I‘ve felt that too, but my professionalism (I like to think) stopped me from acting on that (and/or inappropriately). However, there is an excellent...
  7. 762gunner

    The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

    Too much time on your hands? Not enough to think about with your own life? I‘ve been in over 17 years and I couldn‘t give two sh--- whether someone is homosexual or not. If they do their job, are mature, respect others, etc. no problem. I know several gay men and women I work with, and I‘ve...
  8. 762gunner


    The best thing is to talk to your friendly local neighbourhood PSO. There is an online database (only on the DWAN) that shows civilian equivilencies to military trades, but it is being updated regularly (though it‘s always a bit behind). The PSO can provide you with the latest information on...
  9. 762gunner

    Wackiest military rumour ever heard?

    Very unfortunately, that was true. It happened about a year ago, I believe. It was reported in Safety Digest and was posted on a bulletin board. I guess it didn‘t occur to some moronic retard to explain the difference between ball and blank to someone that had never seen either before.
  10. 762gunner

    The FN C1 - Service Rifle of the Past (and C7A1 vs FN C1A1)

    I used the FN C1 and for its time, it was a nice piece of work. I would give my eye teeth (and a chunk of change) to buy one now (even converted to a semi-auto). Due to its weight, it was not difficult to get near perfect scores on the range. NOW? It USED to be easy to get marksman on the...
  11. 762gunner

    new rucks

    As per the order of priority, there is no CSS listed. That means Svc Bn‘s will have to do their BFT‘s and field ex‘s with the current ruck? I still would encourage those with the means to purchase their own 64 pattern. As a matter of philosophy, it‘s a shame that solders still have to...
  12. 762gunner

    Need Help with DP Orders

    Quickie summary to make it easy: Start with FROM, TO, and Req No. This info is for ref in the CP. Paras as fol: A: Pri DP LOC; B: Contact Pt for Pri DP; C: Alt DP Loc; D: Contact Pt for Alt DP; E: Desired time to open; F: Suitability for aerial resup; G: Recommended approach (i.e. grid, rte...
  13. 762gunner

    new rucks

    As one usually holding Instructor positions, I use my 64-pattern ruck in the summer as it is VERY... what? ergonomically correct with heavy loads? And it feels a **** of a lot better. If the designers in Otta-Waah really gave a dang for the health of the troops the 84 would have never been...
  14. 762gunner

    CA calls for 80,000 Personelle including Airborne

    Why not have regular audits run by Fin personnel not affiliated with the bde a subj unit is in? I have seen too many wasted dollars by people that do not have to account for their expenditure. Not enough people believe in the fact that the unit mission should come first, NOT special events for...