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Search results

  1. 762gunner

    Wearing Sunglasses While On Duty

        Ballistic glasses?  Never heard of them, but I'll definitely look them up when I get back.  Thanks!
  2. 762gunner

    Buying "Truth, Duty, Valour" the TV series on the CF

        Could be worse.  Been in Wx for one year, eleven months, and twenty nine days, and yet to hook up cable or satellite.  It's POSSIBLE to download pretty much any TV show you want from newsgroups (the hidden treasure on the Net) but of course I cannot confirm or deny that!     Cheers!  :-X
  3. 762gunner

    Wearing Sunglasses While On Duty

        For whatever MY opinion is worth...  :)       Over the last few years I've driven Offrs, Sr NCO's, and other VIP's around.  When talking to them directly (while not driving), I take my glasses off.  When driving, they be on.     My glasses are Oakley's, black frames, black lenses, and...
  4. 762gunner

    What would keep you in the army?

        A date with an army chick.  Got everything else I need.  ;D
  5. 762gunner

    Military Singles

        I guess it boils down to that old line from the 60's:  "If'n the Army wanted ya to have a wife, they'da issued you one!"     BTW, the buffalo here are starting to look good... need a step ladder but the darn critters won't stand still!    ;D
  6. 762gunner

    MLVW Replacement

        Chatting with one of those commissioned types, and the subject of the ML came up.  He believed that the replacement program has been in the works for a few years, but continually put on the back burner for other projects (choppers, the Stryker, gawd-knows-what-else).  Anyone hear anything...
  7. 762gunner

    Changing trades to mseop

        As a quick aside, when I took my 5's in 1998-ish I asked an instructor at the course party about the lack of inspections, not that I was complaining.  I was told:     1.  This ain't a leadership course, per se;     2.  There's a lot of trade schtuff to cover, too much time on...
  8. 762gunner

    Military Singles

        I think Lavalife was the 15th or 16th singles site I've tried.  I've never met anyone (and I've met quite a few) on the sites that thought a long-distance relationship would work.  So being at a semi-remote base pretty much strikes out singles sites.     As far as clubs, organizations...
  9. 762gunner

    Military Singles

        Retired CC, nope, didn't take offense at anything.  At my age, there's not much at all that really offends me (at least, nothing that wouldn't offend us all).     Everyone has great suggestions, but even most of them won't work here, MAYBE the problem is that I just need a kick in the...
  10. 762gunner

    Military Singles

        I don't agree completely with what my buddy wrote.... it's obvious he has a chip on his shoulder (larger than mine).  But as for children being a negative, I love children (could never find the carrying handles on the babies, though).  I THINK what he meant is that with younger children, a...
  11. 762gunner

    Military Singles

    A buddy of mine wrote this, and this makes one think.  And if one is living on a small base with only a small town nearby, well then, life becomes and remains a day-to day grind of only looking as far ahead as the next day's work.   Being financially well-off isn't enough.  Being honest...
  12. 762gunner

    Military Singles

        Need advice...     I'm an older single in the Army.  I come home every night to an empty house for four reasons, I figure:     1.    My age (in the early fourties, usually feel like 29, sometimes feel like 80+);     2.    Where I'm posted (semi-quasi-isolated posting);     3.   ...
  13. 762gunner

    Why has the Canadian military forgotten its rich history in unarmed combat?

        And for that matter, why aren't ALL soldiers given at LEAST a basic unarmed combat course?  Can non-combat arms-types fight their way through a wet wall of toilet paper?
  14. 762gunner

    HLVW Course for Reserves this summer?

        Suggest talking with your nearest Reserve Svc Bn.  They might know probably more than anyone else.  If not during the summer, then they would know of a weekend course scheduled after summer training.     Good luck.
  15. 762gunner

    Is there any hope for a relationship??

        In Wainwright... Strike One.     Male... Strike Two.     Over 40... Strike Three.     In the military with all of the above... what's the point of looking forward to retirement?     Sorry, just had to blow off steam.  Cheers.
  16. 762gunner

    Canadian Military Slang

        BOHICA!  Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.     MSE OP  Me Start Engine, Okay Pal?
  17. 762gunner

    Changing trades to mseop

        Once nice thing is while working for GPV sect and operating T/T, bus, medical runs, etc. I can make a lot of extra cash on meal and overnight claims.  Granted, $200-$400 extra cash a month may not be a lot for some people, but it's a lot of whiskey money.  A few truckers have joined/come...
  18. 762gunner

    The Website for ordering Equipement

        Can I get a Carl G there?  Rush hour here in Wainwright's a bitch.    javascript:void(0);Grin ;D
  19. 762gunner

    Historical Uniforms

    No offence to those offended, but I‘m not into it to make a buck. I sorta think that‘s cheap and disrespectful. I‘m funny that way. All you combat arms guys have enough Esprit de Corps and regimental history and markings and badges and unit honours to walk to the moon on, but us guys that...
  20. 762gunner

    Historical Uniforms

    Howdy. I am interested in putting together a couple of uniform ensembles right from boots and puttees to the headress and cap brass. Is there any references to Canadian uniforms and markings in the 30‘s-40‘s or during the 50‘s (during major conflicts)? I imagine that bits and pieces might...