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Search results

  1. foerestedwarrior

    Blood clot

    Ok, sort of on the same issue. I have a pending CT to the regs waiting. I have been diagnosed with DVT in my right upper arm. I am currently on cumaden for it. I am going in to see the PO on wednesday at CFRG about it. Though it would be nice if someone that knows can tell me. Can I procede...
  2. foerestedwarrior

    Your Favorite Military Video Game

    Well just picked up BF 2142.....I am going to give er a shot tonight.
  3. foerestedwarrior

    Counter recruiting

    I know, I just noticed that there is one in the town my parents live in. I am visiting this weekend, I might take a little stroll to the library where they are..
  4. foerestedwarrior

    What da frigg was the director think about - The Movie Sential

    Well they were in Canada, so sneaking through security in a Canadian uniform seems like a non issue. Seeing as how the Canadians were providing security.
  5. foerestedwarrior

    "A typical Afghan mess ruins Canadians' day" From Thursday's Globe and Mail

    Hey, that is an intersting article. Shows a side of this you dont normaly see. That and the fact that the WO is in my unit.
  6. foerestedwarrior

    Passwording Computers on a home network

    Get to user options like how I posted. There should be an option to change you user type. You can find out what level of user you are there.
  7. foerestedwarrior

    Passwording Computers on a home network

    The network I have setup here at work,(I work in an IT shop, and we hooked up some laptops to play games on at lunch) has 4 computers on it. Only one has a password login when you start up. That is also the only one that forces you to log in with the same info if you try and access the info...
  8. foerestedwarrior

    Passwording Computers on a home network

    Well like was said, most likley they are not shared already. Though if you want to make sure(assuming you have Win XP), just make it so you need a password to log onto windows. That will make it so that anyone trying to access your shared drives(again assuming there are any) will need your...
  9. foerestedwarrior

    Ph.D infantry soldiers

    What is this increments you speak of? You cant just use all of them?
  10. foerestedwarrior

    Yet another version of the Recruiting Web Site

    Ya, the highspeed point is huge. My sister is looking at joining the forces, and she is on dialup, it took her almost 10 minutes to load the first page. I fixed the problemby emailing her the exact link to the page she wanted. Having a non flash, HTML site is critical. My parents(sister lives...
  11. foerestedwarrior

    Tim Hortons in Theatre Merged Thread (in AFG, no plans to preposition)

    Oh man, I had poutine for the first time since highschool(3 years ago) on the weekend. It was so good, and I felt like crap for about 6 hours after. The mess' have tons of variety, some good, some bad. It is all on personal choices. Like geo said, the military gives you the choice, it is the...
  12. foerestedwarrior

    Ride from Pet

    Anyone in Pet going south on 13 Oct? I have a friend that I am trying to go to a race(mountianbike) with. The race is in Bancroft, but closer then Pet would be great.
  13. foerestedwarrior

    Decisions, Decisions

    HAHAHAHA, I just spit a mouthfull of penuts onto my desk.....
  14. foerestedwarrior

    Canadian Army Journal Issue 9.2

  15. foerestedwarrior

    lesser known exercises with great benefit

    Though there is alot of exercises that that recruit your core muscles that people dont realise. Like the push up, recruit alot of core strength.
  16. foerestedwarrior

    lesser known exercises with great benefit

    Well core strength isn't exactly a lesser known exercise. There has been many many different exercises come around, and over the last few years there has been some more concentration on it in the last few years. If you want more info about it, there is lots of info on this site alone, let alone...
  17. foerestedwarrior

    LFCA Task Force in 2007?

    Heard the same thing comming out of Ops at my unit(G&SF, 32CBG), last week.
  18. foerestedwarrior

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    Ok so maby its just the crazy in me talking, but I geuse I was brainwashed by George W. into beleiving that we actually went in, in 2002. INTO Kandahar, not Kabul initially. Oh, and all that debating on moving, and debating AND voting that went on with the mission extension(which apparently the...
  19. foerestedwarrior

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    been posted a few times already.
  20. foerestedwarrior

    Pte. Mark Anthony Graham 1 RCR - 04 Sept 06

    Well my understanding(little about the blue side of things) is that the fast air has little air time to start with so they use it on other skills..(if that is indeed the case) I think there should be more cross training, because as has been seen, there is a need for air support(rotary and fixed...