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  1. Eowyn


    Uhmm... having all of those degrees, I can say you don't get paid anymore.  In fact as an artcling student, I doubt the law firms even look at that.  Where I articled, they were involved in a large case dealing with engineering issues.  The lead counsel was surprised to hear that I was an...
  2. Eowyn

    Need Info on Canadian Women For School

    What about Jean Sauve?  She was the first female Governor General and before that held many posts as a cabinet minister in the Liberal governments.
  3. Eowyn

    HLVW Course for Reserve Cbt Arms

    It depends on which unit you belong to.  Usually only the Arty and Engineer units have a requirement for people to be trained HLVW, other than Svc Bn.  The training spots are generally given to those units.  Check with your chain of command.  If you have further questions, PM me.
  4. Eowyn

    HLVW Course for Reserve Cbt Arms

    Which Bge and what trade?
  5. Eowyn

    Reserves Weapons Tech

    There is a demand for them, but it's hard to get spare parts.  It also depends on what the Area Support Unit allows them to do, at least here.  In fact these comments relate to the Vehicle techs too. At this time, I hope you have most of the summer off, because the courses are around 3 months...
  6. Eowyn

    Gonna be the PMC at Mess Dinner & I need help

    I know, I have met the previous one several times.  But I'm talking about the Colonel in Chief.  They must be a member of the royal family.  Queen Elizabeth is the Colonel in Chief of the Calgary Highlanders and the King's Own Calgary Regiment.  The Queen Mum, was the Colonel in Chief of the...
  7. Eowyn

    Active Edge '04

    Ghost, maybe in your Area this type of concentration is done annually.  This is the first week long concentration done in Western Area in about 10 years.  So it is a big learning experience for all involved.
  8. Eowyn

    Loggies in Svc Bns vs Cbt Arm Units

    Being the previous Fin O to the one Michael mentioned and currently serving with a Service Battalion, I have an idea of both areas.  PM me sometime.  As the Fin O, I did go to the field, but like the QM, was a duty officer at the CP.
  9. Eowyn

    Transferring to another unit (RESERVE)

    "Commands" usually refers to Land Force Command, Maritime Command, Air Command. I don't know about other service battalions, but mine does for Snr NCOs and Offices.
  10. Eowyn

    Transferring to another unit (RESERVE)

    Commands?  If he is staying with the Militia, he isn't transferring Commands.  Possibly Brigades or Areas.  Some units still issue Ceremonial Dress to soldiers in certain positions.  I also believe that parts of the Guards units still have scarlets.
  11. Eowyn

    HI guys...trying to get into the infantry, need advice....

    The only bad thing about joining the Reserves first, can be the amount of time to process the transfer from the Reserves to the Regulars.  On the up side, during that time, you are still working with the Reserve Infantry unit and learning or honing your skills.
  12. Eowyn

    Letter to Calgary Sun - Michael Dorosh

    The Legion's definition of a veteran has nothing to do with Legion membership.  The membership criteria can be found here.  http://www.legion.ca/asp/docs/member/mem_who_e.asp They probably have a more inclusive definition of Veteran so that they can help more people.
  13. Eowyn


    It may be part of the CF arsenal, but not necessarily the Army's and definitely not the Militia's.  In your refencence, it mentioned the Navy's use for boarding parties.
  14. Eowyn


    They have already signed up... as CSS.  Can't you quasi infantry types stop trying to steal our soldiers... ;D ;)
  15. Eowyn


    I don't believe so, because I don't think the MP5 is part of the Army's arsenal.  Of course I could be wrong.
  16. Eowyn


    If you are a reservist Wpn Tech, you will mainly deal with the C7, C9 and C6.
  17. Eowyn

    Am I a good DOE(R) candidate?

    Umm... CRA is now 60. CANFORGEN 095/04 ADMHRMIL 047 091537Z JUL 04 IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AGE 60 (CRA60) I didn't copy the entire thing because it is quite lengthy.
  18. Eowyn

    Should the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Human Rights Code apply to the CF?

    The Charter says nothing against having a separate justice system.  The only qualification is that system must abide by the Charter, which the military one does.  I believe that is why the military justice system went through a very large revamping a few years ago.
  19. Eowyn

    general questions from a civilian.

    Just a couple of things, if you want to get into maintaining the vehicles (other than driver's maintenance) you will want to look at the EME trades (vehicle tech, weapons tech, FCS tech and material tech).  Welders in the CF are material technicians.