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  1. Eowyn


    You need BOTC and CAP(R) to be qualified 2Lt.  I guess the figure it's more cost effective to have the officers on the BMQ and then only have to fund the additional 5 days.
  2. Eowyn

    Reserve Armour Officer Cadets

    I think you mean CAP(R).  It is a 6 week course broken down into 3 x 2 week modules.  If you have the time, you can take it 6 weeks straight. BOTC, in 41 CBG, consists of BMQ and a 5 day addition course.  BMQ can be taken on weekends.
  3. Eowyn


    In 41 CBG, you would take BMQ with the Ptes, then take a 5 day course on leadership.  This qualifies you with BOTC and permits you to take CAP(R).
  4. Eowyn

    Basic and trade at the same time?

    I don't think they run the Artillery QL3 in Red Deer, probably the closest it would be is in Wainwright.  The closest reserve artillery unit is in Red Deer, which would mean that you would have commute Weds nights and the parade weekend.  It isn't easy, but it can be done.  I know of 2 people...
  5. Eowyn

    Rules on wearing individual uniform pieces outside of military events?

    My understanding it that you have to request, through the Chain of Command, permission from the CO.
  6. Eowyn

    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    From a conversation I had with an officer from CFRC, 2 weekends ago...   you must be a citizen to join the Reserves as well as the Regular Forces.
  7. Eowyn

    March Past Music

    Here is the official publication number. A-AD-200-000/AG-000   "The Honours, Flags and Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces" As far as I'm aware, this isn't available on the internet.
  8. Eowyn

    Reservists Job Protection Superthread

    On part to retention, especially for the Support trades, is the length of the courses.  Unless you are a student with the summer off, it very hard for the troops to get trained.
  9. Eowyn

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizen/becoming-howto.html To become a Canadian citizen you must: have lived in Canada for at least three of the four years before applying (amongst other things.) BTW, it only took me a couple of minutes to Google for that.  Maybe you might want to try that next...
  10. Eowyn

    Tell Me about MOC 421 Land(Weapon Tech)

    All I was told was that our MCpl Wpns Tech couldn't take the QL6 Reg Force without taking the Reg F QL5 or something to that effect.  This conversation was about 1 year ago, so the details are a little fuzzy.  The up shot is that this MCpl, who is a very good leader, won't be able to get his...
  11. Eowyn

    Tell Me about MOC 421 Land(Weapon Tech)

    This lack of Reserve course does limit promotability because not everyone has the time to attend the regular force courses.  It is my understanding, having been a Maint O for several years, that a Reservist who has only done the Reserve QL3 and 5, can't be loaded on the Reg QL6 without...
  12. Eowyn

    Occupational and Component Transfers (OT/CT/VOT) During and After BMQ (Merged)

    I think you misunderstood me for the minimum time.  If you switched to Infantry, you would have to stay a minimum time in that before being allowed to switch back to musician.  This is dependent on whether I was right with the minimum time thing to begin with. Being a trained infantryman...
  13. Eowyn

    Tell Me about MOC 421 Land(Weapon Tech)

    Reserves or Regulars? On the Reserve side, there are a couple of limitations to the highest rank possible.  First is the Unit Establishment, being a listing of all the positions by rank and trade.  Some Svc Bn do not have a positions for a Weapons tech above Master Corporal. Secondly, is the...
  14. Eowyn

    Occupational and Component Transfers (OT/CT/VOT) During and After BMQ (Merged)

    I can't fully answer your questions but here's my thoughts.  Being a musician is a more restrictive trade, especially being a piper.  Would it be possible to be an infanteer and volunteer for the band? Being in a Svc Bn, there isn't much for an infantry soldier to really do except as GD or...
  15. Eowyn

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    Having talked with a recruiter, this weekend, you must be a Canadian citizen to apply to the Reserve force.  He mentioned that this is a relatively new requirement.  There is a minimum residency requirement for a Landed Immigrant to apply for Citizenship.  So the short answer is yes, there is a...
  16. Eowyn

    Boots, Boots, Boots

    There is another way besides the MO.  I have Danners issued because I can't get the Mark 3s narrow enough, so can get customed boot issued.
  17. Eowyn

    Cooks ( merged )

    Actually in the reserve Log world, you can do SQ and QL3 in any order, IIRC.  You just need the SQ before you can be promoted to Pte (Trained)
  18. Eowyn

    CAUTION- Windbag Alert!!!!

    http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2004/11/18/parrish041118.html OTTAWA - Prime Minister Paul Martin expelled renegade Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish from the party's caucus on Thursday, citing her "unacceptable" behaviour. Martin told reporters that while he has defended the controversial...
  19. Eowyn

    Purple Trades: Definition & Trg Discussion

    IIRC, I saw a veh tech, in blue, at the EME Assoc Conf 2003.  They were giving a report on the EME trades in the Air Res.  Things may have changed since then.
  20. Eowyn

    Purple Trades: Definition & Trg Discussion

    My understanding is that Veh Tech, which belongs to the EME branch, are not purple.  EME belongs to the Army.  That being said, some Veh Tech are in the Air element and wear blue.