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  1. Eowyn

    Purpose of Reserve Maintenance trades?

    Our wpns techs are even worse shape than our vehicle techs.  I don't think we even have a QL4 wpns tech, which makes the supervision even harder.  We also have greater difficulty getting spare parts.  The interesting thing is that the wpn tech at ASU (or used to be) was one of ours, now on Class...
  2. Eowyn

    Purpose of Reserve Maintenance trades?

    The recovery aspect is a particular sore point.  We have a very difficult time getting pers trained to do that.  At this time, I believe that there are only 2 Cl A reservists allowed to operate the Wrecker.  Last ex, the Wrecker has to stay in garrison because they didn't show up. One thing...
  3. Eowyn

    Bring Back the army Forage / Peak Caps ... ?

    I believe there is a public grant that can be obtained for authorized Ceremonial dress.  I don't recall the Q&R O and CFAO at the moment.
  4. Eowyn

    Hurricane Katrina

    A hurricane did hit a Canadian city.  Remember Hurricane Juan and Halifax?
  5. Eowyn

    Can you do this?

    The Log trades can do SQ and basic trades training in any order.  She would have to do her SQ at some point, assuming she  is PRes Army.
  6. Eowyn

    Vehicle Technician ( merged )

    I can't answer the first one.  The second question, no.  We have a CWO who is a vehicle tech.
  7. Eowyn

    Reserve-Stalwart Guardian 05

    Depending on the level of the net, Coy, Bn or Bde, having RRRs or SupReqs on the same net as Contact reports isn't a good thing.  The RRRs and SupReqs should be passed on the Admin net, not the Command net.
  8. Eowyn

    CF Uniforms

    Within the Army Reserve, the Log trades wear green, both DEU and combats.  The only exception I know of is the RSS which wear their colour of DEU.  We have had a Navy RQ and an Air Force Ops WO.  They wore their respective DEU on Bn parades.
  9. Eowyn

    Should I wait?

    I would start the application process now.  You never know how long it's going to take. If you take the BMQ during the fall/winter, it will be part time during weekends, so it might work with your school.
  10. Eowyn

    Wearing of Medals -- Another Type of Question

    I find it interesting that you will accept the answer from the VA's or DHH website when you find it, but not when it was pointed out to you when you originally asked the question.   Gunnar98 provided that link and quote within the first page of discussion. Modified to add Gunner98's quote.
  11. Eowyn

    Remember Hiroshima? What about Nanking and Hong Kong?

    Montreal held something because they are twinned with Hiroshima.
  12. Eowyn

    BMQ Lesson plans

    You are right, the information might be helpful... but remember that the Reserves don't cover as much as the Regular Force BMQ.
  13. Eowyn

    BMQ Lesson plans

    The other thing that might be worrisome, is that it looks like it's for the Reserves.  I got that just from the website address... 38CBG.  Not any easy thing to pick up, if you don't know what to look for.
  14. Eowyn

    supply system?

    My only concern with a Cbt Arms LCol commanding the Svc Bn is the Svc Bn CO is supposed to be (IIRC) the CSS advisor to the Brigade Commander.  My opinion is that CSS is easy to pick up but hard to master.
  15. Eowyn

    Common Law Marriage in the Canadian Forces - Mega Thread

    In Alberta it's 3 years, unless you have children or sign some papers.
  16. Eowyn

    political compass

    Economic Left/Right: -2.5 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.33
  17. Eowyn

    CFSAL website

    The kit list should be in your joining instructions.  If not, ask you Ops WO or RSS WO for it.  The kit list is on the CFSAL DIN site.
  18. Eowyn

    bus crash in central alberta

    http://www.cfcn.ca/servlet/RTGAMArticleHTMLTemplate/B/20050517/fisher?brand=generic&hub=&tf=CFCNPlus/generic/hubs/frontpage.html&cf=CFCNPlus/generic/hubs/frontpage.cfg&slug=fisher&date=20050517&archive=CFCNPlus&ad_page_name=&nav=home&subnav=fullstory A couple killed in Sunday's crash on...
  19. Eowyn

    CDN Army - Public Events/Demontrations

    If you don't care if it's Canadian or British, the Brit have had an open house at CFB Suffield called BATUS Day.
  20. Eowyn

    CDN Army - Public Events/Demontrations

    That should be it for the summer.  Keep in mind, in Calgary, it is mostly reserves and they are essentially stood down for the summer.  Summer is when the taskings are for training, either as candidates or instructing staff.