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  1. Eowyn

    NEW US Army Combat Uniform (ACU) debuts monday

    CIC Officers are commissioned, their commissioning scrolls are the same.  CIC is part of the Reserves, just not the Primary Reserves.
  2. Eowyn

    Should I Become a Clerk

    Here are a few more things to think about.  There is more potential for Class B (full time) contracts as an RMS clerk, but a smaller chance for leadership positions.  It's not often that an unit has a Section or more of clerks to command.  The Battalion Orderly Rooms, generally are commanded by...
  3. Eowyn

    Planning to become an officer, should I avoid PLQ while in the ranks?

    I agree with you McG.   Also you may apply for officer, but they don't have to accept.   Getting your PLQ and doing well, might show your leadership potential.   Every little thing counts in a competition.
  4. Eowyn

    Taking Pictures in your Army Career?

    Actually, Torlyn, the person who initially brought up the fact that the CF would own the rights, is a serving JAG Officer.  Somehow I think he would know.
  5. Eowyn

    Attaching to another Unit

    I heard from my Adjt, last night, that they are doing away with Attached Postings.  So if this comes about, you would have to transfer.
  6. Eowyn

    Regimental Ties

    Actually Michael, the officers don't wear shoulder boards, but rather cords.
  7. Eowyn

    LWOP (Leave WithOut Pay)

    I agree with Whiskey.  I found that law school has little to do with the practise of law.  Unfortunately you need to go through law school to be able to practise law.
  8. Eowyn

    EME Common?

    EME Common has been in house, here, for a couple of years now.
  9. Eowyn

    Time length to become an officer when starting from scratch (pte.)

    If I read this correctly.  Master Warrant Officer (MWO) is a rank.  Company Sargeant Major (CSM) is a position like Officer Commanding (OC).  CSM can be abbreviated to Sargeant Major. Usually  but not always, a CSM hold the rank of MWO.
  10. Eowyn

    Reserve LogO training

    Having just completed the courses this summer.  The trade courses you need to be promoted Lt - Log are: BCT 1 - home study, can also be 2 weeks garrison at CFB Borden.  For either, the nominations are asked for Dec/Jan. BCT 2 - 2 weeks in the field at CFB Borden.  This has been during end June...
  11. Eowyn

    Reserve DEO Questions

    In the Reserves, specifically Log, you can get commissioned without any training.
  12. Eowyn

    Reserve DEO Questions

    In the Reserves, as a DEO Officer, you could be enrolled as an OCdt and promoted to 2Lt the same day.
  13. Eowyn

    Patrol Task Table

    I found it.  Thanks for the assistance, Sir.
  14. Eowyn

    Patrol Task Table

    Does anyone have an electronic copy of this?  The OC CS Coy is looking for one, for an exercise this weekend.  Thanks.
  15. Eowyn

    Does anyone have anything good to say about CSS?

    If I understood my time as a Maintenance Officer, EME (Vehicle tech included) do belong to the army, although there are some in the Air Force.
  16. Eowyn

    When to call recruiter about wanting to join basic?

    I can only comment on the Calgary course, the recruits stayed and slept in the Armoury for the duration.  In fact there were a couple of recruits from Atlantic Area.
  17. Eowyn

    When to call recruiter about wanting to join basic?

    Not necessarily, there were full time courses run in both Calgary and Edmonton this past summer.
  18. Eowyn

    Need Help Regarding The Promotion "System"

    The promotion paperwork is usually started by your section or platoon commander.  The criteria for promotion includes a recommendation by your leadership.  The "promotion" from Pte (R) to Pte trained is pretty much a slam dunk.
  19. Eowyn

    The Personal Weapons Test (C7 PWT)

    All of the serials are from the 100m.   The PWT Level 1 consists of 10 rounds grouping/zeroing from the prone.   This isn't scored.   The scored part it 5 rounds grouping in the following positions, prone, kneeling, sitting, trench (or prone) and standing.   The hardest part is the group takes...
  20. Eowyn

    Transfer and remuster

    The transfer shouldn't take that long, as long as the ASC and the units are on the ball.  Of course that is dependant on the transfer being contingent on the remuster.  My remuster took about 6-7 months, if I remember correctly.  Which trade in the Svn Bn were you looking at?