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  1. Furniture

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    I think you nailed it with this. An NDP lead into the next election by Singh has absolutely nothing to gain. An NDP that boots him as a leader, and finds someone who can actually lead? That party could likely do quite well for themselves, but it seems the NDP themselves have no intention of...
  2. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    It's not just about CoL, it's about "Why should I stay in an organization that expects more of me, but pays me about the same as the people I am responsible for?". Just thinking in terms of CoL is what got us here right now. Another consideration is that CFHD scales down to zero. As a CPO 2...
  3. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    You need to be a bit careful with that. We are already starting to see negative impacts on morale in the critical "middle" because with CFHD the troops are basically making what their bosses do. Nothing kills morale quite like gaining new responsibilities, and not really getting compensated for...
  4. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    They do, and they don't. There are definitely things that can/are being fixed, but there are parts outside of the CAF's control. Security clearances are handled by an outside agency. Security clearances are a hold-up for many. Medical clearances require people to have access to Drs.. The CAF...
  5. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    Many of the issues impacting recruiting and retention are outside of the control of the CAF/RCN. The RCN can't pay their people more, make housing more affordable, or even make the buildings on the bases better.
  6. Furniture

    Foreign Workers: Political/Labour effects (split from 2024 UK rioting thread)

    I'd say that working conditions matter almost as much as wages in most cases. I've mentioned it before, but before my brother joined the CAF he worked for a local fish processor. He was paid a couple of dollars over minimum wage, and worked 60-80 hours a week without OT, because he was a...
  7. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I'm not an expert, but my impression is it would do no better or worse than any other fast moving thin hulled boat. That said, striking a deadhead at 30+Kts off Port Renfrew isn't going to go any better for the boat and crew either... Like anywhere else in the world, when you're operating in...
  8. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    A few individuals breaking the rules in not grounds for preventing people from doing things. Punish the people who break the rules, and treat the others like professional/adults. If we can't trust 19 year old boatswains to drive CB90s, then we shouldn't be putting them in control of machine...
  9. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    We let 16 year old people drive cars at high speeds on roads with other cars, pedestrians, and wildlife all the time. If you treat your people like children, they will act like children. If you train and supervise them, they will act like professionals.
  10. Furniture

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    Yes, a few people have done that, and it dies quickly... Not really what I was getting at. The system is simple, easy to manage, and easy to understand. Another part is that we a an independent body that oversees the elections, and has one set of rules for all ridings.
  11. Furniture

    Foreign Workers: Political/Labour effects (split from 2024 UK rioting thread)

    Likely not the large business/interests that have influence over the people who make decisions about how much cheap labour is allowed to be imported form the developing world. Unless you want your kid/grandkids living 6 or more in a two bedroom apartment, like TFWs will do. Making minimum wage...
  12. Furniture

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    It's almost as if people prefer the simplicity and effectiveness of FPTP when it actually comes down to it. As much as I don't always like the results of elections, I appreciate that the system is extremely simple to understand. It prevents narratives about "stolen" elections.
  13. Furniture


    Having sailed on an AOPV, I'd suggest the core crew is barely sufficient to get off the wall. I'm pretty sure every one of them is sailing at about 20 people over "core" crew on the regular.
  14. Furniture

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    It's not about liking the government, it's about rewarding the correct behaviour. I'd rather a LPC government that can admit mistakes, than one that continues to follow an ideology blindly.
  15. Furniture

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    When a government changes its mind on something and comes around to a sensible position, I firmly believe they should be praised. Even if they tried all the worst options first... Reward behavior you want, and making a smart choice is something I want from governments.
  16. Furniture

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    In the LPC's defense, they at least came around to their senses eventually...
  17. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    At the risk of cursing the CSC project, is it not possible that the Corvette programme is being opened because the GoC has told the RCN behind closed doors "CSC cost too much, find a more affordable solution" already?
  18. Furniture


    While I have zero doubt about the mafia, having done some sailing myself, but there is a lot more to an AOPV than a MCDV. They also aren't doing constant rounds, they are doing PM and CM on a watch, while also monitoring the plant. I'm not the expert on it, but it is nothing like how a CPF...
  19. Furniture


    100% it can be done that way, and will be/is being done with engineering watch keepers in the civilian world. It means the really highly paid experts can be kept at home, and monitor multiple ships at once. Great for commercial applications, but those ships still have "roundsmen" to physically...
  20. Furniture

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    If we are talking a barge with propulsion and rudimentary "follow the leader" programming, then I am confident even Canada can make those faster than we can make the missiles loads for them. As I said earlier, the limiting factor WRT modern warfare is the weapons systems production times, not...