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  1. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    Indeed. While just a rumor, it's not an implausible one. Trudeau is set for life regardless of how things go now, so if his ego is stung enough I could see him bringing it all down out of spite.
  2. Furniture

    The Next Canadian Government

    Because that 20% does a lot of work essential for the cities/nation to function, and keeping them reasonably happy means that the work gets done with little fuss, while not inconveniencing the slightly underrepresented 80% too much. Sometimes equal isn't fair, and fair isn't equal...
  3. Furniture

    The Next Canadian Government

    Yeah, making the urban/rural divide stronger is always a key to success...
  4. Furniture

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    I suspect because when he won the leadership he had the party rules changed to prevent a backroom revolt. Now they can only turf a leader if they're incapacitated, or lose an election.
  5. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    So, similar to the flood of Japanese tourists that descend/descended on PEI after Anne of Green Gables was popular over there.
  6. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    I don't know, there is nothing that they have accomplished so far with pressure to the LPC that has had much impact on most Canadians. If the CPC get a strong majority, they can axe any changes early and it will be forgotten by the time the next election rolls around. I've seen nothing from...
  7. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    I suspect you are correct, much like Trudeau and the LPC, I think they still believe they can turn things around.
  8. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    It might actually be the best time for them to move. They are already behind the others, being dragged down by close association/ties to an unpopular government. A four year term to rebuild and separate themselves from the LPC might just be what they need, if any of them are thinking beyond this...
  9. Furniture

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    They also import a lot of their energy, and a lot of their food...
  10. Furniture

    Current Dress Regs

    We shut that down at our dinners. Who knows if someone has a medical issue or social anxiety? Why make someone uncomfortable because they need to perform a routine bodily function? I never had a problem with singing or any other ritual embarrassment to go to the washroom, but I also know that...
  11. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Charolttwtown is a one day drive away from Boston, Montreal, Quebec, etc... Whitehouse, not so much. 😉
  12. Furniture

    Current Dress Regs

    I fixed that one last mess dinner I attended by requesting blanket approval for all apart from during the gust of honour address and the toasts. Next one I intend to announce it in the opening remarks. Traditions can change, you just need to talk to the right people. That's fair, personal...
  13. Furniture

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    It's different though... Look at his hair, and his socks! Conservatives are the bad guys, they have a secret agenda don't ya know! So secret they didn't even know it themselves when they held power for nearly a decade.
  14. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Do you think there might be a reason most militaries have moved away from that model? Works when there are foreign adventures to be had, and you need to churn out a lot of young men to die in a border skirmish in Asia or Africa. Doesn't work so well in peacetime, particularly when the skill...
  15. Furniture

    Current Dress Regs

    Sounds like you've been going to the wrong mess dinners... The last few I've been to have been a lot of fun. I can see why some prefer to wear a tux, but I can also see why some want to be able to wear their mess dress. If you want to put the military in your past, why be an associate member...
  16. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Sounds a lot like Cold Lake when I was there as a Pte... Likely still the experience for young people posted there.
  17. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Charlottetown is also a city, but people from Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, etc., don't see it that way. I'm not saying Whitehorse isn't a nice place, I'm simply pointing out that most young people want to live in big cities. Regardless of how nice Whitehorse is, it's not a big city.
  18. Furniture

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    There are lots of people who love city living, and aren't willing to living somewhere else.
  19. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    I suspect this may be a case of your social circle, more than an overall trend. The CPC are leading with every demographic according to Leger.
  20. Furniture

    USS John S McCain captain relieved

    Boatswains are also trained, and according to the ones I was working with recently, they have finally updated the weapons handling training to match modern practices. A wise friend of mine once mentioned there are two types of Boatswains, "Rope" bos'ns that love all things "pusser" and...