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  1. Furniture

    Joint Force Arsenal

    They aren't alternatives to warships. Thinking just shooting missiles is what a warship does is like thinking that all a tank does is shoot a gun, so an unarmoured vehicle with a gun is a "low cost alternative". Containerized missile systems are interesting, and have potential to be a useful...
  2. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    I agree, but it's a completely different tone than what Mr. Singh did. Singh's behaviour was more reminiscent of the parking lot of the old Palomino at 3am...
  3. Furniture

    Replacing the Subs

    It will most likely be Dexter's construction, they are the big Halifax based civil engineering company. No less corrupt than ISI, but that's a theme among all the big infrastructure companies.
  4. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    Maybe, but if it was PP that did it the usual suspects would be up in arms about him being aggressive and not "electable"...
  5. Furniture

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    Mine is barathea, so it was a bit less than going Doeskin. I also don't have the gold stripe on the trousers, or the waist coat.
  6. Furniture

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    I got mine from Andrei Master Tailors, in downtown Ottawa. It was about $1500 for a fairly basic RCN set of Mess Dress.
  7. Furniture

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    Same for me, the Mess Dress I bought last year in Ottawa is well made.
  8. Furniture

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    I wonder if they might be willing to take the risk anyway. If you know you're fighting for second in the election you can afford to go in with less spending. If either is seen as propping up an increasingly unpopular LPC, it could hurt their brand and lead more people to vote ABL(and the...
  9. Furniture

    Replacing the Subs

    Gagetown is just up the highway, so the actual base could be a relatively small footprint in Saint John proper.
  10. Furniture

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    Stoker mafia in action...
  11. Furniture

    Logistic Vehicle Modernization Project - Replacing everything from LUVW to SHLVW

    Yeah, even as just a weather weinie I saw flaws in comparing the ISV/LTV to those systems. They are compromises to fit a small aircraft, not ideals we should be working towards. It would be like saying that all new trains in Canada should be built like the O-Train, because the O-Train exists...
  12. Furniture

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    I ask people that, in exactly the same tone and cadence weekly... I am lucky enough to work with people who get the reference.
  13. Furniture

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    I have family and friends in the private sector who complain about the same things... almost as if it's a pretty normal thing when multiple humans work in a place. The movie Office Space wasn't made about public servants, and it seemed to resonate with a lot of people who work in offices...
  14. Furniture

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    Even downtown Ottawa isn't a great place to spend time when the sun goes down.
  15. Furniture

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    Downtowns adapted before, they can adapt again. Maybe they need to make downtowns places people actually want to live, rather than places people have to go to pay for the place they want to live.
  16. Furniture

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    Yes and no. Pressure from downtown business wanting PS lunch bucks leads to pressure from City Hall, which leads to pressure of the government located in that city. When downtown businesses started pushing that a couple of years back I started spending less downtown.
  17. Furniture

    Logistic Vehicle Modernization Project - Replacing everything from LUVW to SHLVW

    They had massive engine failures in one particular engine, for a few years. Was it a big problem? Yes. Was it the first time a manufacturer had made a dud engine? No. I know I'm not going to change your mind on this, and am not going to waste the time to dig up the old pre-internet articles...
  18. Furniture

    Logistic Vehicle Modernization Project - Replacing everything from LUVW to SHLVW

    Vehicles always had massive recalls, and always had lots of failures. We hear about them more now because instead of Toyota owners getting a letter, and a one day TV news item, it's on the internet and fed to you by an algorithm that determined that people in your demographic like engage with...
  19. Furniture

    Logistic Vehicle Modernization Project - Replacing everything from LUVW to SHLVW

    The same arguments about reliability have been made about every advance in technology. Yet there is a reason we don't still go to war in Chariots, wearing bronze armour. Modern vehicles are reliable enough, and more efficient. The less fuel you burn to get the job done, the less fuel you need...