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  1. Furniture

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    When you're convinced that you're morally superior and smarter than the people questioning you, you're likely to ignore their advice.
  2. Furniture

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    Yes, because the people who actually do things are the ones who would be cut. The senior people have assigned work spaces, and would rig the game in their favour. To achieve a smaller and more effective PS the rules and red tape need to be changed. Otherwise you're just making less people even...
  3. Furniture

    The War in Ukraine

    Indeed, so busy I had to sail to fill a PO 2 billet... Not that I'm complaining.
  4. Furniture

    Pay increments

    Fair, pilot pay scales have never been a concern of mine, so I wasn't really tracking things before the recent changes and all the fuss when they were rolled out.
  5. Furniture

    Pay increments

    I'm assuming it's a question regarding a promotion that involves the new Pilot pay scales, and someone being paid higher than the basic rate for the new rank. I'm guessing the system is supposed to keep them at their current pay until the new rank's pay rates surpass their previous pay. I know...
  6. Furniture

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    The better solution is reducing the admin overhead. It's something the CAF is slowly adopting, but it needs to move faster into the digital age.
  7. Furniture

    Cost of housing in Canada

    I'm not quite so heartless... but I'm not much less heartless. I think in situations like that, they family should be placed in a lower CoL location, and there should be official language training/proficiency, as well as employment requirements for those who are living on the government's dime...
  8. Furniture

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Not to derail the ResF pity party, but that HQ across the street is half empty because the RegF has the same infrastructure problems the ResF has. It was supposed to get a mid-life refit in the 90s that was cancelled, and in 2020 when the majority of the occupants left the building for a new HQ...
  9. Furniture

    Cost of housing in Canada

    The vast majority of homeless are as you describe; So ruined by drugs that they are no longer likely able to function at all in society, so they are left to die on the streets with a needle in their arm. Those weren't the ones the premier was addressing though. There is a small minority of...
  10. Furniture

    The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

    We are the punching bags of the LPC...
  11. Furniture

    US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

    You're making the mistake of assuming that the people who will be swung one way or the other care about his inane ramblings. You're also "nut picking" the oddest things he says, and ignoring the things he says that actually resonate with voters. I think he's a raging idiot, but I also don't...
  12. Furniture

    Exploring Career Paths: Transitioning from Electronics to Military Logistics

    Hey, Before a member of the CAF is sent to a theater(conflict zone) they are trained, and prepared for what they will likely encounter. Risk/danger is part of the job, but it's not constant, and it's managed in a way that reduces the risks to members. There is no guarantee that life will be...
  13. Furniture

    US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

    He isn't the only one that does that... but he is the most obvious.
  14. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    The CPC is hardly the first to use name calling in the HoC. Singh is the first leader of a national party I've heard of walking into the aisle between benches puffing his chest like a high-school tough guy.
  15. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    Goaded into doing so? So we don't expect the leader of the NDP to be a mature adult who can control his emotional reactions to words in the HoC? I get that you dislike the CPC, but start holding your side to account when they misbehave.
  16. Furniture

    Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

    Is anyone else a bit concerned by the sudden schoolyard tough guy act the NDP leader is pulling? If it was a conservative MP acting like that I'm pretty sure lots of media/social media personalities would be howling for blood over his toxic masculinity and aggressiveness.
  17. Furniture

    Joint Force Arsenal

    This works in an environment where you can deploy lots of cheap sensors. Oceans are pretty harsh environments, and the distances covered are massive. Where do you plan to leave them alone close enough to be useful, but not so close the enemy can't capture them, and use the systems inside to...
  18. Furniture

    Joint Force Arsenal

    That is extremely unlikely in a peer/near peer war. Some of this thinking makes me think that rather than a "Cold War" mindset, too many have a "COIN/Peacekeeping" mindset, and forgert that the next fight is unlikely to be against people with pagers and ICom radios...
  19. Furniture

    Logistic Vehicle Modernization Project - Replacing everything from LUVW to SHLVW

    Because someone wore a toque without gloves...
  20. Furniture

    Joint Force Arsenal

    War is about a lot more than just bullets. The secret is hitting the enemy where it counts to achieve your objective, while using the minimum force required to achieve your desired effect. They want access to the number and type of weapons that will allow them to achieve their mission. Wasting...