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  1. M

    Eritrea expels U.S., European, Canadian staff of the UN peacekeeping force

    I would have nothing against him if he faded into obscurity.  History is full of weak people, including weak leaders.  But he didn't fade out.  Somehow his moral weakness has been turned into a perceived strength.  The man is a moral authority on nothing.  Why do we celebrate this loser? ...
  2. M

    Eritrea expels U.S., European, Canadian staff of the UN peacekeeping force

    There has to be a statute of limitations on how long people can keep blaming colonialism for their woes.  The Italians have been gone for what, 60 years?  At some point you need to take ownership of your own problems.  Besides, what about the Marxist legacy?
  3. M

    Eritrea expels U.S., European, Canadian staff of the UN peacekeeping force

    "There has been no explanation for Eritrea's decision to expel the peacekeepers or why the personnel from specific countries have been singled out." Here's an explanation: racism.  All the white peacekeepers are being kicked out.  Of course our own Romeo Dallaire claimed that white peacekeepers...
  4. M

    how hard are the courses now.

    There is no good reason.  Some colonel gets the individual training portfolio and figures he needs to change it all to fill out his PER.  Perhaps his new way actually makes more sense, but what these people don't understand is that the act of change is often not worth the benefit, especially...
  5. M

    how hard are the courses now.

    QL2/QL3 is now BMQ/SQ/DP1.  In the reserves the 3 courses total to 13 or 14 weeks, which is equal to what QL2/QL3 was in 1997 when I got in.  For a couple years around 2000 the initial training period was only about 10 weeks because SQ didn't exist yet and we had the interim solution of BMQ/QL3...
  6. M

    522 Manpack

    Ya, lippy signallers might quickly find themselves moved to the 84mm or perhaps carrying around filled sandbags... just in case. That said, do up all flaps, straps, snaps, buttons, clips, and fasteners.  Nobody likes insecure mission-essential kit.  Just be sure that any radio on your back is...
  7. M

    522 Manpack

    If you use the issue 522 harness (which is a strange contraption), be sure to do up the strap that goes across your chest.  It will greatly reduce the load across your shoulders. There is no good way to use the 522 with 82 pattern rucksack.  It is slightly longer than the 77 set and doesn't fit...
  8. M

    Inf. Officer advancement hindered?

    Promotions are not any harder in the infantry.  Every trade has its career captains.  Infantry is actually probably the most "unlimited" of all trades.
  9. M

    The CF Principles of Leadership and the Principles of War

    Because we need to give a rating for "leading change" on our PERs.
  10. M

    The CF Principles of Leadership and the Principles of War

    Thanks to crack scientists in a lab in Kingston, there are now 12 principles of leadership.  The originals have all been reworded, so "Lead by example" is no longer a quick and easy answer. Fire away.  :salute: (I'll start.  Isn't #12 actually 3 principles?)
  11. M


    Funny, that, considering the manuals available at the internet Army Electronic Library.  Of course Drill and Ceremoniall is probably way more sensitive than, say, Land Force Information Operations, which explains why the former is not available online.
  12. M

    Sgt DP 3A (i think it is)

    I know this thread is resolved but FYI I did the fourth 2-week mod of a course at the Infantry School last year and did the EXPRESS test my first or second morning there.  For the record the female civvie gym staff who run it are cuties.
  13. M

    Affermative Action Recruiting

    Who said anything about racial quotas?  I just said that certain jobs weren't open to whites and when asked I gave an example.  Or was I misinformed when I was told diversity recruiters were chosen for their race?
  14. M

    Affermative Action Recruiting

    It means there are positions in the CF that are not open to white people.  For example, recruiting centres have a "diversity cell" which has race as selection criteria (for the job of diversity recruiter).
  15. M

    Re: Cougar Salvo 05

    Actually, and I wish I was joking, there was a total ban on making runs to the Kwikeemart, at least in TF Cougar.  One of the padres got us some contriband Tim Horton's though.
  16. M

    Affermative Action Recruiting

    There are, however, positions where whites need not apply.
  17. M

    Done DP2A, now what?

    You're wrong.  Master corporals are usually commissioned as 2LT.  If you have PLQ you will probably have CAP written off, and you may have the first block (support weapons) of your infantry platoon commander's course written off, but you will have to do the rest of the course. I don't know too...
  18. M

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    Coming soon in CADPAT?
  19. M

    Cougar Salvo 05 - non-BMQ/SQ discussion

    As my platoon 2IC said, "You've got to fill a lot of sandbags before you can stand behind them." So what about the rest of the exercise from the perspective of the trained soldiers? I was in B Coy, and on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give this exercise a B+. The cordon and search stand was pretty...