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  1. M

    Osama in Afghanistan

    Hopefully the Milosevic farce and continuing Hussein farce will result in a "shoot them in their hole" policy when it comes to capturing future "ace of spades" personalities.
  2. M

    Pte. Robert Costall killed in Afghanistan firefight 29 Mar 2006

    Michael, there was an article yesterday about flag lowering: Flags not lowered for slain soldiers It starts as a bit of an anti-Conservative hatchet job but at the end there is some different perspective. Personally I think all this grief mongering will kill our ability to fight.  If Korean...
  3. M


    Rank structure, rank structure, RANK STRUCTURE.  While I can't guarantee, from my experience teaching BMQs, both initial tests and retests are 50% rank structure.  If you know ranks, it will be very hard to fail the test.  If you don't know ranks, it may be easy to fail.  Get a sheet with all...
  4. M

    When is too soon for a Reserve PLQ?

    In general I have no problem with a promising private with at least 1 year as a trained soldier doing PLQ, if he wants it and the chain of command supports it.  Many units and trades have emergency demands for junior leaders.  However, this presumes that no more experienced, promising, and...
  5. M

    Pte. Robert Costall killed in Afghanistan firefight 29 Mar 2006

    ... - Kate McMillan, Small Dead Animals We should pay due attention to casualties, but how about some details about the fight? "Objective secure.  AMMOCAS to follow."
  6. M

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    My CO (Chief CIVPOL on the Ex) brought this up after in the mess.  Placing MPs TACON to NATO CIVPOL apparently went all the way to JAG in Ottawa and kicked over a bee's nest.  He was pretty excited that Cougar Salvo may affect national doctrine with regards to civilian agencies.  As he...
  7. M

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    So?  What did people think about the ex?  I know I enjoyed myself in B Company.  I'll make some detailed comments later but I'd like to hear from other people on the exercise first, hopefully from all corners.
  8. M

    The Capt. Trevor Greene Thread

    I agree 100% with Mr. Greene.  The Toronto Star is usually a leftist agitprop paper but their coverage of recent Afganistan events (including the article above) has been outstanding and very supportive.  Bravo.
  9. M

    Support of troops in KAF

    SBD - As a Seaforth and a friend of Trevor Greene's, thank you for putting that savage down.  Good shoot.
  10. M

    The Capt. Trevor Greene Thread

    Tribal traditions like the sanctity of the shura?  >:(
  11. M

    The Capt. Trevor Greene Thread

    I stand corrected. That said, it was a letter (not an editorial) from a looney-looney leftist to a looney left newspaper.  I don't think its particularily indicative of the opinion of the mainstream left (and I'm the first to criticise them).
  12. M

    CBC National

    Yep, reasonably impressive.  Hopefully the next few nights will be the same quality.  This series should really torpedo the Jack Layton scary claim of Khandahar being a warmongering anti-"Canadian values" American-style campaign.
  13. M

    The Capt. Trevor Greene Thread

    Nobody, anywhere, has said anything of the kind, HDE.
  14. M

    The Capt. Trevor Greene Thread

    CBC has a photo collection of a different shura that gives you a feeling for what this was like.  Think "town hall". http://www.cbc.ca/news/photogalleries/afghanistan_kandahar/kandahar3.html?gallery=kandahar3
  15. M

    Reserve Loaning Regular Force Gear

    As a last ditch, most good surplus stores sell mag pouches.  You shouldn't have too much problem getting some kit temp issued from your reserve unit, though some RQs can be stodgy.
  16. M

    Ex PHOENIX RAM - Brigade Training Event 2005 (BTE 05) in Wainwright

    This can probably be desticked.
  17. M

    First ND, first charge

    Putz, has military justice been served yet?  I'd like to know how this resolved.
  18. M


    I'm sure Standards will be happy to hear that.  I am 95% certain that the changes I've described are not LFWA specific.
  19. M


    Chits (red and blue) for training are obselete and have been for a couple years.  Now for minor infractions you get "counselling", which is administered by any section staff.  Get caught for the same infraction again and you get an initial warning by the platoon commander.  "Counselling" is...
  20. M

    Tactical language Skills

    A skill we should be practicing, especially at junior levels, is talking through an interpreter, and tactical interview techniques in general.