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  1. M

    Draft Dodger Reunion - this summer in BC

    I have no problem with draft dodgers.  Conscription is one of the more evil things governments have done. Volunteers who desert, however, are beneath contempt.  We should be deporting any foreign non-conscript deserters we find in Canada.
  2. M

    hadji girl video

    You can see the video at the LittleGreenFootballs article with details about the CAIR furor.
  3. M

    Afghanistan To Arm Tribesmen Against Taliban

    About bloody time.  How do you expect backwoods villagers to defy the Taliban and deny them comfort if they can't defend themselves?  The Taliban should think twice before knocking on or knocking down a door if the fella behind it (and his neighbours) has a modern rifle.  :threat: I've brought...
  4. M

    Two Canadian soldiers injured in Afghan battle 12 Jun 06

    Seriously, the media have to stop with these headlines that make us sound like victims all the time. Instead of "2 Canadians shot in massive Afghan battle" how about... "Canadian troops engage Taliban in massive battle 2 Canadians injured, dozens of Taliban killed" Imagine D-Day, CBC-style...
  5. M

    Future of CAP

    CAP reserve was just reinstated to its full length.  The mod system is relatively new... in the old days it was all or nothing. I see it time and again... it remains unfortunate that they recruit officers who have no ability to complete their primary courses.  As part of boarding or processing...
  6. M

    Course Nomination Standards

    I don't think anyone is criticizing prioritizing people on a non-random non-alphabetical scale.  ExistanceE just wants to know if there is a formalized system. I recently had to tweak unit nomination priority for a DP1 course.  I went with "date SQ completed" but there were other ways I could...
  7. M

    CAN DefMin Doesn't Consider Us At War?

    You mean like treating this whole thing seriously and not just a sideshow from American Idol?  ::)
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    CAN DefMin Doesn't Consider Us At War?

    Wait a sec Ujjal... so are the Conservatives "too American", or "not American enough"?  What term would a Liberal government use, and would it avoid the word "war"?  If so, why?  Because it too closely mirrors American terminology? I, for one, strongly believe we are at war, but the war is much...
  9. M

    'MBA types' hurt military, commander says

    Start a full time training detachment in Vancouver or Chilliwack staffed by reservists and I'll bet you get a lot of volunteers.  It could teach 2 serials of SQ/BIQ regular force in Sept-Dec and another 2 serials Jan-Apr, then switch to PRes BMQ/SQ/BIQ during the summer.  I would personally sign...
  10. M

    'MBA types' hurt military, commander says

    -1 He was referring to current soldiers, not past soldiers.  And most current soldiers want, very badly, to carry live bullets in sandy places.
  11. M

    'MBA types' hurt military, commander says

    Individual training such as SQ and BIQ.  We're over a barrel when it comes to instructors. This is Colonel Eyre's particular problem.  His battalion is split with some going to TF 1-07 with the RCR while the rest are presumably heavily tasked with instructor billets.  Which means NCOs away from...
  12. M

    Capped course, recruits to wait another year?

    To the original poster: Courses are only "capped" at their maximum course load (and sometimes a little above it) as laid out in the Training Plan, which is the course's master document.  At WATC and on Western Area CITY courses they've long abandoned the "optimum course load" in the TP and...
  13. M

    reserve do they leave stuff out?Or cram stuff in?

    The best way to get a correct answer instead of hearsay is to look at the course training plan (TP).  Unfortunately the TP I most recently worked off of for BMQ was reserve only, but for SQ and DP1 (and almost every other course in the army) the same TP is used for regular and reserve and...
  14. M

    Counterinsurgency/COIN Literature & Discussion (merged)

    Teddy never said the Americans should "seek out more casualties in order to win hearts and minds". He said, basically, "be more accessible in order to win hearts and minds."  The byproduct of this is increased vulnerability.  The paradox of this approach is that it (may) actually decrease your...
  15. M

    Counterinsurgency/COIN Literature & Discussion (merged)

    I admit I'm not there yet, and I know LCol Hope doesn't have his BG lined up in rows of cots in hard quarters at Kandahar Airfield.  I have seen the Outside the Wire CTV embed report with C Coy, which shows a company FOB (and is presented as a novel idea).  But a company FOB in one village is...
  16. M

    Counterinsurgency/COIN Literature & Discussion (merged)

    Well Teddy, that's getting at the crux of the issue.  And it's a lesson that Americans and others have learned and forgotten from past counterinsurgencies.  Its best example was the Vietnam War USMC Combined Action Platoon.  Apparently the Combined Action Program exists in some form in Iraq, but...
  17. M

    Counterinsurgency/COIN Literature & Discussion (merged)

    When the meth lab or jihadis move next door, DO SOMETHING (like call the cops or deal with it yourself) or risk your family's safety.
  18. M

    Reserve vs. regular qualifications

    And of course whatever your CAP and dismounted infantry platoon qualification, you'll need the mechanized platoon course to be a real 23A. "R" existed long before CAP and DP1 diverged for reg and reserve.  Presumably "R" will remain now that things are back as they started.
  19. M

    Is the SECDEF incompetent?...MGen Eaton would suggest so

    The coalition proved the Iraqi Army was totally incompetent during the invasion.  Why keep a bunch of loser generals who already proved their incompetence?  And both the upper military and upper civil service echelons were heavily implicit in a psychopathic regime.  Yes, there were opportunity...