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Search results

  1. W

    Supplements on BMQ (merged)

    I'm fairly sure you can take allot of protein. It is when you already have kidney damage that the protein escapes into the urine. So basically I think he failed because of kidney problems and not protein overdose.
  2. W

    Hurricane Katrina

    How would Canada react if a Hurricane hit one of our citys, how would they handle something like that? We would need military assistance from the USA in such an event, am I right? With such an underfunded small army, how would we respond to something like this? Recruit people into the Army to...
  3. W

    Problems with PMs

    I think they already figured out why you weren't responding.. ha ha. Mike what type of upgrade did you do on the servers, if you dont mind me asking.
  4. W

    United Way Disaster Relief Fund - PayPal

    Here is a link for those of you who want to donate a few dollars to the fund. http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=xpt/cps/general/PayPalKatrinaReliefEffort-outside
  5. W

    Hurricane Katrina

    http://www.cnn.com/2005/WEATHER/08/30/katrina/index.html I'm suprised no one has written anything on this yet, this is not good for the United States or Canada. I hope they have a swift recovery. Also I wanted to post that I'm thinking about going down there for a little while to help out in...
  6. W

    computer games?

    Yea I played it, its awesome.
  7. W

    24/7 Wildlife Cam in Africa

    Here is the file to make it stick to desktop. If you have broadband it is really slick. change it to 1.htm though.
  8. W

    24/7 Wildlife Cam in Africa

    Anyone else get just a black screen? It works once in a while, but when it does it is kinda greyish. Im hoping the quality gets a little better, Ive added it as an active desktop. If anyone is interested I can give you the file I used to get it on the desktop.
  9. W

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    Wow!!!! I spend that much just for me, but I eat lots for training purposes.
  10. W

    Soldiers of Fitness

    Pieman thanks for bringing this to my attention, Although I dont have the time now(full time school and 5-7hr work), I will certainly check this out closer to my expected basic training date. Question, if I have done martial arts for the past few years, and am very fit, would this training still...
  11. W


    I like to, Eat Visit the Gym Martial Arts Game Programming and Development Gym Eat Read, usually the Bible. Sometime fiction such as Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson and books from J.R.R Tolkein. C.S Lewis. Sparring with friends, fights such as UFC. Im hoping to get on the show sometime...
  12. W

    Forklift Safety Video

    My saftey course at work involved us watching people cut off fingers.
  13. W

    Any STARGATE SG-1 & STARGATE Atlantis Fans Out There? Need Some Input

    I watched the first seven seasons, then it got boring. I also watched Startrek Voyager. Both good shows.
  14. W

    Cute Soldier Chicks

    haha fooled me too, and yes im pretty sure those are ducks. That made me laugh. I have a question, Im looking for someone with a visa or mastercard to buy me something, I would pay you in advance the cost of the product, its an online payment through a verified company. Anyone interested? If...
  15. W

    The Martial Arts Superthread

    Exactly Retired CC. Im not asking people to blindly write it, definetly read up on it then consider. Thanks for looking into it though.
  16. W

    Army.ca Ideology -- what is it?

    He says with the exception of Newbs not using the search button. Read it again. EDIT: Sorry Mods, I guess I missed the post that was saying this thread reached its expiry, I always read from page 1 and on, I guess I should start reading all the last posts then make a comment on the past posts.
  17. W

    The Martial Arts Superthread

    All the Canadian martial arts web sites are talking about this, here is a qoute from Mixed Martial Arts Expo Mixed Martial Arts Expo has learned that when Parliament reconvenes in September, 2005, the Federal Government under the direction of MP Dr. Irwin Colter, Minister of Justice and Attorney...
  18. W

    "Letter of Apology" was written by Lieutenant General Chuck Pitman, USMC (Ret)

    That was awesome, why is it that only the military has the guts to talk about this stuff?
  19. W

    The Martial Arts Superthread

    Hi guys, im just posting this to let you know that Canada is trying to ban prize fighting. As a martial artist who likes to compete, I will post this link to a federal petition, please sign it. If you have reasons for not wanting to sign it please post here, just so I can understand if you...
  20. W

    Army.ca Ideology -- what is it?

    Exactly. NOTE: Springroll I agree with the fact that the board is asking for a level of respect. That respect is something that the Admins have asked and if the users cant give it, then I dont think they should be here.