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  1. MdB

    Entraineuse dans l'Armée

    Je suis pas sûr, mais je pense pas que les instructeurs soient mutés de façon permanente à l'ELRFC, ils font plutôt des rotations d'instruction (à ce que j'ai pu lire...).
  2. MdB

    CFRG and the broken recruiting system-Split

    First of all, my application went fairly smoothly. Like it's been said, often communication can be a problem. It's weird how CFRC works for multiple tests appointments. To this day, I really don't know what the order is (if there's any, and seems to have changed lately). The last I saw is CFAT...
  3. MdB

    Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

    Isn't CMTC big? It should be given the fact that mounted manoeuvre warfare needs a lot of space...
  4. MdB

    60 Minutes "US Navy SEAL's In Afghanistan" (Video)

    Very interesting. I hope our guys in A'stan are doing about the same. Note: 60 minutes has the BBC voice tone, don't you think?
  5. MdB

    Angry soldiers demand 'trade' federation

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,,1695004,00.html Angry soldiers demand 'trade' federation Courts martial and equipment failures fuel rank and file discontent Audrey Gillan and Richard Norton-Taylor Thursday January 26, 2006 The Guardian A groundswell of discontent among members...
  6. MdB

    Dwindling infantry offers former troops £6,000 to re-enlist

    Now, that'd be a good thing to propose if the Conservatives want to augment the CF to 75k... in a 'timely fashion'.
  7. MdB

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    Well, now how come it's not already in the field. It's a lot less complicated than other systems, let's just mention ISTAR (though I think the coordinates would be transferred through it...), and it's completely workable today! GPS-positioning howitzer isn't Star Trek technology at all, we have...
  8. MdB

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    I heard they are currently reviewing ALL the doctrine documents to comply with the Transformation. What's done and what's to come is not for me to say. Some people are way better informed than me.
  9. MdB

    The Next Minister of Defense

    Hmm, THERE'S an argument. :o I hope he does his homeworks better to deliver better anylisis if he ever becomes MND. As we say in French, that doesn't fly high! ;D Cheers,
  10. MdB

    France threatening nuclear response if attacked by state sponsored terrorists...

    I don't think Chirac was thinking about a suitcase nuke, but more about deterrence. Now, if he would really launch a nuke is another thing. I think there's some sort of taboo about lunching a nuclear ICBM aimed at a strategic position. Well, maybe not in the military community, or less... It's...
  11. MdB

    France threatening nuclear response if attacked by state sponsored terrorists...

    Yeah, that's rather freaky! Imagine those words in Bush's mouth now! Firestorm to come in France and wait for the wave spreading worldwide, let me tell you. Now, the question is, if you don't prove your allegations, there's nothing left to interrogate...
  12. MdB

    Unacceptable Political Advertising: Liberals Attacking the CF

    I would write a biography of Paul Martin titled Paul Martin: Of promises and Smoke if it wasn't that easy to summarize: Paul Martin is a liar. In Canada. Our Canada. End of the story.
  13. MdB

    Private Military Companies, Good or Bad If Canada Used Them?

    Hmm, that's weird. The book title is Corporate Warriors although the soldiers on the cover are American servicemen... Yeah, right. Still, the book seems very interesting. You should have already read the book I mentioned earlier in the thread, also very interesting.
  14. MdB

    Unacceptable Political Advertising: Liberals Attacking the CF

    Off voice: "If S.H. becomes PM there will have pros and cons." (well, in fact, fors and againsts somethin) On screen: For (up) Against (bottom). The rest is off voice and on screen: Against Kyoto Protocol. For war in Irak. Against the free choice of women. (concerning aborption) For the...
  15. MdB

    Unacceptable Political Advertising: Liberals Attacking the CF

    Well, there's no french equivalent as the soldiers-in-cities ad. There's only this one: http://www.liberal.ca/multimedia_f.aspx . That's the first in the list.
  16. MdB

    Unacceptable Political Advertising: Liberals Attacking the CF

    In fact, the ad is not the same as the english version. The ad contains many messages, including the message that the CPC want to station soldiers in cities. Nowhere as attacking as the english ad. And yes, it's still airing.
  17. MdB

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Greatly said Bruce! The French community is a integral and important part of what is Canada. There's francophones from Newfoundland to Vancouver (and probably even Victoria) and small communities in most big cities. It's really not a matter of pragmatism or functionnality, otherwise we would...
  18. MdB

    Unacceptable Political Advertising: Liberals Attacking the CF

    The ad is still airing on Radio-Canada as of yesterday evening.
  19. MdB

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Huh, direct on the topic here... As I am from Quebec and francophone, I guess I'm targeted as a potential infantry officer troublemaker... gosh, it's silly... Tell me if the author is freak or if it really reflects the reality in the CF. (Don't think it's that bad... man, linguists! ???) Enjoy!
  20. MdB

    Question sur les dates pour le BMQ

    Bonjour, Pour autant que je sache, tu ne peux pas décider de la date de départ de ton BMQ. J'imagine que tu peux refuser l'offre et être placé sur le prochain cours, mais je consulterais l'officier de recrutement à ton centre avant de faire quoi que ce soit. Combien de temps entre maintenant...