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Search results

  1. Bograt

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    First, It is great to see ( no pun intended) that things are progressing for you. So you have done the medical, interview, CFAT and PT test, and now they are recommending you for aircrew? I am under the impression that there is a standard and that you are in or you are out, it doesn't matter...
  2. Bograt

    Comox Thread- Merged

    Single quarters suck. Bed, desk, closet, drawer. Internet is availalble. No car kind of sucks. I think you will need to find a ride back and forth from the tower. I believe it is a 3-4 km run. (A friend of mine is there now, and that is what he does). Gym is across the street. Mess is just...
  3. Bograt

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    ;) I was a marketing manager before I was a baby pilot. Essentially any trade could be showcased.
  4. Bograt

    Xmas Break

    Usually courses give block leave.
  5. Bograt

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    Yes. I would suggest that you fill out your profile- it would add credibility to your posts. Back on track. I like the "This is my Flag" concept. Close up of maple leaf on shoulder. :cdn: Pan out, infanteer in combats says "This is my flag, and this is what I do for it" :warstory: Then a...
  6. Bograt

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    You need more motivation to serve your country? Your friends need more motivation to serve their country? It is an honour and privilage to wear the flag on my shoulder. I didn't need to be convinced.
  7. Bograt

    Canadian Sea King crashes off Denmark

    Based on my experience, (20 minutes of stick time) the Sea King is a good platform. It is made so by the professionalism of its aircrew and ground crew. Regardless, there is an inherent risk that can never be mitigated to zero. Accidents happen occasionally. Tutors, Harvards, Hawks, Hornets...
  8. Bograt


    My BS detector is picking up something. I was under the impression that one had to medically qualify for all. It may need new bateries. Perhaps Zoomie or Inch can confirm. You are a long way from the Jaw. Congrats on getting past ACS, but focus on the most immediate. ACS is the easiest step in...
  9. Bograt

    Anyone into simulators IE: Aircraft or Armoured

    Judging from my previous post, it appears that the language profilers were correct- I do not have an aptitude for learning languages- that would include English. Sir, I'm sure there are other more senior junior officers you could pick on. I mean Inch is always available, just ask him about the...
  10. Bograt

    Anyone into simulators IE: Aircraft or Armoured

    I believe you are only able to purchase the new Falcon 4 Allied Force in stores. The old F4 with 3 ring binder manual can be purchased on ebay. Then is the task of the numerous patches and add-ons. Simhq is probably where I would direct product specific questions. There is an extensive knowledge...
  11. Bograt

    Anyone into simulators IE: Aircraft or Armoured

    Concur. Falcon 4 and its incarnations are the standard for modern fighter pc simulations. I have not flown (played) Allied Force (most recent packaged F4), but did spend a lot of time with Falcon 4 SP4, and RP5 (various patch versions). I would strongly suggest investing in a stick/throttle...
  12. Bograt

    How to STOP the War in Iraq and prevent a War in Iran

    Can someone check and see if his aluminium foil hat is on correctly? I seem to be getting a little bit of static. Wow, where is the woodpile these things crawl out of?
  13. Bograt

    Bilingualism levels at defence HQ 'insufficient,' audit says

    Having recently completed Second Language training, I have formed my own opinions about the requirement for bilingualism. As an officer who will be responsible for both anglo and francophones, it is my job to be able to communicate effectively and lead them- in either language. I remember the...
  14. Bograt

    Career Advice from Bograt

    ;) I think I am the poster child for 30 somethings who want to become CF pilots. My inbox is full of questions like the one I received today. I thought I would post it and my response. <i>Hello, I was just going through some posts and came across yours. I too lived in summerside and...
  15. Bograt

    Guns, Gangs and Toronto

    What I would like to comment on is what I have heard repeatedly on the radio and television interviews of social pundits based out of the GTA. They continue to espouse that these groups represent "marginalized" and "disenfranchised" members of the population. I was under the impression that...
  16. Bograt

    Couple of questions on BOTC (non fitness)

    Yes single room but you live in pods of serveral rooms together. Yes. They are there but must be kept out of sight. Things break or can go missing in civie lockup. You will have no time during IAP do do your course- unless you want to do it during the weekend. You will have to do SLT after...
  17. Bograt

    ASC Pass & Failure Reasons

    CDA8 et al, It appears that you are looking for a magic word that will make you succeed. There isn't one. Let me tell you this bit of advice that you can apply not only to ACS, but more importantly to your life. If you try your best, you can not fail. Even if you don't make it, your full...
  18. Bograt

    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    Not sure if this has been posted yet. Please excuse the potential double re-post. It is a great time to start one's career in Blue. Streamlined military purchase to go ahead <b>NOVEMBER 20, 2005</b> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20051120.wmilitary1119/BNStory/National/...
  19. Bograt

    Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS)

    Things you may hear at ACS 1. "Check Heading" 2. "Check Speed" 3. "Check Rate of Turn" 4. "Check Altitude" 5. "I was told that I was going fighters" 6. "Civilian pilots make more money anyways..." (Usually said by person who said #5) 7. "Thank you <insert name of higher diety here> 8. "They...