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Search results

  1. Bograt

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Because 88% of pilots want to deploy. (Cheap shot for my fast jest friends). Let me count the reasons. 1. Cold Lake 2. Cold lake en francais 3. It is a old air frame. 4. Because the BS doesn't stop after CYMJ. 5. Demographics - There are a lot more older guys going through the pipe- with wives...
  2. Bograt

    Okay, whats next- after ACS

    UPDATE: Received my wings July 25th, 2008. See, it is possible to live your dream.
  3. Bograt

    A New Philosophy for Canada's Air Force

    I just finished the SGE (Small Group Evaluation) for the new helo syllabus. 25 Hours on the 206, followed by 70(plus) hours on the B412CF and approximately 60 hours in the sim. We used the FMS doing STARs and SIDs. Our ticket ride was a hand flown full procedure (NDB in my case) followed by 2...
  4. Bograt

    The Khadr Thread

    Yesterday, I politely interupted a conversation between two ladies standing in line at the Walmart. They were talking about the awful situation this individual was enduring. I said, "Excuse my interuption ladies, I would like to kindly remind you that Mr. Khadr would have cut your head off six...
  5. Bograt

    The truth comes out - advice?

    Give her some time to come to grips with your desires. It is unreasonable to expect that she would immediately accept this change of lifestyle and the uncertainty that comes without some hesitation. I essentially did the same as you 4 years ago. It took a number of bottles of wine and a lot of...
  6. Bograt

    Helicopters and Money

    There are allowances under the current system to provide opportunities for candidates that do not posses a degree to go through pilot training. The understanding of course is that the member would complete their degree after wings. I am not opposed to the concept NCO pilots. I am sure it has...
  7. Bograt

    It's so Cold in Manitoba.....

    How cold was it....? So cold that hell froze over- a Challenger and Polaris slot for the last multi selection. Good time to be in flying seized wing.
  8. Bograt

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    What other option do they have? It is amazing how death focuses the mind.
  9. Bograt

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Don't apply. The odds are that you will not become a fighter pilot. 2/3rds of applicants fail air crew selection. BOTC takes its toll. PFT fails about 25% of applicants BFT takes its toll. Those who finish are streamed to jet, helo, and multi (25, 50 and 25 percent roughly) Phase III streams...
  10. Bograt

    CP-140 Aurora

    cheeky switch on Static displays- Comox, Greenwood, Bermuda, St. John's NF and Hawaii. Cheeky switch off 
  11. Bograt

    "Hijab Dispute Could Be Behind Girl's Death, Friends Say"

    For the third time in this post, let me reiterate, domestic abuse is not limited to Muslim populations. What I do take particular exception to is being referred to as "small minded" and "prejudiced" because I don't support the idea that women enjoy greater liberties under Muslim religious...
  12. Bograt

    "Hijab Dispute Could Be Behind Girl's Death, Friends Say"

    So, I need to go to a 'progressive' country to see Muslim women enjoying the same freedoms as in the West. Progressive implies ahead of the mean- so you then concur that the 'average' country wouldn't be the same. Civi U- before joining the CF I was an International Projects Manager for DFAIT...
  13. Bograt

    "Hijab Dispute Could Be Behind Girl's Death, Friends Say"

    Like the right to drive, or go to school, or share a husband? Domestic violence is not limited to Muslim faith. I do find it difficult to comprehend what would drive a man to strangle his daughter over a scarf. What what I have read in the TO papers, I would like to see the victim's brother...
  14. Bograt

    Any chance to become a pilot now?

    It is humble confidence.... you should see what they are like before they finish the Jaw. ;)
  15. Bograt

    Any chance to become a pilot now?

    Thanks, you made me laugh this morning. It is humorous to see such naivety. Please don't misinterpret my response as arrogance or an affront to your flying abilities. What you are contemplating as a career choice is extremely challenging regardless of your background. Last week a friend of mine...
  16. Bograt

    Any chance to become a pilot now?

    "Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight.?" Stay focused, continue with your life, but stay focused on your goal. Joining the CF is the easiest phase of training. Provided things work out there will be many more stressful times along the path to wings. A friend of mine pulled out...
  17. Bograt

    F-35 Helmet First Look

    hmmm... I'm sure it has been looked at, but I can't help but wonder how the drivers are going to deal with the fatigue of wearing that kit. Neck strain is a bugger.
  18. Bograt

    The CC-130-J Hercules Merged Thread

    The first pipe out of YPG has been selected at the last wings grad. (Nov. 14th? 07)
  19. Bograt

    60 Failures out of 129 candidates failed PT test

    I haven't read the entire thread so please excuse if it has been mentioned previously. I know from my past experience OJT'ing at an CFRC that the Fitness tests results (primarily for push ups and sit ups not for step test) were waived for new applicants. It was part of a strategy to  have...