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Search results

  1. Bograt

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Finally an opportunity to rebut something Inch says. If you are already proficient in the language, you will be tested. If you do not get your required profile you will have to go to SLT. At the beginning of SLT you are slotted into a class of your level. The course is broken into a series of...
  2. Bograt

    Sea Kings over Lawrencetown Beach

    Only thing better than seeing a Sea King fly over, is being in it while it does.
  3. Bograt

    Airtime before students get on the Harvard?

    It's fun to look the part, but there is something important missing on the left chest side.
  4. Bograt

    The CF policy on laser eye surgery for Pilots? Unfair?

    Grunthor, I think you would have a better chance if you grew wings. I can't even image in the timeframe or hurdles you would have to undergo to get into this trades with other nations. I'm sure it can be done, but there are easier ways to slip the bonds of Earth. If you really want to fly, here...
  5. Bograt

    Canadians are culturally sensitive to others.

    I read this article online today: I distinctly remember an account a Sergent told me during a field ex de-brief. He presented a situation that happened to him while in Croatia. A 8 or 9 year old boy appeared out of a shack, and pointed a RPG at his APC. He redundantly asked "What would you...
  6. Bograt

    OK, we've discussed China, the Sudan...

    I particularly enjoyed this statement. I took Statistics, organic chemistry, linguistics, aboriginal history, and benthic biology. I guess I am an expert numerologist/chemist/linguist/anthopologist/aquatic biologist. Come to think of it I also work at a MH operational squadron I guess I am AC...
  7. Bograt

    Union of National Defence Employees

    Civilian defence staff role not yet clear By MURRAY BREWSTER / The Canadian Press http://www.herald.ns.ca/stories/2005/08/09/f187.raw.html Ah..... sevice to one's country, loyalty, pride in doing a job well done, I see these values are still being articulated by the leadership within the...
  8. Bograt

    Pilot Equiptment

    I use trolleys. Filing cabinets are heavy. Where was I, oh yes, Stage 4 National Mobilization...................
  9. Bograt

    Pilot Equiptment

    Shouldn't you be getting your rest before flying.... I mean yes Sir. Where was I , ahh yes Land Force Command.............
  10. Bograt

    Jobs between training sessions

    OJT is what you make of it. Becasue you are not trade qualified, the "stuff" one can do is fairly minimal. It is a good opportunity to get some of your other courses done ie OPMEs, french, ect.... Good luck.
  11. Bograt

    Pilot Equiptment

    Inch, You have to show me where the ejection handle is on a Sea King. ;)
  12. Bograt

    Never mind Ignatieff - what about Brian Tobin

    Sorry, my sarcasim switch was not illuninated.
  13. Bograt

    Never mind Ignatieff - what about Brian Tobin

    To discuss anything about the Liberal Government to me is like slipping into a septic tank. Afterwards I desperately have the need to have a shower. As a Newfoundlander (from the West Coast) I am keenly aware of Mr. Tobin and his fantastic ability to double speak. He is a lot like Smallwood- as...
  14. Bograt

    Air Force CE

    Well its better than Goose.
  15. Bograt

    Pilot Equiptment

    Surprised no one mentioned the Travel Claim- or is that the nav's job. ;)
  16. Bograt

    Pilot Equiptment

    I flew a Sea King for the first time last week. The pilots brought with them a paper towel role. (We had a leak in the cockpit.) ;)
  17. Bograt

    St Jean, needs changes?

    Almost. In my serial, all the squids (MARS, and Engineers) were told they would be doing SLT in either BC or Shearwater. They all received their posting messages, however, the engineers had their posting messages revoked and they were told they were staying in St. Jean. The Chief Warrent of...
  18. Bograt

    St Jean, needs changes?

    Yes, and I am the only exception. I will be continuing SLT in Shearwater while I wait for PFT. I sought a compassionate transfer as a result of the birth of my second child while I was on BOTP. I presented that three months of IAP/BOTP followed by an attached posting to St.Jean for nine months...
  19. Bograt

    St Jean, needs changes?

    I completed IAP/BOTP this past April. For those colleagues that know me, they know I am not one for being shy as to what I believe is absolutely absurd in St. Jean. 1. I was on a a Basic Officer course, and never once came in contact with an officer. Our DS were a WO/PO, Sergeant, and 2 MCpls...
  20. Bograt

    Air Crew Selection Centre

    Hey, just finished BOTP in April. I am in the SLT pattern in St. Jean waiting to get posted to Shearwater or Greenwood for either SLT or OJT. I should get the message in a couple of weeks. I have the recommendation, I am now waiting for mon gerant de carriere (how's that for french training) to...