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Search results

  1. HCA123

    It's Official - Valour Decorations have been announced

    Here are the press releases: http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=2131 http://www.gg.ca/media/doc.asp?lang=e&DocID=4905 Congratulations are in order for all - cheers to 1 Field Ambulance's Cpl Jason Lamont, he's got quite a story to tell. Star of Military Valour -...
  2. HCA123

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    We have a number of nurses in my unit that went the ROTP route. If you have any specific questions, I can probably link you to one of them. Cheers
  3. HCA123

    Free Beer In Edmonton!

    Apparently there is a talent contest with a $1000 prize at the event... although word is the prize will go to a unit fund. Would certainly be interesting to see. Also, you can only attend 1 of the events, not both. Cheers!
  4. HCA123

    The Mountain and Ironman Merged Thread

    Just wanted to throw out a Bravo Zulu to LdSH(RC) for their organization and running of Mountain Man 2006. All the units in the brigade contributed to the success of this year's event and from my point of view as a competitor/1 Fd Amb team captain everything ran pretty smoothly (everything...
  5. HCA123

    COMPONENT TRANSFER - Pay protection

    I have a good friend who is looking for the same info. He was a MCpl IPC 2 in the reserves, did some Class B & C call outs (including a short 6 week stint in Afghanistan), but when he transferred to the regs he was given Pte trained. Has looked for some CANFORGENs but hasn't found the right one...
  6. HCA123

    Edmonton Thread- Merged

    The 3-year rolling average works against those of us who just got posted here. I purchased my house in May - only to find out that about a year earlier it would have been $50,000 or $60,000 cheaper (therefore my monthly mortgage costs are much more than someone who purchased a year or 2 before)...
  7. HCA123

    Cost of Replacing Commissioning Scroll?

    My wife and I just completed our move last month and the movers damaged her commissioning scroll (we had it in a protective envolop, they did a crap job packing it and now it's bent up). It was marked down by the un-packers, so everything is good to go to make a claim. Can someone tell me how...
  8. HCA123

    Queston re:' 'vested rights to pay'

    From what I gather from the recruiting centre, vested rights is not something you ask for, it's given automatically. I got it last year from my jump from the reserves to a DEO officer (Sgt to SLt) and my buddy who just got his ROTP civie U acceptance is keeping his MCpl reserve pay while he...
  9. HCA123

    CF Uniforms

    They will put you where they need you. For example, a buddy of mine wanted to go Navy Int O - but the CF needed Air Int O's, so he was given an offer for the air force. Other examples I know of; an HCA who wanted to go navy but was put in the Air F; an MPO who wanted Army but was offered a Navy...
  10. HCA123

    Reserves and School...should I do it?

    Touché. You had me going for a second there... yes 7 years - 5 for business co-op/work term degree then 2 for an MBA. I didn't include my year of hooked on phonics or underwater basket weaving. Trinity, you've been on quite a role with the burns... keep up the good work. I'll just have to be a...
  11. HCA123

    Reserves and School...should I do it?

    It's definitely a balancing act, but doable all the same. I was able to complete the week end warrior QL2 during 1st year university. It wasn't easy, but having taught the new reserve BMQ, I know it is less demanding and shorter than the old QL2. Once you find your comfort level, you will know...
  12. HCA123

    Wanted - Navy Officer Mess Kit

    Looking a Naval Officer's mess kit, size 40-42 chest, 34/34 pants. Montreal/Ottawa region (Edmonton region in 2 months or so). Also, if I have to buy it new, I was wondering if anyone had a white vest for sale or leads on where I could get an affordable one. $145 seemed a bit steep to me at the...
  13. HCA123

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    If you look at the picture to the left, you'll see what cap badge she will wear upon commissioning.
  14. HCA123

    Extra Kit on BMQ ? Cameras, Cell Phones, Laptops..

    Not useful for IAP... maybe BOTP if you want to type a memo or watch a movie at night (movie at night a no-no during IAP). As for Internet, once you are on 2nd Lang Trg (SLT) you can set it up among your 'podmates' (roomates) but it is through Bell and then your own wireless router. There is no...
  15. HCA123

    PO question NAVY IAP

    Well in St-Jean the reg force (all 3 elements) IAP PO103 involves your taskings (doing up your orders and accomplishing such missions as - make a rope bridge, make a first aid station, etc). It tests your ability to lead a section in the field and accomplishing a mission. This PO is then...
  16. HCA123

    Signing Bonus - Engineering Officers

    A DEO candidate can't expect a reimbursement for university they already have completed. As a DEOer myself, I can say (knowing a few RMC grads) that I had a 'different' university experience. Much more sleeping in and a lot less stress for me. RMC isn't a walk in the park and in my opinion they...
  17. HCA123

    PLQ = IAP Bypass?

    You need 2-5 AND ALL mod 6. Believe me... from experience. If you get a chance to complete mod 6, do it. I only had 1-6a as it was all I needed for my trade. It is the equivalent to the navy/airforce PLQ and only missing a couple of weeks off the complete army PLQ and they were still able to say...
  18. HCA123

    Cheap domestic flights for canadian soldiers

    I'm 99% sure reservist can take advantage of Canjet's 10% off. If you need clarification though, try giving them a call on their 1-800 number. Everytime I fly with them they just ask for my service number.
  19. HCA123

    DEO pay for BOTC

    You will be told contrary things even when you arrive to St-Jean for IAP/BOTP. I was in a bit different situation this past fall (previous experience, different pay grade, etc), but I can tell you that almost everyone on my fall course was having trouble with their pay and couldn't get any...
  20. HCA123

    Second Lang Training St.Jean

    I might have some answers for you. I just finished up IAP/BOTP and am going on to SLT (hopefully for a short stint). Moving SLT Locations: We had all our requests for a different SLT location rejected. We were told we could request again when we arrived back at St-Jean (most of us are smart...