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  1. Brandonfw


    I use to have a orange flavor for my pre workout mixes when I was in the police college, and lemon-lime mix for post workouts. tasted extremely good, especially if mixed properly.  With my current civi job, I DO get a 10-15% discount off of supplements at Supplement Kings here in Halifax ;)...
  2. Brandonfw

    BMQ / BMOQ - Personal Electronics during course [MERGED]

    I personally cannot wait to get to BMQ. They can have my cell phone, all week long, 6 days/nights. I just want it for 1 day a week. My woman would be upset about not being able to talk to me, but oh well. She already complains about me going, but at the same time can't wait, so we can start our...
  3. Brandonfw


    Anakha, you do realize that this was about 6 months old eh? :) But I find using post workout mixes helps a lot, I use to take post work out afterwards, and I never, and I mean never since I used it at the time felt any post pain. But thats just me. :P Now I gotta get back into shape as I havent...
  4. Brandonfw

    a bit of help please

    From what I have been told by the staff at the Recruiting Center, Infantry is competitive to get in. Also, transferring trades is not also easy. It takes time, qualifications, and normally a wait list until positions open up in that particular trade. I have also read that people have waited for...
  5. Brandonfw

    I have a question

    I would suggest giving them a call, it doesn't have to be your recruiter, anyone at the desk would be able to help you just the same. Just ask them for an update, and if you should wait to bring the documents in or to bring them in right away. I wish you the best of luck Corey. -Brandon
  6. Brandonfw

    I have a question

    Hi Corey (And welcome to the site!) To answer your question, you are required to bring the documents and forms in as soon as possible, signed and filled out correctly. This was in my e-mail when I received my email from my recruiter last week : "Please be advised that the following documents...
  7. Brandonfw

    Help, I may be stuck...

    I will have to go to Borden Ontario for MP training when I am done BMQ in Quebec if I get accepted to MP that is... A friend of mine is doing MP reserves right now here in Halifax, but I believe he had to go to Gagetown.
  8. Brandonfw

    Help, I may be stuck...

    My recruiter said I can use friends as references long as they have known me for at least 5 years or longer. I receieved my documents Monday, tomorrow morning I am going into the CFRC to bring my documents in, and find out anymore information on questions if I have any. Just thought I would give...
  9. Brandonfw

    Help, I may be stuck...

    No, there are not related to me, thank goodness I can use those as references then  :D Is the Statutory Declaration a form they give me to sign, or is that something I must ask them to also email with? -Brandon
  10. Brandonfw

    Help, I may be stuck...

    Today, I have received an email from the recruiter with documents to fill out... For references, it says they have to have known me for 5 years.... Am I able to use references that are friends of the family? The references that I usually use have only known me for about 2 years now. It would be...
  11. Brandonfw

    The waiting game....

    BeyondTheNow, I went to Ravensberg College Police Foundation. It's a college that is meant to train you in the field of law enforcement. Military Police is what I really wish to do, but I also researched the other two trades, and believe I would like them as well. I have a friend who was in the...
  12. Brandonfw

    The waiting game....

    I applied for Military police, artillery, and infantry. I went to a police foundations college as well so I would have the credentials for MP. All 3 occupations are open right now they said. I figured if I can at least get into artillery or infantry if I can't get into the MP's right now, later...
  13. Brandonfw

    The waiting game....

    Hey everyone, this is my first post, I found this site through a friend of mine who said this will give me great insight into a lot of my questions that I have had about the military. Very good information on here, thanks to everyone sharing all their advice, questions and answers :) Has helped...