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Search results

  1. mikeninercharlie

    Canadian Forces Health Services Training Centre

    if it keeps the green hat badged, tooth fairies out of real command positions in deployed units, then I'm all for the dental folks commanding our home station. However, I wonder if the fang farmers experience medal envy as they walk past the 9 Medical VCs displayed in the main hallway, have...
  2. mikeninercharlie

    PRT Patch

    Jaweed, my 'terp says the Pashto on the "PRT" (old style square) patch is literally "Provincial Reconstruction Team". Kat, haven't been around for over a year as I was practicing my Pashto skills however, pissing on campfires is much more fun!
  3. mikeninercharlie

    PRT Patch

    I think it says, "If I was good enough, I'd be in the OMLT....." >:D
  4. mikeninercharlie

    Any Good Combat Engineer Stories(Funny Stories) everyone put on there helmets

    I also thought the 3 troop omelettes were great until I discovered their "secret ingredient" one dark and stormy night walking back to my ambulance from the CP. Ray just didn't like the cold so he used to sleep in his flying kitchen, first he'd turn on the cook stoves (low heat), lay a stretcher...
  5. mikeninercharlie

    All Things Paul Franklin (merged)

    Old Medic IIRC, the last medic to be "injured" as a result of enemy action while on a combat operation was Cpl EW Poole DCM, a medical assistant serving in 2 RCR in Korea 1951. He was nominated for the VC however, this was downgraded to DCM by the Comd of the Commonwealth Bde. I'll attempt to...
  6. mikeninercharlie

    Medical Services on Parade

    Look for "The Myriad Challenges of Peace: CF Medical Practitioners since the 2nd World War" (ISBN 0-660-19171) by Dr Bill Rawlings of DHH. This official hex was published in 2004, initially it was to be officially launched during Op Celebration activities in Borden last June however, I...
  7. mikeninercharlie

    Medical Services on Parade

    As I was actively involved in the research and writing of the "CFMS Introduction to its Hx and Heritage" I have to jump in here. The CFMS Hx and Heritage book lost many of its nuances during the editting process, the less said about that, the better. I do have an electronic copy of the original...
  8. mikeninercharlie

    Officers not clean shaven

    Canadian Orders, Decorations and Medals - Precedence http://gg.ca/honours/ordprec_e.asp 7. The insignia of orders, decorations and medals not listed in this Directive, as well as foreign awards, the award of which has not been approved by the Government of Canada, shall not be mounted or worn...
  9. mikeninercharlie

    Officers not clean shaven

    I also watched the funeral service in it's entirety. I would suggest MattD saw a group of about 10 or 12 "elderly" Honorary Lt Cols / Colonels of 39 Bde units, many of them bearded, sitting in the sanctuary.  On another note - what's up with the Vancouver Police Dept Sr NCO wearing a Kuwait...
  10. mikeninercharlie

    CADPAT as Navy Work Dress?

    It's about time the naval clothing authorities make a recommendation to the CMS to adopt coveralls as the standard shipboard dress for all ranks. It seems to work for the Aussies, our heldets, the firefighters and the occasional seagoing Physician Assistant who has some difficulty following...
  11. mikeninercharlie

    Medical Corps History and traditions

    Contact the Med Group Sgt Maj in Ottawa, he has an electronic copy of the official  version of the CF Medical Branch March - "The Farmers Boy" as recorded by the Central Band. It's in the top left hand drawer of his desk, at least it was when I left it there 4 months ago... His assistant should...
  12. mikeninercharlie

    Expert Field Medic Badge

    There are many of us who have a strong desire to see a Canadian equivalent to the US Army "Expert Field Medical Badge" created...   Raising the level of expertise / field skills / fitness levels amongst medical soldiers are major factors in the push to create the qual. The benefits include the...
  13. mikeninercharlie

    Veterans License Plates

    Vet's plates A word of caution from BC, know who is speaking on your behalf otherwise serving members could be left out in the dark... Being quite familiar with the enabling legislation in Ontario and Nova Scotia, I thought that I would soon be affixing new plates on my vehicle. However, that...
  14. mikeninercharlie

    Gonna be the PMC at Mess Dinner & I need help

    This should get you started... The Mess Dinner Messes are integral to military life and serve a vital role in fostering morale and building esprit de corps among Canadian Forces personnel. A Mess Dinner is a formal military dinner held on special occasions, and it is a central event in the...
  15. mikeninercharlie

    CFHS OP Celebration - EFMC

    15 teams of HS soldiers drawn from both reg and res communities are entered in a competition designed to raise our collective ability to support field force units. Bottom line - you can have the finest medical skills in the world however, unless you can move and fight (if necessary) to deliver...
  16. mikeninercharlie

    1 Fd Amb Calgary 1976-79

    Trying to track down former members of Evac Coy 1 Fd Amb including Matt(Pig Pen)Pearson, Murray Mackenzie(Rick)Richardson, Marc Comport, Randy McConnery and Steve Gamache for a possible reunion in Edmonton, Alberta 2004. A number of us from that era still serving including Frank Paul now RSM...
  17. mikeninercharlie

    Canadian Medics in World War 2

    A good starting point would be "Seventy years of service: a history of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps". - Ottawa: Borealis Press, 1977. - 388 p. You may want to take your research a little further and discover the stories behind the 9 Cdn Medical VCs, the sole Cdn soldier to be awarded...
  18. mikeninercharlie

    Medical Assistant - Reserve

    Check the recruiting web site, the Med Tech page was updated over the weekend. It should provide you with some insight before you walk up to the counter at CFRC. You always have the option of requesting that a Prior Learing Assesment(PLA) be done by the CF Medical Service School in order to...