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  1. Caleix

    Hillier flown from Afghan village after bomb blast

    Or if you watched the news you would have seen a big VR picture of a bison for Fld Amb purposes. Caleix
  2. Caleix


    What unit?
  3. Caleix

    Helmet cam?

    um....maybe you should ask your chain of command first if its alright......just maybe....so someone doesn't smash a nice shinny Video Camera you just got...unless you've already done that? Caleix
  4. Caleix

    BMQ weekend without kit

    Im all the ways out here in Nova Scotia and im doing BMQ, when we started out, there was around 6 or 7 people that didnt have anything but a Service Number to go by....dont worry, im sure that your instructors will just bitch about the poor abilities of the clothing storesmen. Caleix
  5. Caleix

    Gen. Hillier pushes plan to boost army enrolment

    Just remember, those co-workers at your current job.....their "Civilians", your joining the forces, doing something for your country, that makes you a citizenĀ  :).....just how i see it. I think someone had actually brought this up a while back, its from the book (NOT THE MOVIE) star ship...
  6. Caleix

    No less than 1000 fish ATTACK boat..... (no hoax)

    That lawnmover.......how da hell........even with CG.....wtf m8? Caleix
  7. Caleix

    Incentive Pay Category For Cadets Joining The CF

    still feel stupid for leaving..... Caleix
  8. Caleix

    UK Iraq Pullout Rumours

    Im no high ranking official in the Brit or Canadian military (just a little Pte on BMQ) so could anyone give me an idea of what effects this would have on our guys in A-Stan? Caleix
  9. Caleix


    My Reserve Regiment issues them out after you complete BMQ or SQ...cant remember which one it is, sry. Caleix
  10. Caleix

    Incentive Pay Category For Cadets Joining The CF

    you know what really sucks, i left my last year of cadets to join reserves and i would have been doing staff (six week qual) goddamn...... Caleix
  11. Caleix

    Out of Province Summer BMQ

    one question...what grade are you in, like university or highschool...?(dont take wrong way...not being sarcastic here) Caleix
  12. Caleix


    sorry, couldn't find the acronym for GIB.....care to explain
  13. Caleix

    Canadian Forces University Program (CFUP) CANCELLED

    duck and cover!!! :warstory:
  14. Caleix

    T-Shirt Folding Video to Help you out in BMQ

    too bad that sucker wouldnt fit in a Ruck or a dufflebag.....lol Caleix
  15. Caleix


    like i said..... I.Q. just went out the window on this post....... Caleix
  16. Caleix

    The Capt. Trevor Greene Thread

    Lots of things could have been done then, the important thing here is to learn from mistakes and move on so that this doesnt happen again. Like most here, im only going on 2nd hand knowedge of what happened.....so lets not forget whats important here.....our Cpt. Greene comes out of this mess as...
  17. Caleix

    CadetPat field uniform

    I never wanted it to seem like cadets were child soldiers, what i was suggesting was that with a uniform similar to the CF Cadpat now would be a nudge in the direction of cadets looking like child soldiers....also a way to solve this problem "could" be to only let cadets over the age of 16 wear...
  18. Caleix


    ......i think my I.Q. dropped.....like 10 pts....... Caleix
  19. Caleix

    CadetPat field uniform

    its not that i see a problem with cadets wearing military issued clothing, as long as its not clothing that is being currently issued out to reg or reserve members, thats where i get problems with it, because no one should be wearing Cadpat when their out for a weekend with the guys or on a...
  20. Caleix

    Riding Troop

    excellent observation...im sure if i was awake as well i could come up with something too lol Caleix