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  1. D

    Canadian Submarine Capabilites (What can they do? Do we need them?)

    Ex-Dragoon , do you know if the hydroplanes can be retracted?
  2. D

    Loss of the 280s

    No problem.  :)
  3. D

    Loss of the 280s

    Has there been any serious studies into this "new common surface warfare combatant" (ie size, hull form, capabilities etc)? Also, what would the chances be that we could be part of joint program with other nations that share the same need? Just off hand, I'd think that the Dutch, Germans...
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    Loss of the 280s

    Instead of starting a new thread, I thought I'd bring this one back from the grave....... Does anybody know the current status/life expectancy of the 280s, and what the status of CADRE is? Or (in both cases) is this something that nothing will be known about untill the defence review is...
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    Canadian Submarine Capabilites (What can they do? Do we need them?)

    You must addmitted that these two sails share a striking resemblance: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/images/ssn-trafalgar_submarine2.jpg and http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/images/UPHOLDER-2.jpg Perhaps they are already.
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    Canadian Submarine Capabilites (What can they do? Do we need them?)

    Are the Victoria's sails ice-strengthened?
  7. D

    Canadian Army Reading List- 11+ Years Of Suggestions and Ideas

    The Bridges at Toko-Ri - James Michener (really good movie also) The Guns of Navarone - Alistair Maclean (another decent movie) The Cruel Sea - Nicholas Monsarrat (also a decent flick) Though, IMHO all the movies are good, the books are much better.
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    Tom Clancy

    Though now terribly dated, I always thought Red Storm Rising was a decent read.
  9. D

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    If we were to get the JSF in the 2020 timeframe, the aircraft will only have been in service with the United States for 6-8 years (depending on version), added to the fact that likely the Americans and British would get their orders first, so 2020 wouldn't appear to be a unreasonable ISD. The...
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    Canadian Submarine Capabilites (What can they do? Do we need them?)

    Forget about North Korea for the moment, but due to the vast increase in China's Navy (Brown and Blue water, Surface and Sub-Surface) and the growing tensions over Taiwan, I'd think it to be prudent, at this time, not to pair away from the Navy it's subs. Now based on the fact that the...
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    Rust hampers latest used sub

    Do you not think that incidents/accidents happan on the other ships in the fleet?
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    Rust hampers latest used sub

    Do you not think that those problems where associated with the fact that the Upholders were in mothballed since the early 90s? What does your "gut" tell you the real reason behind the Upholders being mothballed was then?
  13. D

    Rust hampers latest used sub

    What do you base that assessment on? The reason being , the Royal Navy (like most of NATO) was faced with defence cuts at the end of the cold war.........it was either the four Upholders or two nukes. I never knew that the RAN looked at or was offered the Upholders .......I know that the...
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    Rust hampers latest used sub

    Even though the Vics are both not on time and over budget, we have still paid a fraction of what it would have cost to build or buy new. For instance, the RAN has spent over 4.5 billion dollars on the six Collins class subs, or 750 million per. Now IIRC, the Vic program is still under 1.5...
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    Aircraft Carriers of the World

    I just read somewhere a couple of weeks ago that the Kuznetsov went to sea with her air wing and was exercising with the MN.
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    Aircraft Carriers of the World

    Japan is building a class of "through deck-cruiser", South Korea is building LHDs and is rumoured to be intrested in CVs (of sorts), Red China has been showing an intrest in carriers for over a decade, and the Dutch are looking at possably replacing their elder AOR (Zuidrcruis?) with an LHD. I...
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    A Case for Negilgence

    I thought I'd throw this into the mix: Now is it not the "duty" of the Head of Government to see that Canadian citizens are protected? So if PM PM's neglects the safety of the before mentioned CPF, wouldn't he be criminally negligent?  
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    A Case for Negilgence

    Nevermind the Tories, but if you add the recommendations of the Senate reports, independent "think tanks"/research groups and other nation's governments, I don't see how the Liberals neglect towards the forces, and by proxy the defence of the Canadian people, could be proven to be anything other...
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    A Case for Negilgence

    Sure, if Canadians die, are injured or suffer damage to propertiy, and if it could be proven that the "event" likely could have been prevented if not for government neglect of the forces, the government would be guilty of negligence, and as they say Ignorance is no defence.
  20. D

    Loss of the 280s

    IMHO (and I'm sure a number of others share this), the current ability for the CF to "defend citizens from attack. or rescue citizens overseas" is negligible, and if this was further decreased, I'd hazard a guess that some could find the Liberals in a state of mens rea. At no fault of their...