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  1. D

    Editorial - Montreal Gazette - "Do we really need subs?"

    It's not a "what if", they do have a massive fleet. (5+ nukes and well over 50 SSKs)
  2. D

    What Should the Army's Role, Capabilities & Structure Be?

    Though this looks like a circular debate, I feel the need to add my two bits........ If you could ask Rommel who his greatest foes were during the North African campagin, I wonder if he would say Sommerville and Cunningham instead of Monty and Patton?
  3. D

    What Should the Army's Role, Capabilities & Structure Be?

    I guess I missread "and be willing to sacrifice those assets, roles (NATO fleet refueling) that do not fit this new objective".......My bad
  4. D

    Heavy lift conundrum

    Thanks Zommie. Why's that? As Zoomie just said, the FWSAR replacement is all but a go, so the only aircraft on that "roster" of Zoomie's that we don't have as of yet are the four C-17s.......
  5. D

    Heavy lift conundrum

    Zoomie, I seem to recall Pratt, and then Graham not ruling out Strat lifters, but both cited the much talked about "defence review" and what results were found from it before deciding on Strategic Airlifters. Even if we do go with a small purchase of C-17s (and the 15 C-27Js), will we still be...
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    What Should the Army's Role, Capabilities & Structure Be?

    Do you understand what contradiction means? Unilaterally deploy naval assests..........get rid of AORs......  ???
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    Heavy lift conundrum

    I know.......Call me a skeptic though, but the A400M has been on the drawing board since the early 90s, and still has not made it's maiden flight.......Should the CF invest in a project that might be a success or might flop or a proven aircraft?
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    Heavy lift conundrum

    What is the service record of the A400M like, when compared to the C-17? How many Canadians work for Airbus (or any subsidiaries of the A400M program)? Is it a larger number then those Canadians that work for Boeing, or even Lockheed for that mater? Though they have a few dozen A400Ms on...
  9. D

    Hmmm, it appears I'm not alone re: small carriers....

    CSL operates mostly bulk carriers..........If I was going to lease from a Canadian flag company, I'd look at the WMG, namely SEASPAN.
  10. D

    Hmmm, it appears I'm not alone re: small carriers....

    All that can't be said about the JSS or our current AORs? As for the silk worm hit, the only difference between our AORs and an American AOE would the size of the initial fireball and for how long it would burn.....
  11. D

    Hmmm, it appears I'm not alone re: small carriers....

    Nor do I, with that said, you have to take into a account the logistical requirements for four LPDs and all the said Pongos on board. What are they going to eat, drink, smoke etc.......in effect, with two LPDs, (in terms of manpower) you have created another taskgroup. The Spanish/Dutch design...
  12. D

    Hmmm, it appears I'm not alone re: small carriers....

  13. D

    Hmmm, it appears I'm not alone re: small carriers....

    AOE-X is the program to replace the Sacramento class logistics support ships (Think our Protecteur-class, then double the displacement)
  14. D

    Hmmm, it appears I'm not alone re: small carriers....

    That idea sounds more feasible, but you still have to take into account the lifetime operating costs of your four LPDs and the two AORs, compared to three JSS. Now since you and others floated some ideas (Which I took shots at), it would be proper if I too floated my "ideas". If the JSS...
  15. D

    Hmmm, it appears I'm not alone re: small carriers....

    I agree.........but things are not always that simple, look at the different mindset of both peoples. One lives next to a large Islamic state well the other lives next to the worlds only superpower. Before you start comparing both militarise, you must understand that the ADF has also shared...
  16. D

    Hmmm, it appears I'm not alone re: small carriers....

    E-2C? As in Hawkeyes? You understand that Hawkeyes are "Conventional Take Off and Landing" (CTOL) aircraft? Thats quite the LHD you are planning.......... Or have our elected government decide what role it is we as Canadians want to take in the world, base our foregin policy around it, then...
  17. D

    Heavy lift conundrum

    The United Kingdom's defence budget is about four times larger than ours........
  18. D

    Concerns about the RN's new Assault Ships

    I notice how the author points out that the Ministry of defence didn't enforce their workmenship standards due to a new ":equipment procurement processes" (translation, cutting corners to save money). Also noted, is that the project was rushed to replace the ancient HMS Fearless (She was going...
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    Heavy lift conundrum

    Though I agree, that picture translates into DND's total budget for two plus years  :- Seriously though, Sealift and Airlift shouldn't be an either/or ddecision.........Sealift trumps airlift in purchase price, capacity and eefficiency but airlift is light years ahead in terms of speed of...
  20. D

    Scrapping the Subs - Media Pressure has Begun

    Did anybody by chance see this clown Staples yesterday on global sunday? The panel was made up with this Staples character, a retired O-boat commander(Jay Plante), and two other analysts. The readers digest version is that he tried to make the same kinda points as Whiskey mentioned, and the...