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  1. ChopperHead

    How Will You Vote

    well im not old enough to vote for another yet but if I could Id be voting conservative. I however don't think they will win the election if they do it will be very close, and I don't they will win because people are voting "for" them more so against the Liberals. Also I figure many former...
  2. ChopperHead

    Defence Policy in the 2006 General Election

    Ok well Im not sure I totaly understand the Tory platform here. are they saying that they plan on increasing the CF by 15000 - 75000 on top of what is already in the works in terms of increasing the size of the military?? This seems way to ambitious. If Im not mistaken the CF is having a hard...
  3. ChopperHead

    CF-188 Hornet, Canada's jet fighter

    I dont think there really is the "perfect" fighter out their to fit the needs of Canada. So no matter what you can sujest in this thread there will always be negatives and reasons why a certian other jet would be better. your not really getting anywhere just a back and forth kinda thing goin on...
  4. ChopperHead

    Motorcycle Clubs.

    thanks alot for the link
  5. ChopperHead

    Motorcycle Clubs.

    Not sure if this is the right place for this so if not then please move. so anyway I was wondering if there are any CF motorcyle clubs out there? Whether It's whithin a specific unit or MOC or just through out the whole CF. Kyle.
  6. ChopperHead

    Is bmq now 14 weeks?

    Ok so just wondering would there be much of a difference from the 11 week course and the 13 week one or would it be the same only alittle more spaced out Ie. more free time or something? Kyle.
  7. ChopperHead

    CF-188 Hornet, Canada's jet fighter

    American Planes are nice and everything But personally I would much rather see an all Canadian designed and buit aircraft to replace the CF-18 whenever that day comes. I know there is alot of ups and downs to this the biggest ones being cost and time for development and testing etc etc but Never...
  8. ChopperHead

    Posts Regarding The Canadian Forces On Other Forums

    Kinda shows how much they really know this is a quote from that website: "I would like to see a bigger military for the purposes of disaster relief and rebuilding. It would have been nice if we could have sent a crack squad to SE Asia, or New Orleans to fix shit."  ::)  ::) and ya enough said...
  9. ChopperHead

    Top 10 Video Games of ALL Time!

    I think you mean the N64 not the C64
  10. ChopperHead


    Ive seen this poem around alot and I like it but I have never been able to find who wrote it so my question is does anyone know? I dont want to post it on here cause it probably has like a copyright on it but it's called THE FINAL INSPECTION just google it and you'll find it. Thanks Kyle.
  11. ChopperHead

    Question of the Hour

    Re: The Sea Serpent I think it's some kinda of sub.
  12. ChopperHead

    Civi protesters, repect and the CDS's speech merged topics

    Actually im 17 Im in Grade 12 right now so next summer Im hoping to join up. i just noticed I didnt do to much grammer so If it bothers anyone I'll modify my post and put into paragraphs I was just kinda talking in my head when I wrote so I wasnt really even thinking about punctuation. Kyle
  13. ChopperHead

    Civi protesters, repect and the CDS's speech merged topics

    Ya I totally agree with everything in this thread alot of the disrespect comes from HighSchool Where people are rebelious and Left wing because It's seen as being cool. Ie all the "BAD BOY" characters in movies are always fighting against the Government and The Establishment. Another Big thing...
  14. ChopperHead

    Top 10 Video Games of ALL Time!

    Me neither I played it once I thought it sucked. I didnt understand what all the hype was about it there tons of much better games out there.
  15. ChopperHead

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    To get the bottom of your boots black, clean the mud and stuff off then spray them with hairspray. Wouldnt that make your boots stick to the floor when you walk?
  16. ChopperHead

    Top 10 Video Games of ALL Time!

    well it's not a video game but I figured Id mention it anyway. A really cool game Is Warhammer (I hope I spelled it right). I used to play when I was younger very cool game takes patience tho. Kyle
  17. ChopperHead

    Civilizations 4-Anybody out there a Civ fan?

    Does anyone one out there know if there will be a new Alpa centuri or something similar to accompany the new Civ 4? Kyle.
  18. ChopperHead

    car poll

    Keep the buick. Rabits are ugly in my opinion and since the car your looking at is pretty old you will need alot of maintance and parts for VWs any VWs are very expensive so what you save in gas you just lose it in the cost of upkeep. So go with the buick it's a good reliable car parts are...
  19. ChopperHead

    Bring Back the army Forage / Peak Caps ... ?

    I like the forage cap It looks sharp however I have never wore one so I cant say anything about how practical or comfortable it is. http://www.williamscully.ca/gallery/Royal-Canadian-Hussars/Hussar_s_Changing_of_the_Guidon now you can't tell me that doesnt look sharp. and they as you can...
  20. ChopperHead


    I took that test and Im a Primary Gold. Im sure that many people on here would be a Gold person. Short Description: I am conventional. I am the pillar of strength and have high respect for authority. I like to establish and maintain policies, procedures, and schedules. I have a strong sense of...