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Search results

  1. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    I really dont think the Abrams is that good. I would much rather see if we were going to stick with tanks the Leopard 2 in whatever the latest version is (A6 EX) . why? we are already familiar with the leopard vehicle, there are already supply lines etc set up with manufacturers in Germany, we...
  2. ChopperHead

    LAV III Mobile Gun System (MGS)

    the Arrow was a masterpiece, excellent machine far ahead of it's time. the MGS (IMO) is piece of SH*T. Keep the leopards we have and spend the money that was going to be spent on MGS and buy some new Leo 2's to supplement our current tank forces. so in away i hope your right but the arrow is...
  3. ChopperHead

    Defence Policy in the 2006 General Election

    Well I do agree that we need to prioratise what we need to spend what little defense budgt there is but IMO I think there is more chance of getting equipment and whatever else as part of the protection of the Arctic because when It comes right down to it the average Canadian is not really...
  4. ChopperHead

    Defence Policy in the 2006 General Election

    I agree. we can't defend the artic heck we can barley moniter it right now. the US knows this and so does everyone else. so if we cant protect our borders then the US is not going to sit around and let something happen. If theoretically someone were to land on Canadian soil we would 1) not know...
  5. ChopperHead

    Civilizations 4-Anybody out there a Civ fan?

    why did my last post get deleted?
  6. ChopperHead

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    sry to double post here but does anyone know what the US military policy is on executions?? like are they aloud to sentece someone to death?? Enemy spys, terrorists etc can they be executed on military authority alone?
  7. ChopperHead

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    I totaly support bringing back the death penalty. But lets be honest here if it ever were to come back the only method that would be used is lethal injection. It is considered humane. In my own view I dont really think so and I would rather be shot but never the less that is the norm these days...
  8. ChopperHead

    Great Canadian Political Myth: Ontario is Liberal & the west in Conservative

    with the Ontario thing. you also have to consider the diffrences between northern and southern Ont. while southern ontario has the most votes so then thats is usually what they go on in saying Ont is Liberal or whatever. I know for a fact that many many northern ontarians are conservatives or...
  9. ChopperHead

    Civilizations 4-Anybody out there a Civ fan?

    Civ4 is an awesome game. It is buggy though but firaxis is workin on it as they already have one patch out wich seemed to help alittle. anyone who is a civ fan check out www.civfanatics.com. awesome forum they have lots of mods and some user made fixes which are extremely helpful. so check it out.
  10. ChopperHead


    ok thats good to hear. well not about the bathing suit but the other part is good lol. mine is on my scalp and is hardly noticable at all it's very mild case.
  11. ChopperHead

    Subsidizing Education

    whats actually kind of funny about the whole university thing is that people who go to to univ. spend all this money and all this time to get that degree when they graduate they are stuck how many thousands of dollars in debt and are likely not to get a job in the field they got the degree in...
  12. ChopperHead

    My personnal story

    ya I wanted to earlier then 8 but before then it was more like a fantasy like oooohh that would be cool sorta thing. anyway ya I plan on making the military my career and after I retire lol yes I have already thought about retirement  ;) at such a young age, I would like to get into politics...
  13. ChopperHead

    My personnal story

    I also had a simililar experince. Im 17 right now and will be applying this summer. anyway when I first told my parents and this was awile ago, I think I was like 8 or so but anyway I suppose they didnt really think anything of it just a chilidish fantasy etc but a couple years ago we were...
  14. ChopperHead


    alright thanks kincanucks i know your a reqruiter so I'll take your advice and just go ahead with the application. I wont be submitting it untill the summer though. I have tried to hard to be rejected over something like this. the military is pretty much what kept me in school and out of any...
  15. ChopperHead


    No I havent been through the reqruiting process yet but from stories of other etc I am now worried about it because I have esentiall based my education goals, etc on being in the army after highschool so I never planned on going to college I never thought about any of that very much. Thats why I...
  16. ChopperHead


    sorry to bump up an old thread like this but i dont see the point in starting an entirely new thread. anyway I got Psoriasis about a year and half ago. I never thought anything of it affecting my future military career but after doing some research lately I have come to the conclusion that my...
  17. ChopperHead

    Defence Policy in the 2006 General Election

    (quote)Accelerate the already announced creation of a new 5000 person peacekeeping brigade(quote) lol I find this funny how he keeps saying throughout that document peacekeeping this and peacekeeping that and UN this. Canada is at WAR we are not peacekeeping anymore  :warstory: I really dont...
  18. ChopperHead

    Question for you guys! - "Why did you choose Armour?"

    Im not in the CF yet ( summer 2006 hopefully) but I want to join the Armour core because well actually what originally got me hooked on the armoured was the Tanks and I badly wanted to get myself into the gunners seat of one of those beasts but obviously that wont be happening for me  :crybaby...
  19. ChopperHead

    How Will You Vote

    lol ya I know it was stupid to be cheering that you just lost the confidence of the country but my point was that the Paul Martin gets right into his speeches and gets people involved and I think that works alot better then just standing there reading a piece of paper. If you want to get youth...
  20. ChopperHead

    How Will You Vote

    Actually I do watch cpac. Is still find him boring though, alot of people do. Compared to Paul Martins speeches Harpers are usually quite tame and uneventful. Like right after the Gorenment fell and the leader had their speeches to their party members. Paul Martin had his party shouting and...