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Search results

  1. ChopperHead

    U.S. troops shoot at Cdn. diplomats' car in Iraq

    well I obvisouly dont know what really happened but Im guessing it was probably alittle bit of both sides storys. Perhaps the convoy did pull over or whatever and then the Car was going very fast towards them or did something to provoke the attack however small or large. niether side is going...
  2. ChopperHead

    Canadian Sea King crashes off Denmark

    http://sympaticomsn.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060202/seaking_crash_060202 "The single-rotor helicopters were first purchased in 1963, and in 2004, 28 were still in use. They often experience flameouts, engine stalls, generator failures, and have been described as "flying...
  3. ChopperHead

    Conservative minority government

    I never understood why people dont vote. like most have that argument that they dont like any of the partys etc etc. Well there are like 20 something parties. there is a party out there that you can support. just cause you dont support the Liberals, tories etc they arnt the only ones there. We...
  4. ChopperHead

    ***Warning *** York University Protest

    anyone know if the Universities in Alberta have radical right wing nut jobs? lol just thought it would only be fair. If there is Radical lefts there has to be radical rights as well, somewhere.
  5. ChopperHead

    Conservative minority government

    FINALLY. It's not what I was hoping for. I was hoping for a Majority or at least a lesser minority like 140 seats or so but never the Less, They still won and it's a damn good day. Quebec was especially a shocker for the conservatives as most predicted maybe 2 or 3 seats might go Conservative...
  6. ChopperHead

    Videos and clips featuring the Army

    Ok well first off if you read the rest of the post it says that I dont think they are and I gave 2 reasons why. and since nobody else has been able to identify what unit it is either I dont see how im trolling. Someone said to me that they thought it was LSH thats not my opionion thats what...
  7. ChopperHead

    Videos and clips featuring the Army

    some people are telling me that the first video is of strathconas. I dont think it is. Mainly because 1) it looks like a reserve unit 2) it has the LFCA crest on the floor.
  8. ChopperHead

    Videos and clips featuring the Army

    I found this on the web. It's of a reserve unit I think other then that i dont know anything else about it. http://www.youtube.com/w/Canadian-Military-Memories?v=DHpqZJZsDgQ&search=military this video is supposed to be Canadian soldiers but i dont think it is. maybe Britsh? still funny...
  9. ChopperHead

    Canadian Army music video

    thats a GREAT start. I to think that would be an aowesome commercial.
  10. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    I wrote that essay someone told me to write and there is alittle bit moe then 500 words  ;) Slim if you want to give me your email adress i'll send it to you.
  11. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    I never said I had any expertise, in fact I said I have no experince. I just happen to like the Leo better thats all. like George said both are eqully matched. I tried to give a few reasons why I happen to like the Leo better thats all it's just my opinoin. Im sure you have an opinion on certain...
  12. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    I agree but I still like the Leo better. I dont know about the M1 but Kampfpanzer has many varients of it and could work with us on modifing one to better suit our needs. I think the M1 comes just as is but I could be wrong. I seriously hope they cancel the MGS or at least relise the flaw in...
  13. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    why did you delete my post Slim? I know every tank breaks down I was just saying massive fuel consumtion plus everything else that goes with it etc adds up. Just so we are clear here Im not saying the abrams is not good. I just happen to like the Leo better. Im sure either one would work...
  14. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    ya but we already know how to use the Leo's and are familiar with them. we already have  the supply routes for them. Our technitians already are familiar with the design etc etc. they are also alot less expensive to operate then the Abrams and for a country with a defense budget the way it is...
  15. ChopperHead

    What do you do overseas

    seen it in a motorcycle magazine as well about American Soldiers buying cheap knockoff bikes and cruising around on them. got pictures to.
  16. ChopperHead

    What do you do overseas

    I wasnt talking to you i was answering the guy who said that you cant justify transporting a dirtbike for your own personal use. and since the answer is obvisouly NO! as you so nicely put it George ;) why are the Americans permitted to have such things and not the CF
  17. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    i relise that. I through that in to the post as a sorta joke. but anyway I tried to give some reasons why I thought the Leo2 was better in my first post. I weighed some pros and cons of the 2. while i may not have ever driven either of them I doubt most people posting in this thread have ever...
  18. ChopperHead

    What do you do overseas

    lol no no they bought it while on tour. they bought it loacally like a cheap knockoff of a Honda or something.
  19. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Well as you more then likely relise I have never driven one. I was just saying that everyone seems to say the Abrams this and Abrams that but IMO better tanks are out there that would be a better fit for Canadian needs. I wasnt saying the M1 sucks or anything if thats what you took it as I was...
  20. ChopperHead

    What do you do overseas

    can you have like dirtbikes and stuff while overseas?? I know in the American military some soldiers bought cheap dirtbikes and stuff and whent rippin around in their spare time. are things like this permitted in the CF???