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  1. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    Im not calling him out in the way you think im trying to. I just want Bruce to tell me why I got a warning that was all. and I do want to seriously talk to him about it. Because i dont think that I deserve it. Also Iwant to know why you guys skipped the verbl warning and just whent straight to...
  2. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    Sry about the bunch of posts in a row but I cant modify my posts anymore so I have to do this. anyway ya I just found out that I can no longer acesse the chat room so thank you very much Bruce.
  3. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    Im going to be up for awile now cause im quite pissed about this. so if you want Bruce lets take this into the chat so we can talk about it.
  4. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    so? and why are you answering DBA?? it's me you gave a warning to and it's my posts that you dont like and it's me who doesnt know why I got a warning cause you wont tell me.
  5. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    ok I still dont see what a got a warning for?? can you be alittle more specific as in tell me and not give the If you dont know im not telling you thing.
  6. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    what did I get a Warning for?? and the elite race thing was not my word I was just replying to someone who said that i obviously must be of the Elite. And the 50's were the Golden age of rock. Elvis, Richie Valens, Buddy Holly, etc but whatever thats not the point. and I just said that every...
  7. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    In the 50's people werent sissys, People trusted their governments and they actually acomplished things. People had respect for one another and their country. with a WW still fresh in the mind you apreciate that freedom. This was the Golden age of Rock and Roll and high time for the economy...
  8. ChopperHead

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    I heard this on the news I dont rember which channel though but i heard Iran has cut off all trade with Denmark over those stupid cartoons. Anyone confirm that? arnt North Korea and China allies? So if China has the Largest Army in the world and is rapidly becoming a massive Nuclear power as...
  9. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    thanks Herd Im glad you can look past the spelling mistakes lol yes I forgot to do the spell check again. This stuff just really gets me going. It's so retarded. Sometimes I wish I could just pick up and go live in the 50's.
  10. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    lol ya thanks there Army Medic I thought that my spelling of bacon didnt look right. ya i couldnt put that into the Globe and Mail. to much faul language. such as black,penis, Hippie Feminist Envrioment Nazis lol and no i guess im not really like most youth at least where Im from im not. Most...
  11. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    Political correctness has gone way to far. politcal correctness has gone so far that politcal correctness is becoming unpolicaly correct. Do we really need to change our language and the way people speak because a few thousand people out of a few million get offended by the name Coleman?? I...
  12. ChopperHead

    U.S. troops shoot at Cdn. diplomats' car in Iraq

    Huh? what is he talking about? what friends? Im confused  ???
  13. ChopperHead

    Canadian Sea King crashes off Denmark

    alittle spit and polish and it'll be good as new. or at least as good as was  ;)
  14. ChopperHead

    U.S. troops shoot at Cdn. diplomats' car in Iraq

    What? sorry dude but you completely lost me. I don't even know how to question that statement because it makes no sense. Iraq and A-Stan are very diffrent. What are you talking about getting into the same thing in A-Stan? what "thing" are you referring to
  15. ChopperHead

    Canadian soldiers 'prepared to kill'

    lol Che that made me laugh
  16. ChopperHead

    Canadian Sea King crashes off Denmark

    would do-hickeys and thinga-ma-gigs also make that list?
  17. ChopperHead

    Trying to start a reserve unit

    have you made any progress with it?
  18. ChopperHead

    Canadian Sea King crashes off Denmark

    heres another link regarding the SeaKing. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20050529/seaking_report_050529?hub=Canada&s_name=&no_ads= found this one kinda interesting. Not about the one that when for a swim but still it's relevant. Just out of curiosity here. how does a...
  19. ChopperHead

    Trying to start a reserve unit

    Hey man i live in PG. i hear people talking about how we need a unit up here again all the time. Good luck with it. It would do alot of good up here.
  20. ChopperHead

    U.S. troops shoot at Cdn. diplomats' car in Iraq

    your probably right Kevin or at least close. I was just saying that either side will say it from their perspective and make themselfs look more right if need be. it's have you ever been in a car accident when you knew it was your fault but you kinda exagerrate it alittle bit so you seem less at...