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  1. ChopperHead

    Naval Icebreakers

    the ice doesnt tranmit the wave. the ice has nothing to do with it. it's the water under the ice where the wave is. second year ice would just be thicker. which what Im wondering if a large Hovercraft could do it. the ones the coast gaurd use are relativly small. 4 man crew I think.
  2. ChopperHead

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    I have a question about pushups. I don't think im doing them right. i know it's kinda hard to not do them right as it's just lay down hands under your shoulders and push up. Well yesterday I did 20 pushups fine I wasnt tired my arms didnt feel tired nothing at all ok and then today I do 20 and...
  3. ChopperHead

    UAVs....... hand me downs?

    I heard on CBC so take it for what it's worth that all have crashed.
  4. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Greece just bought 183 Leo2 A4's and 150 A5's doesnt say how much they cost but if Greece can afford to swing a deal like this i think we can swing a deal for some A5/A6's they also have a contract for 170 A6's by 2009
  5. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    you bastards are lucky. I want a damn prosperity check. $400 is flippin great specially if you have a bunch of young children lol then you get their checks to.
  6. ChopperHead

    Naval Icebreakers

    basically Ice is not solid, it has millions of tiny little holes in it anyway when the hovercraft goes over the ice it disterbes the water beneath the ice and cause a sort of wave and the ice breaks. you can do this at very fast speeds.
  7. ChopperHead

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    why do we even let these people into the country in the first place? dont you have to go through customs or something that regulates who comes in and out of Canada? if so then why didnt we just say ok America is that way see ya. American desserters have been coming to Canada forever, Why? cause...
  8. ChopperHead

    Naval Icebreakers

    thats why I was saying the government might be more apt to provide more funding for the Coast Guard as apposed to the Military. I think the coast guard needs to be expanded anyway. and thats just to do what it is already doing never mind tacking on more things. While it would cost more to make...
  9. ChopperHead

    Getting stationed in the Navy

    I live in Prince George which is in the Northern Interior. and I know my parents where shocked at how much grocerys cost out here. we used to get the same amount of grocerys for like 100 bucks less back in Ontario. So I really dont know were you are shopping but we shop at  Save On. maybe...
  10. ChopperHead

    Getting stationed in the Navy

    where do you live Aesop?
  11. ChopperHead

    Getting stationed in the Navy

    everything costs more out here at least compared to where im from. well just about anyway, I dont think much is cheaper, some stuff is the same. even noticed that used cars and stuff out here are alot more expenisve as well.
  12. ChopperHead

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    While the M1A2 is the best tank performance wise it is also the most expensive. the Leo2 A5 is right up there with it and more then capable but almost half the price, lighter, and more fuel effeciant. not sure about the how much the A6 will cost but presumably still alot less then the Abrams. I...
  13. ChopperHead

    Naval Icebreakers

    I think we should adopt a more American style coast guard. that would put less pressure on our already undermanned and underfunded navy. I'm sure the government might be alittle less ressitent to dropping some more funding to increase and arm the coast guard. as it is a civi operation and...
  14. ChopperHead

    Getting stationed in the Navy

    So if your under 25 then BC will most likely be cheaper as they dont penailze you for it. Also depends were your coming from as well. If your cominng from Ontario it is definatly cheaper but everything else out here is more expensive. Thats why they say BC stands for Bring Cash cause you'll...
  15. ChopperHead

    Getting stationed in the Navy

    maybe it's just Ontario then But they were quite a bit cheaper so i figured that they would be lower then other provinces as well.
  16. ChopperHead

    Question for all you airsofters.

    I never really understood Airsoft. How do you play it out side? you shoot little plastic BBs in the bush, well those arnt going to go very far or actualy hit anything on purpose. Also how do you acutally play like what you yell I got you and the other guy yells no you didnt and then you yell...
  17. ChopperHead

    Smaller cars.

    I dont personally like the compact cars as I find them really dull boring and lacking on performance. well this would be a somewhat hard decision to make. Really it's personal prefrence. I would personally by the Mazda 3 as it has a bit more get up and go and I think it's the best looking out...
  18. ChopperHead

    Getting stationed in the Navy

    In BC there is basically only one insurnance company which is government run. there are other private ones but they are oly if you require some type of additional insurnce for whatever. ICBC does not discriminate against people for age, sex whatever. It is based on your driving record. It's...