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  1. ChopperHead

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Im more of a country person myself but I like lots of diffrent kinds of music. Stompin Tom Connors is one of my favourite singers. some of my favourite songs are: The Zamboni song - Stompin Tom Connors Believe in your Country- Stompin Tom Connors Sudbury Saturday Night- Stompin Tom Connors...
  2. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    yes i agree, and in fact when you do this it really makes for more racism and whatever cause when you think about it if you cater to a certain race or religion or whatever and give them special privilages arnt you just recognising that they are diffrent from other people and further segregating...
  3. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    ok you cant be serious scott you actually think that kids dont use labtops in school? give me a break I used them all the time and are important tool. the main point to that comment was that they are for the students and the teachers took them. no school needs 42 secruity cameras. when our...
  4. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    they havent really taken drstic measures. all they do is send kids home for a week or 2 to sit around and do nothing or go out and cause trouble. since when does a school need 42 security cameras? and then have the balls to compain about not having enough money to buy this and that for students...
  5. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    The problem with Zero tolerance policies is that just send people home all the time for the smallest idiotic things. It's badly put together and school these days is more like prison then a school. Things that when you whent to school you would have just got a little talk and sent back to class...
  6. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    I never said it was all great and wonderfull. I hated it because it's harder lol from a student stand point it sucks cause you have to work harder but the world is changing and the education system has to too. doing the same curriculum that my parents did really isnt going to be as efective or...
  7. ChopperHead

    Question for all you airsofters.

    I never said I didnt have any marks. The airsoft definatly left little red dots where they hit me but they didnt hurt just feels like someone pinched you for half a second. and I have been shot with cheap ones and the expensive ones. my buddy has a mp5 and an uzi which I got pelted from lol
  8. ChopperHead

    Question for all you airsofters.

    they dont hurt. I have been shot repeadly by airsoft and it doesnt hurt. I have also been shot repeadly by BB's. those hurt
  9. ChopperHead

    Question for all you airsofters.

    or people
  10. ChopperHead

    Facial Armour... Thoughts?

    that would scare the shit out of people seeing a platoon of people wearing those. specially at night. good phycolgical warfare.
  11. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    I didnt have to have a keen interest in politics I saw the end result of the actions. I was the second class year to be put through the new curiculum. I personally think it was a good move to update the education system. At first it was not very well put together and there were alot of people...
  12. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    I lived there i know what he did and who he is. The point is if im running for election and I say im going to cut programs, raise taxes, do this and do that whatever it may be and I get elected then to me that would mean thats what my constituents want me to do. If I do it then I would expect...
  13. ChopperHead

    UAVs....... hand me downs?

    I just said the Global Hawk as a for instance. my main point was to look to the US for the UAV's. We cant get the tunnle vison here again. what i mean is sure we might only need a small tactical UAV now but what would be wrong with aquiring some bigger theatre level assets? would it not be...
  14. ChopperHead

    Political Correctness gone too far?

    I don't know why people dont like Harris. He was one of the few politicians that actually did what he said he was going to do. People voted him in on his promises, He does what he said he would and people are shocked and hate the guy. makes no sense. Makes you wonder what people are actually...
  15. ChopperHead

    UAVs....... hand me downs?

    If we are serious about geting a usefull UAV force I think we should be looking to the states. perhaps the global hawk might be a good option. i also think that it might be benifitial to look into aquiring some of those new UACV that boeing is making. might be a good idea for a military short on...
  16. ChopperHead

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    I think the draft dodgers are just as guilty as well. However i did not live in that time so I dont really understand the political and all the other factors involved but to me those are just making excuses. But we wont turn this into another Draft doging thread so back to the topic at hand.
  17. ChopperHead

    Chinese Army Modernization - Article

    As far as I know Taiwan is still techinically part of China. As they keep saying *IF* Taiwan tries to seperate and gain soveriangty then China would attack them. They recently made laws against it as well. so if they do invade taiwan then it's entirely legal. I do believe that the only Reason...
  18. ChopperHead

    Naval Icebreakers

    ya I was right. 4 man crew. those are awefully small. I think they just use them on the saint lawrence sea way. Still I wonder if one say 5 times as large would be able to tackle thicker ocean ice. Im not an engineer or Nautical in anyway so I have no idea. Just something to consider though...
  19. ChopperHead

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    i agree with 3rd. I doubt they will be sent packing or if they are it will take so damn long being tied of with appeal after appeal and public lbbying etc etc etc if it's going to happen probably wont for like 5 years
  20. ChopperHead

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    good point. I wasnt thinking of it like that. I was thinking more along the lines of that people already knew they had desserted. but either way in 2 weeks or whatever the time limit is when the RCMP comes looking for them shouldnt they simply be deported back to the US. even if we didnt know...