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  1. SentryMAn


    Go talk to your Optrician. Go talk to your Local CFRC.
  2. SentryMAn

    Assigned glasses

    if you do get Laser surgery you will have to wait 6 months after the surgery to take the CF eye exam(what I was told when I inquired).
  3. SentryMAn

    now what?

    Make sure to keep in contact with the CFRC.  Make sure your file hits the ML so that things proceed as scheduled. Don't assume it will be pushed forward without your input.
  4. SentryMAn

    Enlistment in the GGFG

    When I was in the reserves, everything had to be approved by the reserve unit prior to doing anything with the CFRC.  the unit I was in had to approve me and basically endorse me with an open position prior to my application going forward. It may have changed since this time(2008). This...
  5. SentryMAn

    DEO 2013 financial year

    on your Ph3 course in Borden LOCC(Logistic Officer Common Course) you complete a full day exam(7hrs).  It is hateful and very demanding but so long as you study and get through it the first try you won't have to re-write it. I have heard that the course has changed since this testing and it may...
  6. SentryMAn

    Autobiography Thread (merged)

    Quite fretting over this. Write it out on a napkin if you want, it really doesn't matter as you'll 110% have to re-do it once you get to Saint Jean.  you'll have specific instructions on how to complete it, dimensions on the margins, etc. Best of luck.
  7. SentryMAn

    Same Day CFAT + Interview (merged)

    Relax, go in with an open mind, answer with what you know, and with your experience, let the cards fall where they fall. Best of luck!
  8. SentryMAn

    A quick question about physical fitness

    words you'll learn to hate "Higher" "lower" when doing psp push-ups
  9. SentryMAn

    Questions regarding NCO and CO

    Also note, that you get to choose 3 choices for your posting(RCMP get Stationed).  Of these three you may get one or none.  You go to the place where there is a vacant position, for basically your career in the Forces. At present I suggest you visit your local Recruiting center and ask them the...
  10. SentryMAn

    A quick question about physical fitness

    elbows in, no chicken wings. Your elbows stay next to your sides and are not in a "bench press" position. The style of pushup is more a tricep pushup with a narrow placement of the hands.  the index finger should line up with your shoulder almost.  It's hard to explain without a video example...
  11. SentryMAn


    Until Infantry is open(or one of the other 3 you picked are) you file will remain in North Bay and will not be forwarded to any Recruiting center is what my understanding is.
  12. SentryMAn


    Food for Thought: I was in the forces, completed Basic, did trade training, released after that after putting about a year in to follow what I thought was a greener pasture on civie side. now, 3 years later I'm on month 13 of waiting to get back in, including a completed application that was...
  13. SentryMAn

    BMQ / BMOQ - Personal Electronics during course [MERGED]

    I just went 4 weeks without my cell phone while it was getting repaired. The world continued to turn. My wife didn't die. My life didn't change. Only thing that sucked was when I got my car stuck I had to walk to a neighbors house and get him to help me. all in all, life went on around me...
  14. SentryMAn

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    "sport shoes" and "pt shoes" are not issued to you.  Well techniqlly they are but the staff will not let you run/do PT in them.  Bring GOOD QUALITY running shoes that fit you right and are the right shoes for you.  Each morning when you have PT you will be in your PT shoes.  Each day when you do...
  15. SentryMAn

    A quick question about physical fitness

    Fitness is one Aspect of Basic Training and military life, make sure to train the part that controls everything(your brain) as well.
  16. SentryMAn

    Bagotville Reserve

    See above where it states you do RegF training, this includes BMQ/BMOQ
  17. SentryMAn

    *waves* Starting the Reserve recruiting process

    It's a reserve BMQ nothing to over-analyze. do what you are told, do it well the first time and you'll have fun and get through it.
  18. SentryMAn

    Bagotville Reserve

    Air reserves work 14 days per month on Class A this days are determined between you and your directing staff. it differs from Army/Navy greatly as you will also do Regular force training/BMQ unless it has changed since 2009
  19. SentryMAn

    What can be mailed to a recruit/cadets at CFLRS?

    Had some Halloween candy sent to me, made sure to have enough sent for the Platoon and a special treat in the box for the staff, since I knew they would confiscate everything. All was shared upon opening the contents. Its a great morale booster if you get into that kind of thing.
  20. SentryMAn

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    The best way to decide what you to pack for BMQ/BMOQ is pack like you are going to your Aunts/Uncles/Best friends place for 3-4 days. This will mean you pack everything you normally pack and nothing thats not needed. I ended up sending about 2 bags full of stuff home when I had visitors up on...