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  1. SentryMAn

    I don't know what to do about Post-Secondary! Help!

    Just so the OP understands, the Infantry as I've always seen them is more an Arm or a leg not the back bone.  The back bone of the military as I've viewed it would be the countless number of support trades that make sure the Combat arms have what they need and can do the job they trained so hard...
  2. SentryMAn

    be prepared.

    The sewing also is a bonding thing for your section, you get to spend a lot of time sitting around stiching tags to your gear, thus you get to talk a lot to your section mates. I learned a lot and made a lot of friends during Basic, and it started with that first week end of spending 10 hours a...
  3. SentryMAn

    ROTP recruit, An introduction

    If you think a pilots job is easy, it's best you seek a few to chat with.  They don't just allow anyone to fly away in multi million dollar aircraft.  They also don't "sit around and operate machinery" as you put it. I would start by clearly thinking about what you want to do, if Pilot is it...
  4. SentryMAn

    CMP - GC Key login authentication failed

    The "fiscal year end" means very little as numbers and selections have all ready been known and started.  Waiting only means you are waiting, nothing magical happens on April 1 other then the fiscal year rotates +1 Call now, call regularly and stop in and see the Recruiters.  All of mine know...
  5. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    Read the information on basic and how to prepare, etc.  It really isn't that bad once you get the hang of things.
  6. SentryMAn

    Filling out reserve paperworks

    For this very moment you need to decide if you want to be an Officer or an NCM, then apply for which one you want.  Talk to the reserve unit since they will ultimately make a decision on if they want you(interview). Do not apply for NCM with the expectation to CFR to officer if/when you get a...
  7. SentryMAn

    Filling out reserve paperworks

    no, you cannot "just transfer to officer" Call your local recruiting center, or if you do not have one locally, call one that is not.
  8. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    What happens is you swipe out(other then medical), go to PRB(personal review board) where they decide your fate.  Many different outcomes can come from this.  Continue on, Recourse to week 5, Recourse to week 0, Released, RTU, etc... We had one young guy go before the PRB the DAY of or...
  9. SentryMAn

    Security Clearance for people with prior service

    I'm guessing they will be doing a complete Clearance on you if you are an immigrant to Canada even if they have the initial clearance.  A Lot can happen to the people you associated with between the last one and now, which woudl mean they would do a complete work up on you. This is pure...
  10. SentryMAn

    be prepared.

    Just remember that CFLRS is a "bubble" and individual experiences may vary.  Looking back on it I remember teh good times and the laughs, like over hearing one Sgt jacking up a candidate and saying "my god, why don't you have any pants on?" during an inspection. Take it as it is and try not to...
  11. SentryMAn


    Contact them, don't wait.  It will show the recruiters that you have drive and initiative which are all traits any job will be looking for.
  12. SentryMAn

    Supplements on BMQ (merged)

    "Face palm" Some peoples kids friends! I'm glad that this guy isn't in charge of a mess menu, all it would be is pure protein since that all you need to be fit. Who gives a dam about cholesterol, sodium, carbs, vitamins. The only thing I would recommend anyone doing basic training is a good...
  13. SentryMAn

    DEO 2013 financial year

    I am in the same situation, however I have a BMOQ exemption.  My RC knows me by first name now though.  :-)
  14. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    You'll get to wear a black berret 90% of your time spent at BMOQ.  Prepare yourself to take some good jokes at the expense of your element. ;-) I'll see you all on the other side some day I'm sure.
  15. SentryMAn

    Nursing officer enrollment/clinical placements

    First Step: Application and the entire process Second step: Getting through Basic Military Officer Training in Saint Jean, Que. Some steps after you will spend time in Borden doing trade specific training. if you complete your Degree in Nursing, do not take Eggert's advice on anything posted in...
  16. SentryMAn

    My story, as it is today

    Well a minor update.  An offer is inbound.  I have not received it yet but have selected my 3 posting preferences.  I have been given an exemption from BMOQ and some trade training, which as always is a good thing but took forever to have approved. I don't know who is more nervous now, me or my...
  17. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    minor interaction by way of eating together and yelling "make a hole" to either group as you march down the rat tunnel. Outside of the walls of the Mega you can interact if you choose to. This was my experience in 2009
  18. SentryMAn

    I don't know what to do about Post-Secondary! Help!

    one last thing to understand, you WILL be in school if you enter the CF.  You will continue to learn throughout your career by going on career courses for each level you attain. If you do not like the idea of Serv Tech in the army, what about a "Serv Tech" in the Air Force or Navy? Either way...
  19. SentryMAn

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    the answer you seek is 6
  20. SentryMAn

    DEO 2013 financial year

    Phone call on April 1st: recruiter: Hi, is Mr. XYZ home? Applicant: This is he/she Recruiter: We have an offer from the CFRC here for you.......*dramatic pause* Applicant: *screams* oh my god really, really, REALLY>?  you're kidding me, I'm so happy.... Recruiter: No not really....April fools...