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  1. SentryMAn

    DEO 2013 financial year

    To each to own. It's YOUR career you are looking for, why wait until someone contacts you, it's not hard to drop by a recruitment center or call the center and have that you are staying in touch logged on your file. But this is just my experience and what I have done, as with anything...
  2. SentryMAn

    DEO 2013 financial year

    I always stop into the local RC, but it's on my way to/from work so it's easy.  I've been going in regularly since August last year.  It's the recruiters job to answer your questions even if the answer is the same as lat time you were in.  The clerk may(I don't know for 100% certainty) be able...
  3. SentryMAn

    DEO 2013 financial year

    Guys, stay in contact with your respective Recruiting centers, I stop in weekly to chat and find out anything new on my file. You aren't being a pain(unless you are being rude or causing a scene each time) and the recruiters will help with what they can. It's the only advice I can provide in...
  4. SentryMAn

    DEO 2013 financial year

    I'm STILL waiting to hear anything on my status. "Be patient and keep checking back"
  5. SentryMAn

    Stepchildren, and postings

    Outside of the military you can get a court order to disallow one spouse from leaving the area with the child without the others consent.  It will likely be a relationship ender if he were to go this route.
  6. SentryMAn

    2013 pay adjustment

    Too bad those posted to Gagetown will be losing a bit more to the tax man too offset the increases. :-(
  7. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    When I was there in 2009, we did a minimum of 100 a day. EVERYTHING is based around push-ups. During your express testing you will here the words "higher" or "lower" for at least a few of your push-ups, these ones will not count so if you can do 19 to pass now, you'd fail the test because even...
  8. SentryMAn

    Friendship and comradeship in bmq?

    We had a few guys lose long term Girlfriends because they couldn't deal with their partner being away from home.  Then there were a few guys that "discovered" the local strip clubs.... lol If there is an emotion you can think up, you will likely feel it while on BMQ/BMOQ
  9. SentryMAn

    Picking your trade

    From another great site on the interwebz.... That escalated quickly....
  10. SentryMAn

    Joined the cadets

    Contact your unit, they will give you all the information you need and answer all of your questions.
  11. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    "CAP" no longer exist as "Common Army Phase", it has been replaced by mods that are done after basic from what I've read on here.
  12. SentryMAn

    APS Nightmare... what should I do?

    As someone that has been through a marriage, I will give you my advice in steps. A)File paperwork to get divorced NOW, not tomorrow, next week, when you get aroundtoit NOW.  That takes time and is not guaranteed(as some think it is, lol) Sorry if this sounds "tough love" it's not really meant...
  13. SentryMAn

    RMC with fiance and baby??

    As the way I looked at joining the reserves, it's a supplement to your income.  The Airforce does do things slightly different as you can work a maximum 14 days Class A.  This would mean that he is paid up to 14 days at about 85% of the regular force pay scale(which is all on forces.ca).  The...
  14. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    First rule of JTF2, don't talk about the JTF2!
  15. SentryMAn

    Trade Suggestions?

    I'm guessing that some Traffic Techs do a decent amount of travelling.
  16. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    It's likely because your course has top secret squirrels on it and they can't release the information I'm kidding...but it would be cool if it did wouldn't it
  17. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    I didn't think they ran many courses in the Summer for RegF and mostly trained ResF instead. But I'm rusty, been out for a few years.
  18. SentryMAn

    All things joining the military (but not wanting to deploy) - merged

    You would be awful funny looking, being in the "Army" while wanting to be an "air craft Structures Tech". :-)
  19. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    I'm hoping I may see some of you Logo's in Borden for courses there.  Good luck everyone.
  20. SentryMAn

    Will i get removed if i cant do DP1?

    As a former Reservist, I put in for such a request to defer training.  I won't go into reasons but it was a qualified reason and my unit allowed for it.  You should talk to your COC on the subject and think about the reasons you have to give. As it turned out I'm kicking myself for not going on...