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  1. JBoyd

    New recruiting booking mandate?

    Ok that is good to know. In the mean time it gives me lots of time to get into great shape while I wait
  2. JBoyd

    New recruiting booking mandate?

    I just got off the phone with my file manager at CFRC Vancouver, I had called to find out when I could or would have my Interview and Medical booked. My file manager explained to me that currently they have a cease on all bookings and that when they resume booking they will only be booking for...
  3. JBoyd

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    I have a pretty high tolerance for bad movies and will generally sit through them in their entirety. However Pathfinder had me walking out part way in. I just couldn't take 'Eomer' seriously in that movie
  4. JBoyd

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    I'll reserve the 'if you haven't seen it then you can't really say it's bad' comment and say that Are we there yet/Are we done yet were not bad comedies at all and are good movies for children to watch.. which incidentally are the audiences they were made for.. imagine that.
  5. JBoyd

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    It was so bad they had to torture us with another one: Open Water 2 When I bought Open Water I thought "It can't be too bad, its based on a true story", wow I was sorely mistaken
  6. JBoyd

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    Worst Movie EVER: Full Body Massage Virtually no dialogue, it is much like corny soft-core porn. this IMDB review pegs it perfectly: "Mimi Rogers has spectacular breasts. That's the only reason you'd watch this. It really is rather pointless. However, if you have some sort of obsession for...
  7. JBoyd

    Michael Coren: "Caring for Karine"

    leroi, you brought up the exact point I was thinking. and for some reason I have a very large urge to go there and kick him in the junk.. although that would probably give him too much satisfaction as he is apparently proud at the negative response the previous article received
  8. JBoyd

    New Ontario law bans cellphone use while driving

    As far as mp3 players go, I think the law more refers to using the device while driving, not listening. Flipping through your massive music library on your ipod could be compared to texting while driving. Honestly I don't see a problem with hooking up a mp3 player before you leave and not...
  9. JBoyd

    Michael Coren: "Caring for Karine"

    I always thought that those type of people were the ones that were members of the BC Marijuana Party
  10. JBoyd

    New magazine offers fitness tips to jihadists planning attacks in Afghanistan

    I get the feeling that this article stems from the recent suicide bomber mishap
  11. JBoyd

    teacher sends stripper to impersonate her in high school reunion prank

    Best Prank/Punk ever! I don't think at all that it was in bad taste or immature, I think it was a great way to spice up a usually dull event. Very comedic indeed.
  12. JBoyd

    New Ontario law bans cellphone use while driving

    I agree with such laws, when you are driving your eyes and mind should be on the road not on your phone. Here in B.C. I believe we have the hands-free only enforcement; However I have yet to see anything in regards to enforcement or fines in media or word of mouth. In the provinces that already...
  13. JBoyd

    Couple questions about the reserves...

    I have to agree with OWDU. Especially with staying in school, it is the most important thing to do and will serve you well the rest of your life. As far as mentally prepared, you are 15 don't stress too much about it as it is something that will just come by doing it as OWDU mentioned. One...
  14. JBoyd

    Youth called to serve

    I had the same reaction when I found that out too. I was kinda shocked when I had learned why he asked for his character on House to be killed off.. but then again if Arnold and Jesse Ventura can make it in the world of politics then I am sure he can to.
  15. JBoyd

    Canadiens fans boo American anthem

    I can't speak for other teams but any time I have gone to a Canucks game that was against an American team I never noticed any booing when the anthems played.. only for bad penalties and the like
  16. JBoyd

    Profs say students lack maturity, feel entitled

    Usually by Grade 8 or 9, when trying to ask someone to the winter dance :P. Seriously though... how do harvard students not experience rejection before they enter post-secondary institutions?
  17. JBoyd

    New Game - Military Quotes

    "If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a...
  18. JBoyd

    Taliban Zen: When is a suicide bomber not a suicide bomber?

    I would suspect that if two tanks and a ranger vehicle indeed were destroyed and even one soldier was killed that there would be some type of media coverage stating that X number of soldiers had been killed.
  19. JBoyd

    Taliban Zen: When is a suicide bomber not a suicide bomber?

    I have been trying to find a news report of this supposed attack but have not found anything as of yet, has anyone else located a news report from North America?
  20. JBoyd

    Word association (just for fun)
