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  1. Tyson Fox

    PCT ORCA class vessels

    They sure do, but If I may ask, why are you bringing this up out of the blue?
  2. Tyson Fox

    N.S. man creates first Canadian military action figures

    Just for the record, those action figures are the worst I've ever bought in my life. First, the C7 doesn't clasp into their hands like it should, and then they can barely stand up on their own, and the rucksack that they come with doesn't fit onto their back.
  3. Tyson Fox

    Questions about living at Nelles Block...

    Also, you don't have to put your name and rank on here. It's almost preferable not too. I would have had an easy enough time figuring out who you are from your other two posts. Just a protip.
  4. Tyson Fox

    From one new member to the others....

    Didn't realize army reserve was so much shorter. Naval Reserve still does full summer BMQ's.
  5. Tyson Fox

    From one new member to the others....

    Well, hopefully you'll get your chance to play with all the tools of the trade. I don't know what weekend Basic will be like, but my reserve BMQ was 9 weeks instead of the 13 at St. Jean, Reg force stand, and all that meant was we were more stressed out because we were trying to learn just as...
  6. Tyson Fox

    From one new member to the others....

    Yeah, we do carry guns for long distances, and use them to execute lethal force on persons, but I don't know if I'd agree that means you are knowledgeable about guns. I have a story personally, about how I'm in the military, but I only know enough about guns to use them properly and safely...
  7. Tyson Fox

    From one new member to the others....

    Guns only have one base application, wouldn't you say? There are plenty of gun enthusiasts out there that can hold their own in conversation against us servicemen. Anyhow, it don't matter to much on an internet forum whether you walk away when people offend you or not, but in the real world...
  8. Tyson Fox

    From one new member to the others....

    Fair enough I suppose. Your original post, however, actually says something very different than just: "Try to be more receptive." As well, I don't understand this stigma that people who aren't in the military can't knowledgeable about weapons. Assault rifles and pistols aren't restricted to us...
  9. Tyson Fox

    From one new member to the others....

    2ndChoiceName, some of your suggestions are the worst I've ever read. 1) It's a forum, you can say whatever you want, no one here has "earned" the right to say things that you can't. As long as you keep things respectful. 2) If you want to talk about weapons, go to the weapons forum. 3) If you...
  10. Tyson Fox

    Breaking the ice...

    Well Frank, I daresay the Naval reserve units in Saskatchewan hold the claim of most inland naval unit, but no matter. All naval reserve units throughout Canada should wear NCD's, but you can end up wearing Cadpat again, but I can't think of examples where we would besides PLQ. Such a run-on...
  11. Tyson Fox

    Warrior Platoon

    When I did my naval reserve BMQ, there was an Expres test close to the start of the course, and it didn't really matter if you passed or failed...as long as you met the minimum dealie of two pushups for girls and 4 for guys or whatever to avoid getting sent home. Whoever failed the first test...
  12. Tyson Fox

    Submarine Trades

    That'll be helpful, actually, and I didn't post another topic because I think the Navcomm board is not as frequented as here. I got a message from a would-be submariner and I'm not positive yet, but I think Navcomm's need to be 5's qualified to be on subs. I'll give the link a look after lunch...
  13. Tyson Fox

    Submarine Trades

    http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/40408/whats-the-origin-of-yo Interesting read at that link on a word that you all seem to be in the fog about. You can also find it in the Oxford Dictionary, and it's been around from at least Shakespeare's time. Sure, "meh" was coined by The Simpsons...
  14. Tyson Fox

    Submarine Trades

    http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2012/10/16/calgary-airdrie-woman-website-comment.html You mean this guy? A man who used profanity and expressed contentment that an innocent girl died? You're right in the sense that, my comments, taken out of context, could apply to one of the more...
  15. Tyson Fox

    Submarine Trades

    I couldn't agree more there, Steve, but you must realize that when people leave work for the day, they're going to start using more colloquial terms in speech, especially in relaxed environments, like an internet forum. It has little bearing on one's work performance, and to suggest otherwise is...
  16. Tyson Fox

    Submarine Trades

    Meh, if a greeting gives someone that amount of disdain for me, I'm probably not interested in speaking with them either.
  17. Tyson Fox

    The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

    Yo, Stacked, you're not the only one who's been here for a year, and not my problem if you didn't read the joining instructions or the School SOP's , wherever I saw that. I'll get the link for you tomorrow.
  18. Tyson Fox

    The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

    Hey, it is possible to live out before/during your QL3, if you've been stuck at the base for more than a year. Rare, but it does, and I have seen it happen. Alternatively, you could live out anyway, and just be in your Nelles room for monthly inspection. No one really cares that much.
  19. Tyson Fox

    Submarine Trades

    Yo, I was wondering a few things about submarine service. If I'm a Navcomm and try to get posted on a submarine after my 3's, is there much chance of that happening, or are the east coast submarines pretty well crewed? If I do get posted to them, have they even started going out regularly or are...
  20. Tyson Fox

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    Speaking from my own time at BMQ only, we were all required to do the swim test, which consisted of, If I remember correctly, you have to swim 50 meters continuously after jumping in feet first, while wearing coveralls. (Abandon Ship) The second portion of the test is having to tread water for...