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  1. slowmode

    CFAT Anyone?

    Just please lock this thread Mods..
  2. slowmode

    The working wounded

    RHFC, I've been following your comments for quite some time and there stunning. I'm glad to read every post of yours, it not only educates me but It allows me to read a an educated response. Thank You Very Much for your posts   This is an amazing article and I never looked at injuries in...
  3. slowmode

    The life of a new recruit

    First I must say I enjoyed reading this little thing 1. I must say I agree with George, from what I was reading your attitude is not what it should be. But you will in turn learn and be carved into a great soldier. Ill have you know George is not arrogant at all , hes a great member of Army.ca...
  4. slowmode

    Snow in Toronto... "where is the army?"

    Its been pouring non stop today here in Ottawa...I've lived in Ottawa all my life and I have never seen this much snow in my life
  5. slowmode

    IED Blast Kills Two NATO [Polish] Soldiers in Afghanistan

    http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080227/nato_soldiers_080227/20080227?hub=World RIP!  :salute: EDIT: Reflected new info in title
  6. slowmode

    3 Fld Sqn (1 CER)

    well i'm serving with 3fld sqn now..the reserve force...actually I believe its called 33 CER now  :cdn:
  7. slowmode

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    The thing about the express test is that its the MINIMUM standard you need to be in the forces. Its made so most people..if not almost everyone can pass this test. Just because you could do exactly only 19 pushups does not mean you should be in the military. The Military expects you to take the...
  8. slowmode

    Ignorant Civies

    I think its more that people around Canada need to be educated more about the Military and what we do. Education is the key to everything :)  :cdn:
  9. slowmode

    Ignorant Civies

    Well I was going to start a new topic but I found this one and thought I would start it up against instead of spamming and creating more. So ya where do I start, I've had both good and bad experiences while being in uniform infront of civies Let me start off by saying i'm in my last year off...
  10. slowmode

    Sportsnet Forum and the Afghan Mission

    Its quite sad to see how narrow minded people are.... like one comment "People have the choice to join the army, and if they dont like the war they can leave its not like canada will punish them" thats the most pathetic comment i've ever heard
  11. slowmode

    Thank You, Army.ca, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

    Army.ca is a great site, met great people like MIKE :D , and others. also have made good friends here who i'm great friends now in person with them. Thanks Army.ca!
  12. slowmode

    Taliban can't be defeated by troops: Layton

    You cant really develop when the Taliban keeps blowing up the things we develop Ie: Roads, schools, houses, hospitals Security can only be achieved by getting rid of the problem, and the Afghan government can only build up if the root of evil is taken away. Sorry but you have no valid point
  13. slowmode

    Server Upgrade

    Very nice, Thats the best one to use for websites :).Ill be sure to report any problems
  14. slowmode

    Reserve BMOQ?

    From my experience and understanding, usually Reserve summer courses start like Middle of June, Beginning of July, and Beginning of August. The reserve force makes accommodations for those in school, so youll be fine.
  15. slowmode

    Advice for someone leaving soon

    Well I personally would say your best bed is to just start running, not hard and long because that will hurt your body. Do as much as you can do and pace your self. Starting now is better than never starting. The only draw back is now when you go on course you may be behind on PT, but I"m sure...
  16. slowmode

    Age and Fitness

    That is defn. something amazing to read
  17. slowmode

    Forces Tribute

    Let me start saying this by I'm extremely sorry if this is not the right board to post this, I looked around and I wasent exactly where to post it. Please Directors change the forum if this is not the appropriate place to put this. Anyway Two days ago I was just looking though the list of the...
  18. slowmode

    The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

    He speaks what he feels, this mans great. Best CDS in my lifetime so far :salute:
  19. slowmode

    NATO urges Canada to keep troops in Afghanistan

    I believe we should stay but the problem with this is that its obvious other NATO nations aren't putting there leg in enough.
  20. slowmode

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

      This mans living on OUR soil, living under OUR laws and being protected by OUR soldiers..how dare he talk like this. Free Speech has a limit, and that limit is when your talking about the death of soldiers that are protecting you. This man should either 1. Best sent to jail 2. Be deported...