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  1. slowmode

    Basic Up

      I want to get those new rucks in the system, the ones with the internal frame
  2. slowmode

    2008 Arab Public Opinion Survey

      Well actually MUD huts were proven to be great homes  ;) Also Arab civilization , well middle eastern civilization use to be one of the fastest flourishing civilizations out there...i'm talking about the Mediterranean area. But ya Gas prices are getting ridiculous.
  3. slowmode

    Basic Up

        Well from what I see most people on my courses were in the 30-40 pound mark. I thought i'd add more and make it 50 or so just to get the extra workout. For the 13km I remember hearing that your ruck has to weigh 40 pounds then you have your FFO.
  4. slowmode

    World's worst music videos

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=nvp_tqOmR2M&feature=related You will see when you watch..
  5. slowmode

    Basic Up

    Well I just went to weigh my ruck right now and it is 49.2 Pounds.
  6. slowmode

    Basic Up

      Oh I completely see where your coming from, hey if they dindt keep finding stuff it would not be much of an inspection. But i'm still surprised the troops did not get there emotions intact by week 6. But in the end everyone starts somewhere and ends somewhere. P.S : I so wish I could get a...
  7. slowmode

    Basic Up

    When I saw Dumont do that I was just like "oh my god" , Like correct me if i'm wrong but it looked like she was kinda showing off the PO. Its week 6 like come on everything should be really good by then...no excuses really. But also i'm not sure of her name but the girl who's shown a lot with...
  8. slowmode

    Basic Up

    Time to watch them all ^^
  9. slowmode

    What religion do you consider yourself

    Jedi? If thats an actual religion i'm converting, i'm pretty sure I can move objects with my mind :)
  10. slowmode

    What religion do you consider yourself

    Not heavily religous but I am muslim.
  11. slowmode

    Terror suspect and family plan to sue for millions in compensation

    HE should be compensated but no where in the millions....
  12. slowmode

    Annual Army Run (merged)

      I'm willing to run, its somthing i'm good at and i'd be more than glad to help a great cause :)
  13. slowmode

    Annual Army Run (merged)

    An Army.ca team sounds like an amazing idea. count me in on the idea if you guys do plan on doing that.
  14. slowmode

    Private Terry John Street, 2PPCLI - 04 April 2008

      My prayers go to him and his family. May he Rest In Peace
  15. slowmode

    University of Ottawa Paper Fulcrum Boycotts National Defence Advertisements

      Now after reading this article in the Ottawa Sun yesterday morning I thought it was a joke. But after reading it, it occurred to me this was in fact serious. This is beyond my belief and outrages me. A university is suppose to be a place where people can make there own decisions without...
  16. slowmode

    Beware What You Post on Public Forums

    +1 for sending it up the CoC, it was the right thing to do.   My opinion on the matter is simple. This man swore to Canada. A soldiers job is not like any other job, its a job where you MUST follow orders, and you MUST make good judgments or you WILL be held accountable. Soldiers in all of the...
  17. slowmode

    Islam-bashing film sparks fears of violence

    There are over 1billion muslims on this planet. Yes I believe its a small minority that are committing Terrorist acts. Should they even be called muslims? No I dont think so , there not muslims, there savages.
  18. slowmode

    Islam-bashing film sparks fears of violence

    I saw this video the day it came out and let me tell you is it ever wrong about Islam.   How do I know its ever so wrong about Islam? Well i'm Muslim. But in my honest belief this man should be allowed to air this video, I may not agree with what this man says or shows but I will fight for...
  19. slowmode

    Raid on reserves nets $2.5M, grenade launchers

    You put the link wrong, may I correct you http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080326/drug_raids_080326/20080326?hub=TopStories&s_name=
  20. slowmode

    The Via Rail Promotion For CF Members Thread

    WoW this is amazing..if only I was not on course this summer :(