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  1. KingKikapu

    does steven harper have a secret plan for the military?

    *Smacks hand to forehead* *Hard might I add*
  2. KingKikapu

    Can you get rejected from a trade?

    This is interesting.  I myself suffered through a bout of bad depression after numerous unrelated things happened within a short span of time.  Long story short: I was a wreck, my grades suffered tremendously, and I gruffly refused to get help, partly because I wanted to suffer.  Looking back...
  3. KingKikapu

    Air Nav postings....and other random questions

    Out of curiosity Dimsum, how large were your classes?
  4. KingKikapu

    Air Nav postings....and other random questions

    Sorry, but I felt it was time to resurrect this one from the grave, and get a little bit of a status update.  Being this was one of the better ANAV/ACSO threads, I was hoping you guys could post any changes to the situation.  Maybe you could clear up a few things for an outsider... Are the J...
  5. KingKikapu

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    haha baseball is one of the last sports that I think of when it comes to the North American instant gratification mentality.  I hate that sport.  I would honestly prefer cricket.  When I was in Melbourne I went to one of the Oz/SA test matches.  Interesting game, but 30/30 seems like a lot more...
  6. KingKikapu

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    One of my favourite cities.  I once contemplated doing a masters of architecture there. 
  7. KingKikapu

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    agreed.  Your vision shouldn't be something you skimp on.
  8. KingKikapu

    Why is our Army looked down upon?

    They are also moot points.  There are so many logical fallacies in those statements I don't even know where to begin. appeal to ridicule, argument from ignorance, burden of proof, ad homs, blah, blah, blah. Find new people to socialise with.
  9. KingKikapu

    Capt. Robert Semrau Charged With Murder in Afghanistan

    Heh, that one is easy to answer; it's because they've got the crazies.
  10. KingKikapu

    Military ponders infrared sensors for rescue choppers

    I was merely comparing IR to light amplification at night. But yeah, IR being out of the visible spectrum makes it available for exploitation day and night.  Fun times.
  11. KingKikapu

    Military ponders infrared sensors for rescue choppers

    I hear you G2G. I have no doubts as to the immediate benefits of NVG for SAR (among other things) over eyeballs.  For SAR though, I would expect IR to be a powerful addition.  The human body can be decently approximated by a black body with peak output somewhere in the mid to far IR band.  The...
  12. KingKikapu

    Military ponders infrared sensors for rescue choppers

    I guess one of the other problems with sensor suites is the loss of proper night vision in your eyes; going back and forth between Mk1 eyeball and a suite tends to kill your adjusted sight for a few minutes.  Alternating contrast modes on an IR suite might help to quickly identify hot spots in...
  13. KingKikapu

    Pics From Australia: Ho Ho Ho - EDIT: Its now Christmas Day

    Merry xmas OWDU, you lucky jerk.  :P I'm off to shovel 2 feet from the driveway.
  14. KingKikapu

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Spent the night throwing snowballs at a pesky family of raccoons in a tree. I know, I'm filled with Christmas cheer. Happy Saturnalia folks.
  15. KingKikapu

    Let them fail!

    I meant I had a problem with the previous article using market capitalization as an accurate metric during an economic cluster****. I'd smack the author upside the head if I could for that one.  Grossly misleading.
  16. KingKikapu

    Hey look, another one...

    I was just thinking over Educational References.  Most of my good profs have not known me for 5 continuous years.  Either they know me from way back (high school etc), or they know me more recently from university, but for less than five years. That sort of sucks because it means I have to...
  17. KingKikapu

    Let them fail!

    Jesus Christ, Market Capitilization!?!!  What's next?  Measuring a company's worth by net book value!?!?! I literally just smacked my hand to my forehead.
  18. KingKikapu

    Royal Navy completes Windows for Submarines™ rollout

    I'm reminded of an old case we studied in medical physics where someone incorrectly programmed the radiation shields on a linear accelerator used in cancer treatment.  Instead of staying open for the correct length of time, there was a nested loop operation that kept the shield open for orders...
  19. KingKikapu

    War Weary Britain

    That 2nd article was pretty humbling. Lets hope Kandahar doesn't go down the same road as Basra.  My respects to the work you do gentlemen.
  20. KingKikapu

    Ancient calculator

    Newton supposedly came up with the fundamental theorem of calculus to solve a problem at a math competition within a matter of days that was supposed to take months. Smart fellow.  My guess is there were a few more of his kind interspersed throughout history.  Stuff like this certainly can't...