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  1. KingKikapu

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    Ten years ago you could do that.  Granted, it would cost you, but magnetic storage devices (Even large platter drives) are nothing new.  This isn't about miniaturizing current tech either.  This is far, far, far more complicated. P.S.: Logarithmic advancement would probably be a bad thing.
  2. KingKikapu

    Chuck Norris for President...of Texas (?)!

    Just what Texas needs: more creationist nuts in office.
  3. KingKikapu

    Man reportedly survives going over Niagara Falls

    Yeah in a way I think his luck is terrible!  Maybe this will be the fluke that tells him to pick up the pieces of his life and carry on.
  4. KingKikapu

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    Fusion still has a long way to go.  There are generally two types of reactors: Tokamak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokomak Inertial Confinement Laser Systems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_inertial_confinement. Both of these methods have problems with energy collection and Tritium...
  5. KingKikapu

    The Economist on ISAF's "Tribes"

    This article is far too 'cutesey' to deserve being an Economist article.  Little substance, poor satire.
  6. KingKikapu

    US Economy

    From the Economist. http://www.economist.com/finance/displayStory.cfm?story_id=13240730&source=hptextfeature
  7. KingKikapu

    Getting started

    I originally noted french was your first language, and I commend you for trying to write in another language, but your writing went beyond language barriers; it was downright lazy. This might just be me, but if I wanted a serious answer to a serious question, I would, you know, pose the...
  8. KingKikapu

    Interview advice (merged)

    When it comes to shooting someone, I would hope that the context would be provided before giving a yes/no response.  That 'if the need arose' bit doesn't fly for me either.  If you can be asked whether you can take a life or not, then you should also be asked to properly justify the rationale...
  9. KingKikapu

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    Funny thing is my arithmetic is slow as molasses.  I got so used to working like a physicist (IE equations/derivations only.  Arithmetic isn't math.) that I haven't crunched numbers in years.  In any event, I'm not that worried.
  10. KingKikapu

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    I better destroy this test or I will look like a total schmuck haha. I have a math major buddy who failed the math component of his CF pilot training.  Ouch.
  11. KingKikapu

    I took a life last night.

    So true sister.
  12. KingKikapu

    Getting started

    A course in grammar might help.
  13. KingKikapu

    US Economy

    Poppycock and you know it. The media and the pundits want an economic calamity years in the making to resolve itself in the first 45 days of the new American administration. By that standard, should Franklin Roosevelt be considered one of the great American presidents, as he commonly is today...
  14. KingKikapu

    US Economy

    Hitler explains why he should be bailed out by the government.  God is there anything this clip can't do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNmcf4Y3lGM
  15. KingKikapu

    two words...

    If it's any consolation, I am currently sicker than a dog and suffering the associated indignities. Call it Karma if you will.  My apologies. And now I'm off to the bathroom again...
  16. KingKikapu

    two words...

    There's a sucker born every minute.  ;)  Glad to be of service good sir! KK
  17. KingKikapu

    US Economy

    Gee, that quote is a little misleading. I'm quite sure the DOW was going down long before Obama won the election.  Maybe not by 2,000 points, but to expect the man to fix things overnight is laughable.  This is so much bigger than one man (even if he happens to be the POTUS).
  18. KingKikapu

    Officers and Swagger Sticks

    I didn't say the military's priorities are out of whack.  I think they're just fine for the moment.  I said if something like this went through, then I'd certainly be concerned.  I guess my real concern with it is what does it intend to accomplish?
  19. KingKikapu

    Canadian citizen named Somali prime minister

    Well there is a man that I don't envy.  Somalia is the land of rainbows and ponies.