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Search results

  1. KingKikapu

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Just found a decent job after 3 months of looking.  Hopefully I won't have to go through that again.
  2. KingKikapu

    GIs hit by "laser friendly fire" in Iraq

    mmmm 523 nanometers of awesomeness.
  3. KingKikapu

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    In case those reading this thread have not yet heard, there will be ZERO openings for PILOT in any entry format for the next fiscal year.  This has been confirmed by myself and many others through recruitment centres.  Be prepared for a long, long wait.
  4. KingKikapu

    Zero Pilots Being Hired in 2009?

    I just heard the same from recruitment sources.
  5. KingKikapu

    The Economist on ISAF's "Tribes"

    I like the economist because it is the only standard journal that I know of that writes at or near the university level.  This piece hardly qualifies though.
  6. KingKikapu

    FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

    Protectionism.  Le sigh. As someone who is feeling the economic pinch pretty harshly, you would expect me to be all for someone throwing me a home-grown bone.  Screw that.  The right tool for the job is far more important to me than pseudo make work.
  7. KingKikapu

    US Economy

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-tIY99QFFk&feature=channel An interesting clip on mixed capitalism vs. free capitalism, complete with bits from the Colbert Report.  Since this seems to be a recurring theme on the postings here (economic efficieincy vs. social safety nets), I thought it would be...
  8. KingKikapu

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Eww Huntsmans.  Those buggers are fast!
  9. KingKikapu

    How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries

    Oh heh guess I'm late to the game.  Thanks mods for the move.
  10. KingKikapu

    How to Lose Friends and Alienate Countries

    Oh I just know you guys are going to LOVE this!  :evil: Some red eye special on Fox News is taking cheap shots at the CF for Canada's political decision to pull out in 2011.  If you are in need of raising your blood pressure, then look no further (yes it is that bad)...
  11. KingKikapu

    US Economy

    Alright, lets cut just a bit of the bullshit being thrown around here. The Republicans abstained from voting for political positioning ONLY.  Don't come in here saying they saw this a mile away because they didn't.  They merely wanted to stiff the Decomcrats with all of the blame should things...
  12. KingKikapu

    A soldier's robotic response to Kandahar's deadly threat

    Cool little gizmo.  Very impressive.
  13. KingKikapu

    Boeing unveils new stealthy F15 variant:"The Silent Eagle"

    Question to those who know: I'm not really up on the whole front aspect signature deal, but is it that much more important to minimize that signature vice other aspects?
  14. KingKikapu

    Laptop RAM Upgrade

    Talk about an edit time warp....
  15. KingKikapu

    Laptop RAM Upgrade

    EDIT: That 1Gb limit is a bit annoying.  I didn't see he only has one socket.  Guess you are right: his only choice is a 1Gb dimm.
  16. KingKikapu

    Laptop RAM Upgrade

    My advice is to  go for 1Gb minimum.  Your notebook uses a slower 4200rpm hard drive which makes caching a nuisance, so the bigger the cache, the less you will be waiting.  You should find most day to day operations a bit more snappy, but don't expect your initial boot to be drastically...
  17. KingKikapu

    Puppy in BMQ

    Mmmmmm bull mastif meatloaf. Delicious.
  18. KingKikapu

    Funny E-Mail I got...

    Man you guys are really jabbing it to the Down Syndrome kids.  Be nice now.
  19. KingKikapu

    Regrets on Entry Plans

    Not to mention pensionable time. I, on the other hand, have exited from the post secondary education system with no such time, and tens of thousands of dollars in student loans.  Don't even get me started on the job market. Count your blessings.
  20. KingKikapu

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    You are right; there is more than the two ways I mentioned to yield fusion.  To be fair, I said they were the most common ways.  I also didn't mention Magnetized Fusion Targetting which probably has an even larger following than IEC.  Unfortunately IEC has a truly spotted history.  To say that...