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  1. Pencil Tech

    How will USA respond to Canada's terrible NAFTA demands? (split fm CF-188 Replacement)

    Yes, when he replaces McMaster with John Bolton, who really, really, REALLY wants to bomb North Korea. I hope none of the young folks on this site will have to go and die in Donald Trump's World War 3. I sincerely hope we don't stand up this time like dutiful little acolytes with our little...
  2. Pencil Tech

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Absolutely.  :nod:
  3. Pencil Tech

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Of course the Globe and Mail is mainstream-media-fake-news of course but maybe you'll read this:  https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/
  4. Pencil Tech

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Obviously you missed the point. Do you think it's wrong to say you never took drugs on your CAF application when you had? Maybe if Doug Ford becomes premier he can also legalize heroin for the benefit of his sister Kathryn. Don't get me started on Randy. Rob well he coked himself to death didn't he?
  5. Pencil Tech

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    How badly do you want to get rid of Kathleen Wynne?
  6. Pencil Tech

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Those weren't the poster's opinions. Those were direct quotes from Doug Ford.
  7. Pencil Tech

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    James Gardens in Etobicoke. That's where Doug Ford used to sell dope and supply dealers. It's no big secret.
  8. Pencil Tech

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    I'd like to buy some hash off of Doug Ford. Does anybody know if he's still dealing in James Gardens?
  9. Pencil Tech

    Ontario Politics in 2018

  10. Pencil Tech

    France Reintroducing the Draft?

    I knew a few French people back when they had it and I was told that  lot of people in France would go to ridiculous lengths to get out of National Service. On the other hand, I know many Swedes who did their national service and they all seemed to have liked it, they believed in it and thought...
  11. Pencil Tech

    U.S. Politics 2018

    The day after 9/11 he bragged that he owned the tallest building in lower Manhattan. There is no 'low' too low for DJT.
  12. Pencil Tech

    U.S. Politics 2018

    Tillerson was made a member of Russia's Order of Friendship by Vladimir Putin in 2013 when he was CEO of Exxon. Exxon has technology Russia needs and Tillerson signed a contract with Rosneft (largest shareholder V. Putin). Unfortunately there were these sanctions, still happily for all concerned...
  13. Pencil Tech

    France Reintroducing the Draft?

    Sweden brought it back. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39140100
  14. Pencil Tech

    U.S. Politics 2018

    Yes! The Mike Duffy thing. That guy from Harper's office paid for Duffy's senate tab.
  15. Pencil Tech

    U.S. Politics 2018

    Any time sailor.
  16. Pencil Tech

    U.S. Politics 2018

    There's absolutely no evidence out there that Trump colluded with the Russians except the Manafort thing, and the Flynn thing, and the Papadopoulos pleading guilty thing, and the Roger Stone thing, and the Cohen thing, and the Kushner thing, and the Carter Page thing, and the Jeff Sessions...
  17. Pencil Tech

    How will USA respond to Canada's terrible NAFTA demands? (split fm CF-188 Replacement)

    There was really no reason to renegotiate this agreement. Trump's reasons for wanting to blow it up are all in his fevered brain. Total demagoguery. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  18. Pencil Tech

    U.S. Politics 2018
