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  1. Determined

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    So exciting! Congrats to you all. :salute: :cdn:
  2. Determined


    Hey again mld  :camo: Congrats on BMQ. Way to f'n go.  :salute:That's AWESOME. You must be so pumped! What are you going in for? I already have an appointment at the end of January with another doctor. I am also on the cancellation list with the current doctor. I usually have a plan a, b and...
  3. Determined

    Venting, where?

    Hey..Happy Holidays to you too!  :snowman: Thanks for the suggestion. I did walk away from the computer right after posting this. LOL No one was being overly aggressive. It's a topic I have encountered twice this month. Once was not related to this forum, and the second time was, but same...
  4. Determined

    Venting, where?

    Thanks for the suggestion  :)  :salute: Merry Christmas :snowman:
  5. Determined

    Venting, where?

    If I want to vent on this forum about something that happened on the board, or off the board, where do I do it? Can I do it? I will not mention any names of who I am venting about, or specific posts, but I would like feedback on something. ??? Thanks.
  6. Determined

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I wish there was a like button in here like facebook. I liked your reasons for wanting to join. Bravo. RMC is very competitive. I mean the whole process to join is but moreso RMC or ROTP. I was told over 5000 applicants in one year. Best of Luck to you. Keep at it. Maintain the aim!
  7. Determined

    DEO 2013 financial year

    Hi Secondchance, I just wanted to share my fitness regime, and had a few questions. Thanks for sharing those websites by the way. I have been reviewing the push ups one and I like it. Mind you, I'm not sure I could implement the plan right now. My personal trainer (PT) says I can do the push...
  8. Determined


    I know there are many in their 40's, country wide, that are applying, re-applying, etc It's just nice to actually connect, talk to someone, and hear their story from the inside. It sounds harder doing it with all the other responsibilities and obligations of family life, ect but more motivation...
  9. Determined

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    So, as a newbie, I am curious as to why when a new recruit, not even out of BMQ yet, requests VR, is not educated on their options according to their personal issue that has them requesting VR. Special leave, etc. It sounds like it's hard to keep up with what the rules, and regulations, are...
  10. Determined


    I want where you are!  ;D Congrats by the way.  Good on you. Very inspiring to hear from someone my age group. What trade? First time in? How is the physical in BMQ? Did you physically train prior? How's the mental? lol How much longer do you have? Awesome to know about the youngins once...
  11. Determined


    I laughed at the cry babies comment. I still have my physical obstacles to overcome and could be in better shape but I am in the best shape I have ever been. I will, and am, fit by forty with some fine tuning. Physical fitness is a lifetime journey. It's never over. I laugh at those who think...
  12. Determined

    Some people get it; some people don't

    I am still in the application process but I do believe it's up to us to educate on many levels. Regardless of being in the CF. I have found that many don't understand cos they can't relate As human beings most times we are unable to say much because we have to relate first or somehow...
  13. Determined


    Thank you AGB.  It's nice to be able to share my story here. It's helping me to look passed the discouraged feeling alittle. Wow, four years in the process. I hear some of those stories and they are truly inspiring. Especially once sworn in. Those happy endings get me excited!  :D  The...
  14. Determined


    Why did you say ask myself "Am I right for the Army?" At first I did, and the top of the head response was... I am strong, mentally and physically, determined, dedicated... then I wondered what is 'right for the Army?" I would have no idea since I've never been in the Army. When I have shared...
  15. Determined

    Should I stay or should I go?

    From what I have read, in other posts, is a lot of people who leave the CF and go to civie jobs want back in to the CF shortly there after. Find it hard to hold civie jobs. Sounds like you like being in the CF when on course, but not when on course. Regardless if it's better or money or not...
  16. Determined


    I don't know where to start. I am a bit reluctant to share but at the same time feel I need to. Maybe hopefully connect with like minded people. I feel so isolated at times it's crazy. I applied in April 2012. I used to be 450lbs. Residing at 190lbs. I've quite smoking cigs, weed, drinking...
  17. Determined

    My story, as it is today

    Glad to hear you will be re applying. If it's what you feel you need and want and desire it with all your being. Do it. Keep doing it.
  18. Determined

    Re-opening application

    Gives hope to those of us still wrestling with the process, and red tape. Congrats. I hope you feel awesome about it. It's been one heck of a journey for you. I just hope it doesn't take me years though May next year will be a year since I first applied. Keep up the physical fitness. Not like...