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  1. Hotspur

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Just got the phone call, I'm confirmed for a meeting next wednesday in from of a panel of higher up Officers.  If I understand the process correctly they will ask me a series of questions, I will do my very best to answer and not make a dunce of myself in the process.  If I manage that...
  2. Hotspur

    CDS stepping down!

    He does paint a mental picture doesn't he lol
  3. Hotspur

    CDS stepping down!

    I admire Hillier's ability to rise above the pre-determined bounds of the CDS position and really craft a public media persona that helped him get his message out to the people of Canada even when politicians were not eager for the public to hear what the General had to say.  I think his...
  4. Hotspur

    Food Price Crisis and Afghanistan

    I was just watching the news on CBC and saw a report on skyrocketing food prices worldwide, how rice had gone up 30% and was expected to keep climing in the coming months.  The report mentioned afghanistan as one of the countries that may be hardest hit by this crisis. Things are already...
  5. Hotspur

    UK Sun Article: A Canadian Heroes Welcome

    It's always interesting to see things from the perspective of other nations, especially Britain, since much of our culture and traditions derived from theirs.  I don't know how often I hear that Canadians don't have an identity or pride in their nation, it's nice to see patriotism recognized...
  6. Hotspur

    Best Prime Minister

    Answering the original question, my answer would have to be Trudeau, it doesn't mean I agree with it but I really cannot see anyone else of those four being remembered much at all in 2107.  Although Harper has yet to win a majority, so he may yet have some spark in him to endear himself to...
  7. Hotspur

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Well I just got back from my initial interview with the Argylls and I think it went very well. The interview answered a lot of my questions and I think I aquited myself well :) though only my interviewer can say for certain.  High note of the evening was that the meeting was conducted in the...
  8. Hotspur

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Well, I was put in touch with the Adjutant (thanks to those of you who helped me with that), and I'll be coming by this wednesday for an interview.  I'm really looking forward to it, I guess I'll update this thread again once that meeting is over, thanks again for everyone's help so far getting...
  9. Hotspur

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Nope, won't be coming in this week, and likely not next week either.  I finally got ahold of them and it seems the unit recruiter (or whoever usually ferries around the new folk on open houses) is going away for training the next few weeks.  He said he'd be passing off his phone to .. someone, i...
  10. Hotspur

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Well, straight to answering machine both times I've attempted to contact the unit recruiter for the Argylls, I left a message but I suspect getting back to me may take a bit.  So hopefully I'll have something arranged to attend next weeks open house since this wednesday looks out now.  At least...
  11. Hotspur

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Just for clarifications sake, does that mean I should wear a suit? or just to make sure to not dress in any inappropriate manner. and to 'Lumber' I grew up in west Hamilton, later on I will drop you a personal message answering your question, but I try not to post too many details on open...
  12. Hotspur

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Yes I have considered the option of regular forces after my degree.  And that still may be in the cards, I just think pursuing my entry to the forces through the Reserves is the right thing for me at the moment. I've really grown to love it here in Hamilton (a lot of people in Hamilton grow up...
  13. Hotspur

    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    Well, I've been sitting back and reading on this website for a week or so now, carefully avoiding asking many simple questions that pop to mind and instead using the often neglected 'search' function.  I thought then that my first post would belong here, as a personal story, so I can post about...