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  1. B

    "'Worst parking job' victim given car"

    wow, how do you some people get there licenses.. :blotto: but it's nice of the company to toss him a brand new car.
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    Push up technique

    i get that problem too, my elbows cracking, when i do them ?  i'm not worried, but in a week from today i have my pt test.  i think now im either screwed and fuck up, or i'll pass with flying colours.
  3. B

    Lt Justin Garrett Boyes: KIA 28 Oct 09

    rip :salute: :cdn:
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    Realistic expectations

    So how did it go for you nocashbob? i was wondering too, how at fully grown 5'6" do you weigh a tiny 120 must be all skin and bones.  I am 5'4" or 5" (don't remember) and weigh 170ish and i don't consider myself fat...
  5. B

    Validitiy of being a reservist...

    or maybe the army just payed less ? that was to ajp for the record, didn't see the second page
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    Transgender in the CF (merged)

    ah, i would just find that weierd, seeing a guy with breasts. The same would be said for girls living with a girl with a penis.... aha ???
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    Transgender in the CF (merged)

    but If they where transgender wouldn't they be both ?  or am i getting mixed up here?
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    Transgender in the CF (merged)

    where would they stay/ sleep/ shower?  with the males, or females?  not trying to be funny.  Legit question...
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    Where is the BIQ?

    oh lovely  ::)
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    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    If you think your in trouble for doing it once in college...    i hate to think about whats going to happin to the kid who sits beside me in my english class!  We are both doing the miltary co-op, i'm preety sure this kid has gone through 10 differnt hard drugs (no joke) last week he got...
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    Punks Taunt Multiple Amputee

    i second this idea ( or 4th it ?) aha
  12. B

    French troops were killed after Italy hushed up ‘bribes’ to Taleban

    I do not have the link right now. But i was reading this in history class.  It said somewhere that the defence minister is planing to sue the times... Ill look for the link...
  13. B

    A&W Papa Burgers: The choice of Griffon pilots everywhere

    How exactly would the crew see the sign from the air...? aha
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    6-year-old boy floats away in balloon

    if he made it out alright...
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    Sports while in the Canadian Forces...

    There is a big differnce in those two sports. If im not mistaken mauy thai is similar to boxing, and the idea is too beat in the other persons face in.  While tae kwon doe is the art of self defence you learn how to defend your self. ( it is martial arts so obv some offensive)
  16. B

    CAN Officer Returns to AFG With Artificial Leg

    no biggie wildman. We all make mistakes.. I guess i should apoligize for so hastily attacking you. :)
  17. B

    Sports while in the Canadian Forces...

    well, i'm not in the cf. But i don't see that it would be that much of a problem as long as it's on your own time...