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Search results

  1. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    Patrolman, are your course dates are 16th July - 31 Aug (typo I think). Those are the same dates three of us got in Esquimalt, I guess I will see you there or are you getting a by-pass. It seems by the documentation that this is going to almost be a 50/50 split between ROTP & CEOTP so there...
  2. HalfmyLife

    The Canadian Navy, Is it in a state of decline?

    Here is a topic that I have been thinking about for awhile, is the Canadian Navy in a state of Decline. I believe that yes as it stands right now and for the near future that it may well be, I will list the reasons why 1) While they are planning to acquire the JSS, this will not be built at...
  3. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    Congrats patrolman, the only way you are getting out of IAP is if you have your PLQ or in your case ISCC, (I know, they probably changed the name) :salute: :army: :salute:
  4. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    no no no, as of the 14th of June I will have been in halfmylife. I have a nice little counter at work (pretty funny actually). I have no idea when the courses are run, all I am trying to do is get this bottle of wine open!!!
  5. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    As Disenchanted already mentioned, yes I did get a msg and I am excited and nervous at the sametime. Looking forward to meeting you all at St Jean for IAP/BOTP. Cheers Halfmylife (which occurs on the 14th of June)
  6. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    Well if the table was updated today, here is probably what will happen. 1. someone looks over the msg's and then updates the table's 2. someone runs msgs over to the comm centre, hopefully they use e-mail but you never know 3. someone have to put all those msg's into the system (addn). This...
  7. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    I took a look at the intake plan and the one on the DIN is misleading, what you want to do is take a look at the Borden ftp site under the following link /cfrg/english/intake..................... It's an unclas doc so I am not telling you guys any thing different then you can find out...
  8. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    if I don't get a msg, I will teach another ql3 then another ql3 then another ql3, I think I want to go back to sea!!!!
  9. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    Two are you kidding, I've got five finger on one hand and that should keep us for a little. It would be great to get out and do that. All we need to the f&^$#g Msg first. and when you get yours don't go out to shout too much, you lung's might freeze.
  10. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    Canadian Forces Fleet School Esquimalt, Communication Training Centre. I am an QL3 Instructor.You Avro Arrow, Disinchanted, I already know you
  11. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    My P1 called the career manager today and he said that he finds out when we find out, I got the impression that he hasn't received any and he is expecting some. As I stated in an earlier post that I have only seen one and I have other friends that haven't seen any. Rumour has it that CFRG is...
  12. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    J   No your name wasn't on it and it was for MARS.
  13. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    I saw an offer come through today for someone else, direct transfer under the plan. There should be more offers coming through. if one is out there must be more coming.
  14. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    I noticed that the sip did "explode" and then they reverted back to the 8th of March document. The only reason I found this out was a buddy of mine checked it and then saved it and sent me an offer. Who know's maybe tomorrow for those of us that make it, maybe I see you at BOTP (Bunch of Old...
  15. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    well I have to tell you guys that I do not feel as bad as I did when I left work without any new information, I was starting to think that I wasn't going to get anything. Everybody I talked to said this week and we are only going into Tuesday. Good luck everyone
  16. HalfmyLife

    Anybody know how many ARTY officers they're looking for fy 06/07

    disenchanted, I am pretty sure I know who you and the divo is because I sailed with both of you, if you can figure it out call me at the school (hint hint) ???
  17. HalfmyLife

    Anybody know how many ARTY officers they're looking for fy 06/07

    I applied for Arty for ceotp (as a second choice) and I went looking for the numbers, here is what I found, Arty for CEOPT intake for 06/07 is 10 and it looks like they already have three, this info was dated the 08th of march so it is pretty current
  18. HalfmyLife

    The BHS

    Not one person here has mentioned, Maintenance!!!. Can you get the reserves to fix those bad boys at sea, do they fix the MCDV at sea, do they have the training to fix what they have what would make anyone think that without the ability to maintain/fix the BHS, how are you going to land troops...
  19. HalfmyLife

    Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

    I have been reading your post's and all posts WRT CEOTP with great interest, like you I filed early (late November for myself) and my COC didn't really jump on the band wagon. My file didn't leave esquimalt until the day before the deadline, and now I consider my self lucky. I still haven't...