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Search results

  1. da1root

    Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

    Sorry for the late post; I've been on course/TD/leave and haven't been the best at keeping up with my social media accounts. In this event please note that it'll be the PSO (possibly RPSO) that will review your past and make recommendations.  As Pusser said "a recruiter's job is to get people...
  2. da1root

    General CFRC Questions – Regular Forces

    BMQ Dates: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/education-training/basic-training/recruit-school.html BMQ is not done by occupation; your start date is based on when you are selected for enrollment, right now they're loading individuals on serials 108 &...
  3. da1root

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    Based on where you have stated you are in the process and with it being end July it is highly unlikely that you would goto BMQ in September BMQ Dates: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/education-training/basic-training/recruit-school.html Serials 108...
  4. da1root

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    To your first question an update will be completed, the CAF will always want the most up to date information before enrolling you. As to your second question putting HR isn't an issue; if they're asking questions HR can't answer that should give a managers name.  For example I was actually...
  5. da1root

    Legal Officer Recruiting [Merged]

    If you got an email stating that the occupation is closed until 21/22 it is likely a typo.  The numbers are only released 1 year at a time (i.e the number for 19/20 are being working on); the next FY is 20/21 and the numbers are not released until December 2019 at the earliest (sometimes not...
  6. da1root

    General CFRC Questions – Regular Forces

    The recruiting steps are in the process of changing; at one point in time you had to list up to 3 preferred occupations and then you wrote the CFAT.  It is changing to be that you will write the CFAT; you will be given a list of occupations you qualify for and you can pick up to 3 that you would...
  7. da1root

    Expedited Reserve Enrollment (ERE) process [Merged]

    Please keep in mind with Reserve Recruiting that during the summer most of the recruiters are not at their units or their own homes.  In most cases Reserve Unit Recruiters are sent away to various locations to teach on Basic Training.  This makes it so that they aren't answering their phones...
  8. da1root

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Sorry for the delay in response. I know the poster has now been in contact.  However for the sake of others who might read this, when someone from Borden contacts you, it's CFRG HQ - if the number they've left isn't working or you're not being able  to get in touch with them always revert back...
  9. da1root

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    Without knowing the exact specifics of your file it's hard to make a 100% accurate statement.  But knowing the CFRIMS (Recruiting System); I know there's a "Ready for Competition List" bin and a "Competition List" bin; from the sounds of it you were in the "Ready for Competition List" - although...
  10. da1root

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    CBI 204 https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/compensation-benefits-instructions/chapter-204-pay-policy-officers-ncms.html
  11. da1root

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    You're entitled to your thoughts and feelings; however obviously something in your blog went against the intent of Operation Honour (sidenote: thank you Lumber for calling it "Operation Honour" - to CaptainCookieMonster, Operation Honour is not short formed to "Op").  I have been a member of...
  12. da1root

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    It varies - before you're placed on the competition list your security check needs to come back, the RMO may need to review your medical. And your file may not move forward while the CAF is processing other "more pertinent" files.  When I say more pertinent this is based on the needs of the CAF...
  13. da1root

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    I asked around today; it stands for "Family Doctor Letter"; not an approved acronym and not all CFRC's use it, but apparently some do.
  14. da1root

    Questions about joining the Reserves

    Good Day, PRes Units are in charge of their own recruiting and training, you should reach out to the Reserve Unit you wish to join and ask your query to them as they'll have the information that you're seeking.
  15. da1root

    How long to wait for recruiting appointments? [Merged]

    You are 1 of approximately 30,000 files between application and the competition list, this is on top of the approx 12,000 files that make it to enrollment (this includes PRes & Reg Force). To put a number to that, your file represents approx 0.002% of the individuals currently in the system...
  16. da1root

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I (a recruiter) concur with mariomike's post.  Honestly the individual interviewing you has the best knowledge of your file.
  17. da1root

    Restarting / Reapplying to the CAF [Merged]

    Rule #1 - Always be honest It is highly likely your previous file will be reviewed during the process; so it is best to state that you used to have an allergy to shellfish and it's no longer an issue.  If I were you I'd have a letter from a Family Doctor backing this up prior to starting your...
  18. da1root

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    Reviewing the history of a brand new citizen is harder than reviewing the history of a citizen that has been in Canada 10 years, 20 years or their entire life. In regards to sharing your information with Canada Immigration & Citizenship; you gave them that information for your Immigration; not...
  19. da1root

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    Each file is different and without knowing your medical and personal background it's impossible to state how lone the medical/physical and background checks can take.  Quickest I've seen is 2 months, longest I've seen is much longer than that. The pre-sec will depend on where you are a dual...
  20. da1root

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    Please keep in mind that the CAF does not do the security / finance checks for those coming into the CAF; it's done by a 3rd party company. So the "internal issues" would be with the company. And yes it's a known issue that was being looked into, the volume of applicants that the CAF receives...